Study Abroad Platform for International Students

University of Illinois at Chicago

Tutorium in Intensive English [Chicago, Illinois]


  • Paths to progress to an undergraduate or graduate degree at UIC
  • Dedicated professionals provide high-quality instruction and guidance on your continuing education
  • A highly accredited program at the University of Illinois Chicago, the #1 public research university in the state!
  • Information
    • About the ESL Program
    • Fast Facts
    • Affiliation : Public University
      Establishment : 1978
      Membership/Accreditation : UCIEP, EnglishUSA / CEA
      Enrollment : 75-125
      Average Class Size : 12-15
      Airport Pickup : Student Arranged
      Tuition : Medium
      Community Type : Urban
      Transportation : Bus, Subway, Train
    • A Message from School
    • Greetings from Chicago!

      Welcome to the Tutorium in Intensive English on We hope that you find the information very useful. The Tutorium, which is part of the University of Illinois at Chicago, is just a few minutes west of downtown Chicago. UIC is a large public university with more than 3,500 international students and scholars. At the Tutorium, we welcome approximately 75-125 students each session from more than twenty countries. Approximately 70% of our students are preparing to enter an American college or university. About half of our students have already attended universities in their home country. Our teachers are dedicated and experienced professionals with Masters Degrees in Teaching English or Applied Linguistics, teaching experience and the cross cultural experience of living and traveling abroad. Our student-centered classes are small, averaging 12-15 students, and our computer facilities are excellent and the excellent personal attention of well-developed English language programs and services. The Tutorium offers students the advantages of the big city of Chicago, the benefits of a large and exciting urban university, and the excellent personal attention of a well-developed Intensive English Program. We would love for you to join us.

      Jason Romano, Director
      The Tutorium Team at the University of Illinois at Chicago
    • Tutorium in Intensive English
      University of Illinois, Chicago

      Mail Code 324 1333 South Halsted St., Room 260
      Chicago, Illinois  60607  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (312) 996-8098
      FAX: +1 (312) 996-4394
  • More Details
    • Housing
    • Surrounding Area
    • About the College/University
    • Conditional Admission / Credit Courses
  • Study Options
    • Intensive English Program

    • Overview
    • Data
    • CLASS SIZE: 12 - 15 students
      CLASS LEVELS: 5 levels
      COURSE LENGTH: 16w (8w Mid-term)
      MINIMUM AGE: 17 years old
      REQUIREMENT: High School Diploma
      VISA INFORMATION: I-20 issued upon request
      HOUSING: Homestay

    • Dates
    • 2025
      8 WEEKS:
      3/10 - 5/1
      Apply by 1/27

      16 WEEKS:
      1/13 - 5/1
      Apply by 12/2

    • Costs
      US$ 175
      TUITION FEE (2024)
      16 WEEKS US $6,800
      US$ 200 (Homestay only)
      8 WEEKS US$ 660-850 (4 weeks) US$ 2,100-3,800 N/A
      16 WEEKS US$ 660-850 (4 weeks) US$ 3,850-5,700 N/A
      Airport Pickup Service
      Health Insurance
      US$ 550
    • Remarks / Other Information
    • Chicago, Culture and Communication

    • Overview
    • Data
    • CLASS SIZE: 8 - 16 students
      CLASS LEVELS: Low Intermediate to High Intermediate
      COURSE LENGTH: 3 weeks
      MINIMUM AGE: 17 years old
      REQUIREMENT: High School Diploma
      VISA INFORMATION: No Student Visa Required
      HOUSING: Dormitory/On-Campus Apartment
    • Dates
    • 2025
      3 WEEKS:
      7/7 - 7/24
      Apply by 6/6

    • Costs
      US$ 0
      TUITION FEE (2024)
      3 WEEKS US$ 1,375
      US$ 200 (Homestay only)
      3 WEEKS US$ 660-850(4 weeks) US$ 950 N/A
      Airport Pickup Service
      US$ 100
    • Remarks / Other Information
  • Location
    • United States Chicago, Illinois
    • Location
      Tutorium in Intensive English
      University of Illinois, Chicago

      Mail Code 324 1333 South Halsted St., Room 260 Chicago, Illinois  60607  U.S.A.
    • Getting To Your School
    • From Chicago O’Hare International Airport:
      It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transportation from the airport to campus. Taxis are available from the airport that will cost approximately US$50 and arrive on campus in approximately 45 minutes. The Blue line train runs from O'hare International Airport to the UIC Campus.

