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Ejemplos de cartas para enviar a las escuelas

Durante el proceso de inscripción

Carta de recomendación.-

Como parte del proceso de inscripción, algunas escuelas solicitan una carta de recomendación escrita por alguien de tu ambiente académico o profesional. Los candidatos más adecuados para hacer observaciones objetivas que reflejan tu éxito académico y profesional, además de tu personalidad, suelen ser tus profesores o jefes de trabajo. La carta de recomendación debe escribirse en papel de carta normal y tener de una a dos páginas de extensión.

Ejemplo de carta:

DISCO University
15 West 44th Street
New York, New York 10036
April 30, 2020

Dear Sir or Madam,

It is with great pleasure that I recommend Ms. Ana Sánchez to attend your English program. For three years, Ms. Sánchez was a student in my English grammar and conversation class.

Ms. Sánchez was an outstanding student. Her interest to learn the English language allowed her to develop her English skills and earn high scores on the exams. She was always enthusiastic about discussing various subjects pertaining to foreign cultures and voicing her opinions about current events.

Ms. Sánchez was an active member of the International Exchange & Culture Club. She took on leadership roles by organizing events and challenged her fellow students by raising interesting questions and making intelligent comments. Ms. Sánchez was an impressive student, always active in events and curious about her projects.

She hopes to develop and improve her English skills at your school in order to prepare herself to attend college in the United States. I am confident she is qualified to attend your program and will succeed in her English studies. It is without reservation that I wholeheartedly recommend Ms. Ana Sánchez to attend your reputable program.

Yours Sincerely,

Francisco Pérez

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