Study Abroad Platform for International Students
Choose the Best Program for You

A successful experience studying abroad is the result of good preparation.

Judge for Yourself



In order to find the right program, educate yourself about various study options. When you search for "Study Abroad" you are likely to find a lot of information. When you do your research, you should remember that the information you find is only the beginning of the search process. You may think that with so much information available, finding the right program on your own requires too much time and effort. The important thing is to be able to find information easily that is both dependable and accurate. At ApplyESL, you can find many study abroad options. You can search for programs using a wide variety of factors that are important to you. Furthermore, you will be able to choose a school based on information listed in your own native language. At ApplyESL you can go to the school’s webpage directly from each profile so that you can make the best choice. Better yet, if you have a question, you can ask someone at your favorite school to help you. School profiles may have translated e-brochures or student testimonials to inform your decision. While considering your options, you may also want to consider attending a study abroad fair, either in-person or virtually. Another option may be enlisting the assistance of a study abroad agent in your country. So long as you know your purpose to study abroad, consulting with a study abroad counselor may better help you decide which school and program to choose.

  • Finally, and most importantly, use your own judgment and decide for yourself the best path to success. This will help you have a rewarding and fulfilling study abroad experience.

The Role of Study Abroad Agents



Through their ongoing efforts, study abroad agents broaden the mindsets of their communities and improve their countries by exposing students to cultures other than their own. For years, agents provided students with the opportunity to experience life overseas. Agents continue to play a significant role in the study abroad community by offering students useful advising sessions and helping them prepare to attend academic programs overseas. Agents can be especially helpful for students uncomfortable with the paperwork and language barriers they will encounter when applying.
Operating as a for-profit business, agents generally offer their services to students by establishing business relationships with schools overseas. Depending on the specific business arrangements, agents receive a pre-determined commission fee for each student they send to the school. With certain schools offering higher commission rates, agents are inclined to send students to these schools to increase revenue.

  • In light of these facts, it is essential that students decide on their own which program will be best for them, and not immediately accept an agent’s recommendation. Students should remember they will always determine their own fate.

Visualize Your Study Abroad Experience



Deciding your academic future is a personal journey. Similar to the most important decisions you make in your lifetime, your academic future must first begin from the core of your imagination. In your mind, visualize your ideal study abroad experience and imagine your best scenario. With a world full of educational opportunities, it is essential to use a critical eye to select a program that includes what you visualize in your mind. Each college, university, and language school has its own character, strengths, and qualities. With your ideal experience in mind, you should select the program best suited to your needs. For example, there are multiple types of language programs available, including university-governed intensive English programs and private language school programs. University-governed programs are located on college or university campuses and offer both casual English studies and rigorous academic preparation. Students can study in an academic environment and experience campus life, living with other students. Focused on improving reading, writing, and listening skills, university-governed programs may be a good choice for students interested in pursuing a degree in an undergraduate or graduate degree program. Private language schools may offer different learning opportunities for students. These schools may be located in urban, suburban, or rural environments, within cities, or on college campuses. The curriculum may focus on improving practical or academic English skills depending on your preference. Providing various English conversation and business classes, private language schools may offer a varied curriculum and a unique learning experience.

  • A successful time studying abroad is the result of good preparation starting from the very moment you decide to begin that journey. Be positive, rely on yourself, and listen carefully to your inner critic when selecting a program. After all, you are making a big decision to determine your future success!
Think About These Program Characteristics
  • Location
  • Type of ESL School
  • Size of School
  • Curriculum and Quality of Program
  • Length and Starting Date
  • Enrollment Requirements
  • Tuition Fees and Additional Expenses
  • Housing Options
  • Support of International Students
  • Academic Advisor

Educational Organizations Around the World

  • CEA
    The Commission on English Language Program Accreditation, recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education
    A consortium of university and college Intensive English Programs in the United States
  • EnglishUSA
    A consortium of public and private English language schools in the United States
  • Languages Canada
    A consortium of more than 200 English language schools in Canada
  • English UK
    A National Organization of Accredited British English schools
    An international organization for educational and cultural relations established by the British government