      From Chicago Midway Airport:
      It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transportation from the airport to campus. Taxis are available from the airport that will cost approximately US$20 and arrive on campus in approximately 20 minutes.The Orange line train runs from Midway Airport to the #8 bus on Halsted.The UIC East Campus is located on Halsted, as well as the Tutorium's main office.
  • Student Reviews
    • Academic Quality: 4.4
      School Environment: 4.2
      Helpfulness of Staff: 4.4
      Activities and Social Life: 3.5
      Accommodation: 4.3


    • There are 34 reviews for this school

    • 學生
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, Age 24, Female ]
      16 of 19 people found the following review helpful.
      Studying at UIC
      If you want to improve your English speaking skills, you must come to UIC. We spoke every day in discussions groups. You will be able to talk to people from many different countries. The teaching style is interesting which encouraged me to go to school every day. Every tutorium teacher is happy to help you with everything.
      You can also improve your reading and writing skills as well. UIC is a really nice school!
      Was this review helpful to you?Yes No 

      [ Taoyuan, Taiwan, Age 28, Male ]
      12 of 16 people found the following review helpful.
      Good to be There
      After 2 semesters ESL program, I began to feel more comfortable speaking English. In the meantime, I met many friends from different countries. No matter good or bad, it's a precious memory that I'll keep forever. In conclusion, it's good to be there.
      Was this review helpful to you?Yes No 

      [ Pereira, Colombia, Age 36, Male ]
      6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
      A Unique Experience in My Life
      My experience at UIC was one of the most important things that I have done in my life because, not only did I learn English, I learned about different cultures, a beautiful city, wonderful people, excellent teachers and many other things.

      In conclusion, the time that I spent at UIC has been the best years of my life.
      Was this review helpful to you?Yes No 

      [ Seoul, South Korea, Age 24, Female ]
      5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
      About ESL Class in UIC
      I took classes during two semesters in UIC ESL course.
      The quality of class depended upon teachers, but all of my teachers were good to me. They gave me a lot of homework, but it was not bad for learning English. They tried to give me lots of feedback and inspiration for studying English. I heard that the UIC ESL course is the best in Chicago, and I totally agree with that.
      UIC is very close to downtown, so it's very convenient and the facilities at the school are good. There were several field trips. Through the field trip, I could make new friends and I could know good places in Chicago. For example I visited the Board of Trade in Chicago, one of the famous places, with schoolmates.
      The UIC dormitory for international students has a kitchen, so it's good and the dormitory is located on West campus and classes are on East campus, so a little bit far. But there is a school shuttle bus, so commuting is not bad.
      Was this review helpful to you?Yes No 

      [ ShinChu, Taiwan, Age 34, Male ]

    • Below you will find additional reviews in other languages.

    • 田振辉
      [ 河北, 中国, Age 41, Male ]
      2 of 5 people found the following review helpful.

      [ 台北市, 台灣, Age 32, Female ]
      5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.

      [ 台中, 台灣, Age 23, Female ]
      6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.

      [ 桃園, 台灣, Age 25, Female ]
      2 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
      It's Practical and Fun!

      [ 台中市, 台灣, Age 28, Male ]
      5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
      芝加哥的夏天 超棒

      Jonghyun Son
      [ Hoein, South Korea, Age 22, Male ]
      3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
      it is useful for us to learn English at the uic
      It is useful for us to learn English at the uic!

