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ELS Language Centers, La Verne

University of La Verne [La Verne, California]


  • Más de 600 universidades de los Estados Unidos aceptan la Certificación de Inglés ELS, en lugar del TOEFL.
  • Los estudiantes pueden disfrutar de la excitante ciudad de Los Ángeles y destinos cercanos como Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Universal Studios, Disneylandia, centros comerciales y hermosas playas.
  • Disfruta viviendo en la ciudad pequeña y segura de La Verne, una comunidad residencial que provee a los estudiantes con una atmósfera amigable de ciudad pequeña y un lugar de estudio ideal.
  • Información
    • Acerca de Escuelas de Inglés (ESL)
    • Información relevante
    • Afiliación : Privada
      Fundación : 1961
      Miembro de / Credenciales : EnglishUSA / ACCET
      Número de estudiantes : 125
      Media de estudiantes por clase : 12
      Servicio recogida en aeropuerto :
      Tasas : Medio
      Tipo de comunidad : Alrededores ciudad
      Transporte Consideraciones : Autobús, taxi
    • Mensaje de la escuela
    • La Verne is a lovely, safe and small city with a population of 31,000 located just 55 kilometers east of Los Angeles, and near Pasadena and Orange County. The University of La Verne is located at the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and surrounds downtown La Verne, a residential community that provides students with a friendly small-town atmosphere and an ideal study location. La Verne is a short excursion away from world-class surfing beaches like Huntington Beach, and world-famous tourist attractions like Disneyland and Universal Studios. The location of the center makes visits to renowned museums, cultural events, amusement parks and shopping centers easy. We look forward to receiving your application from!
      Ms. Mackenzie Bristow
      Center Director
      University of La Verne (ELS)
      ELS Language Centers
    • ELS Language Centers
      Central Admissions Office

      400 Alexander Park
      Princeton, NJ  08540  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 609 750 3566
      FAX: +1 609 750 3599
  • Más Detalles
    • Alojamiento
    • Alrededores
    • Acerca de la universidad or colegio
    • Admisión Condicional / Cursos de Crédito
  • Opciones de estudio
    • Inglés con Propósitos Académicos (EAP) (ELS Intensive English Program (IEP))

    • Resumen
    • Información
    • ALUMNOS POR CLASE: 12 - 15 estudiantes
      NIVELES: 12 niveles
      DURACION: 4,8,12,16,20,24 semanas
      EDAD MINIMA: 17 anos
      INFORMACION VISADO: I-20 emitido bajo solicitud
      ALOJAMIENTO: Dormitorios/Residencia en el campus
      Estancia con familias
    • Fechas
      • Escoje Cursos de 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 Semanas Empezando en las Fechas de Inicio
      • 2024/08/19
      • 2024/09/16
      • 2024/10/14
      • 2024/11/11
      • 2024/12/09
    • Costos
      US$ 180
      MATRICULA (2024)
      4 semanas US$ 2,200
      8 semanas US$ 4,400
      12 semanas US$ 6,180
      16 semanas US$ 8,240
      20 semanas US$ 10,300
      24 semanas US$ 11,640
      LONGITUD Familia Residencia / Apartamentos en el campus Residencia fuera del campus
      4-24 semanas US$ 1,400 Per Month US$ 1,900 Per Month N/A
      Servicio recogida en aeropuerto
      US$ 370 (LAX)
    • Comentarios / Otra Información
    • Semi-Intensive English Program

    • Resumen
    • Información
    • ALUMNOS POR CLASE: 12 - 15 estudiantes
      NIVELES: 12 niveles
      DURACION: 4,8,12,16,20,24 semanas
      EDAD MINIMA: 17 anos
      INFORMACION VISADO: I-20 emitido bajo solicitud
      ALOJAMIENTO: Dormitorios/Residencia en el campus
      Estancia con familias
    • Fechas
      • Escoje Cursos de 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 Semanas Empezando en las Fechas de Inicio
      • 2024/08/19
      • 2024/09/16
      • 2024/10/14
      • 2024/11/11
      • 2024/12/09
    • Costos
      US$ 180
      MATRICULA (2024)
      4 semanas US$ 1,700
      8 semanas US$ 3,400
      12 semanas US$ 4,800
      16 semanas US$ 6,400
      20 semanas US$ 8,000
      24 semanas US$ 9,000
      LONGITUD Familia Residencia / Apartamentos en el campus Residencia fuera del campus
      4-24 semanas US$ 1,400 Per Month US$ 1,900 Per Month N/A
      Servicio recogida en aeropuerto
      US$ 370 (LAX)
    • Comentarios / Otra Información
    • Explorador Americano (AEP) (American Explorer)

    • Resumen
    • Información
    • ALUMNOS POR CLASE: 12 - 15 estudiantes
      NIVELES: 12 niveles
      DURACION: 4,8,12 semanas
      EDAD MINIMA: 16 años
      INFORMACION VISADO: No se Requiere Visa de Estudiante
      ALOJAMIENTO: Dormitorios/Residencia en el campus
      Estancia con familias
    • Fechas
      • Escoje Cursos de 4, 8, 12 Semanas Empezando en las Fechas de Inicio
      • 2024/08/19
      • 2024/09/16
      • 2024/10/14
      • 2024/11/11
      • 2024/12/09
    • Costos
      US$ 180
      MATRICULA (2024)
      4 semanas US$ 1,640
      8 semanas US$ 3,280
      12 semanas US$ 4,620
      LONGITUD Familia Residencia / Apartamentos en el campus Residencia fuera del campus
      4-12 semanas US$ 1,400 Per Month US$ 1,900 Per Month N/A
      Servicio recogida en aeropuerto
      US$ 370 (LAX)
    • Comentarios / Otra Información
  • Sitio
    • ESTADOS UNIDOS La Verne, California
    • Sitio
      ELS Language Centers at University of La Verne
      2232 D. Street, Suite #201 La Verne, California  91750  U.S.A.
    • Llegando a Tu Escuela
    • Desde Los Ángeles International Airport:
      ELS, La Verne proporciona transporte al campus de University of La Verne por US $350. En el aeropuerto hay autobuses públicos que llegan al campus en 60-90 minutos.