      [ 시카고, 미국, Age 24, Male ]
      3 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
      시카고에서 양질의 어학코스입니다.
      이외의 어학과정을 들은 경험이 있었는데 상대적으로 좋았습니다.

      [ 충주, 대한민국 ]
      8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
      기숙사는 너무 비싸니까 따로 렌트 알아보시는게 좋구요.

      일단 수업의 질은 굉장히 아카데믹해요. 첨엔 좀 빡데사 싶을 정도로 숙제도 많지만 결국엔 다 나한테 도움되는 거니까요. 또 외국나오면 숙제 없이는 공부 안하게 되잖아요.

      오전에는 Reading$wrting 오후에는 Listening$Speaking 으로 이루어져있습니다.

      대학을 바라보는 사람들이 많아서 다들 열심히 해요. 읽기나 쓰기 능력에는 정말 도움이 많이 되는 과정입니다. 에쎄이 쓸때마다 일일히 첨삭 해줍니다.

      그런데 오후 Speaking 시간에는 별루 말을 많이 안시켜요.
      그냥 친구들끼리 조별로 대화하기나 선생님 혼자 엄청 말하시는데 왜냐하면 시켜야 할 과제가 되게 많거든요 선생입장에선.

      그냥 대화하는거에 집중하시고 싶으시거나 외국 친구들이랑 시카고를 구경하며 놀러 다니고 싶으시면 그냥 사설 어학원을 추천해드리지만요 정말 대학교 목표로 오시는 거면 TIE 정말 추천해요. 근데 다른 학교에 비해서 여기는 컨버세이션 파트너가 봄학기에만 있어요. 것도 공짜도 아닌 돈내야 하고요. 근데 과정은 진짜 좋아요. 끝나고 뷔페 세션 굿바이 파티도 하고요.

      [ seoul, korea, Age 41, Male ]
      3 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
      다른 것을 떠나 교육 내용은 아주 우수합니다.
      특히 강사들이 전부 tesol 전공자로서 qulity가 높은 수업을 진행하고 있습니다.
      다만 건물이 낡았고 수업시간이 저녁 늦게 끝나는 경우도 있습니다.

      [ 서울, 한국, Age 32, Male ]
      2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
      UIC 학교를 2학기를 마치며
      UIC 에서 2004년 여름과 가을 학기 동안 보냈습니다.
      그때의 경험은 지금도 잊을 수 없을 정도로 매우 기억에 남습니다.
      무엇보다도 영어 교육의 질은 매우 높다고 하겠습니다.
      영어를 잘할수 밖에 없을 정도의 교육 시스템은 저에게 매우 유익했습니다.
      다른 여타 학교보다 한차원 더 높은 질의 영어 교육을 받고 싶으시다면 UIC를 선택하라고 후배들에게 추천하고 싶습니다.

      [ Chicago, USA, Age 24, Female ]
      3 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
      대학입학 예정자를 위해 좋은 코스
      시설이나 환경은 수준 이상급이고 무엇보다 lab실을 편히 이용할 수 있었던것이 플러스 요인이였다고 본다. 거의 매주 주기적으로 내준 숙제들과 작문 숙제 등 또한 대학 입학 예정자나 그 이상급을 위한 사람들에게도 체계적으로 영어가 늘수 있는, 그런 좋은 코스라 생각 된다 . 프레젠테이션 기법도 배우고, 실제로 테스트로 응용된점 또한 높이 살만하다. 마지막으로 각 semester 방학때 현지 대학생, 대학원생들과 함께 봉사활동을 경험해볼 수 있는데, 이것은 신청자에 한해 면접을 통해 선발되지만, 선발된 후엔 정말 일주일에 걸쳐 알찬시간을 보낼 수 있다. 내겐 이런 프로그램에 참여할 수 있다는 자체에도 높은 점수를 주고 싶다.

      [ Chicago, USA, Age 28, Male ]
      2 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
      공부하기에는 정말 좋은 환경을 가지고 있습니다. 시카고의 특성상 느낌이 조용하고 학업에 집중할 수 있는 환경입니다. 또한 미국의 대도시 중에 하나로서 도시개발이 잘되어 있어서 도시관광을 하기에 적합합니다. 학교가 다운타운 근처에 위치하여 버스나 전철을 타고 몇분내에 다운타운에 도착할 수 있습니다. 학교 선생님들은 물론 친절하고 학생들에게 대화를 할 수 있는 여건을 많이 만들어 주려고 합니다. 특히, 대학진학을 앞두고 공부하시려면 적극 추천해 드리고 싶습니다.

      [ 부산, 한국, Age 32, Male ]
      강사진의 열정이 느껴지는 곳입니다.
      타학교에 비해서 과제도 많고 수업시간 역시 잘 배분되어 있습니다.

      [ 東京都, 日本, Age 34, Male ]
      6 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
      受けるレベルにもよりますが、Reading/WritingのクラスはEssayの作成と毎日のReading Taskが大変でした。しかし、その分R/Wのスキルはかなり上達します。Speaking/ListeningはR/Wに比べれば内容は簡単ですが、プレゼンテーションなども課されるので、英語を話す度胸が鍛えられます。ニュースを聞き取る訓練もあり、とても効果的なListening練習でした。S/Lクラスでは文法の勉強もありますが、日本人には簡単なレベルだと思います。

      [ 兵庫, 日本, Age 41, Female ]
      8 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
      TOEFLを目指し、大学院に入りたいと思う方にはとてもよい教育だと思う。反面、大学在学中または大学を目指している学生にとっては、特にwriting, readingでは困難に感じると思う。なぜなら、米国では高校までに「米国的なwriting, reading」を徹底的に学習されていることと、日本とは文章の構築の仕方が異なるからである。宿題がほとんど毎日だされるが、これは翌日のクラスの理解を容易にすることである。また、listening, speakingクラスと連動したカリキュラムになっているため、遊びと宿題との時間配分ができるようにした方がよいと思う。教師陣は、「TOEFLでは・・・」ということをよく口にしていたが、高いレベルの教育を目指していると実感した。志が高い学生にとっては、志の高い教師と同じレベルとなり、とてもよい環境になるのではないかと思う。

      [ 京都, 日本, Age 29, Female ]
      2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.

      [ Medellin, Colombia, Age 36 ]
      17 of 22 people found the following review helpful.
      Muy bueno
      La escuela ofrece una experiencia muy importan para avanzar y profundizar even el ingles, yo llego si saber nada y en 11 semanas ya conozco la estructura básica del ingles.

      [ caracas, venezuela, Age 18, Male ]
      5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
      muy buena escuela de verdad quisiera poder cursar mis estudios en esta

      [ Santiago, Chile, Female ]
      3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
      Riendo,compartiendo y aprendiendo
      Definitivamente una experiencia extraordinaria e inolvidable. Profesores comprometidos con la enseñanza y entregando todas las herramientas necesarias para el aprendizaje. Cualquier problema o necesidad , te ayudan de inmediato. El ambiente es lo mejor, finalmente terminas aprendiendo inglés compartiendo y riendo con los nuevos amigos en ru sala de clase y afuera, que por lo demás debo mencionar que Chicago es increíble.

      Xavier Cardenas
      [ Bogota, Colombia, Age 25, Male ]
      1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
      Aprender Ingles no solo es entender el idioma sino conocer la cultura
      El programa es muy bueno por la exigencia academica y por todas las actividades fuera del curso en la que se puede participar de manera gratuita que permiten practicar ingles y conocer de la cultura americana.

      [ 서울, 한국, Age 32, Female ]

      [ 辽宁, 中国, Age 20, Male ]

      [ 彰化縣, Taiwan, Age 27, Male ]

      [ Hofuf, saudi Arabia ]

      [ 台中市, 台灣, Age 27, Male ]

      [ Busan, Korea ]

      [ 서울, 한국, Age 23, Female ]

      Sandra Vargas
      [ Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Age 23, Female ]

      [ Zacatecas, Mexico ]
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