  • Evaluaciones
    • Calidad Académica: 4.0
      Ambiente de la Escuela: 4.7
      Asistencia del Personal: 4.0
      Actividades y Vida Social: 4.5
      Alojamiento: 4.2


    • Hay 6 evaluaciones de esta escuela
    • Abajo encontrarás evaluaciones adicionales en otros idiomas.

    • Faii
      [ Bangkok, Thailand, Femenino ]
      ELS is the right place
      My name is Faii from Thailand. I was an ELS student in the semi-intensive program. I really did have a great time being a part of ELS family. With abundance of help from all ELS instructors and friendly staff members, it was worthwhile being here. I found ELS programs are greatly enriched with both academic and non-academic activities that encourage students to practice English inside and outside of classroom. Besides learning in class, practicing my speaking skill with the staff members is one of the most enjoyable things for me ever! The advantage of being here is that not only did I enjoy learning American culture, but also the wide range of cultural experiences by getting to know people from many different countries. Above all, I was impressed by the fact that every international student here, despite the diverse in nationalities and cultures, shares the same goal --- the goal of being good at English. Therefore, the most effective way we are all trying our best to do is taking this chance to communicate in English as much as we can. If you dream of learning English in the US, ELS is certainly the right place for you. Definitely, you will not regret being here.

      [ Tokyo, Japan, Masculino ]
      I like the activities at ELS
      Hello! My name is Keita Teramoto but my ELS friends call me Kay. I am currently in level 109 and am looking forward to graduating from level 112 and beginning an MBA program here in the United States. I practice English by speaking with students from other countries and watching American television. I volunteer as a student worker at ELS and I spend every afternoon in the office helping the Staff. Spending time in the office helps me practice English. I like the activities at ELS. The pizza parties and movie nights are especially fun. I can't choose what I like best about La Verne because everything is great! The city is nice and the teachers are very kind.

      [ Shanghai, China, Femenino ]
      I Can Transfer to the MBA Program
      Hi! My name is Fang Geng but my nickname is Fiona. I plan to study here for three to five months until I can transfer to the MBA program at the University of La Verne. I really like the environment at La Verne and I enjoy living in the campus dorms. My favorite part of living in the dorm is all of the cultures that live together. I enjoy socializing at ELS activities such as the pizza parties, movie nights and coffee meetings where I can practice English. I also practice by watching American television and talking with international and domestic students. I spend my time reading and studying in the university library. I think the teachers at ELS are good instructors and I am enjoying my time in La Verne.

      [ Sao Paulo, Brazil, Femenino ]
      So Sad to Leave My Friends and Host Family
      Olá! My name is Raquel and I am from Brazil. I came to ELS with the intention of staying one month but I loved it so much that I stayed for three sessions! It was so easy for me to make friends with the students and staff at ELS because everyone is so friendly! I am leaving ELS after finishing Level 110. Although I am happy to go home and see my family in Brazil, I am so sad to leave my new friends and my lovely host family. I enjoyed my time at ELS and loved going to the movie nights, Conversation Cafe and parties. The Halloween party was my favorite activity. I really loved the atmosphere at ELS and on the University of La Verne's campus and I am thankful for the opportunity to interact with different cultures.

      [ Quito, Ecuador, Masculino ]
      Hello, my name is Lenin Castillo Yagual and I am 24 years old. I came to ELS from Ecuador. I started at level 105 and am happy to complete level 108. Although I am sad to leave my American friends at ELS, I am happy to return home before I enter a Masters program in Germany. I have enjoyed ELS and am happy I chose this school. The teachers and staff are great! They make studying English fun and they plan fun activities. I have especially enjoyed the movie nights in the ELS backyard and I never miss Conversation Cafe. Everyone at ELS has been great! My host family is very kind. I am very satisfied with my time at ELS.

      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Masculino ]
      Many Opportunities to Practice English
      Hi. My name is Saud. I have been at ELS for two sessions and I am very happy here. I like the location of the school. There are many things nearby. I like natural views and La Verne has a lot of them. I have many opportunities to practice English here. I like to practice English with my classmates and my host family.
  • Video

Estudiantes Quienes Vieron Esta Escuela También Vieron

About es una plataforma de Búsqueda de Escuela y Aplicación para estudiantes interesados en estudiar en el exterior. Nosotros asistimos a los estudiantes que desean alcanzar sus metras personales mediante la experiencia de estudio en el exterior. Sin importar tu nivel de Inglés, aplicar es más fácil cuando entiendes el proceso paso a paso. Ahora puedes aplicar sin necesidad de un agente. Desde la preparación de la aplicación podrás entender uno de los factores claves para el estudio en el exterior: "Hazlo-Tu-Mismo". ApplyESL fue fundado con base en la idea de que con el soporte adecuado, los estudiantes pueden crecer desde el momento en que deciden estudiar en el exterior.
