University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
Intensive English Institute (IEI) [Champaign, Illinois]
- カンバセーション・パートナー・プログラムを通じて、授業外で現地の学生と交流できる
- 世界最高の教育機関に認定されている公立大学で学ぶ最高の機会
- フレンドリーな「ツイン」シティ、安全で絵のように美しい大学の町、アーバナシャンペーンでの生活は楽しいこと満載
- 基本情報
- 大学付属英語コースについて
- イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンぺーン校付属の集中英語コース、インテンシブ・イングリッシュ・インスティテュート(Intensive English Institute: IEI)は、1967年の創立。将来の大学進学のための語学準備として、また日常生活で必要とされる英語力の向上をめざし毎年世界各地から数多くの留学生が訪れている。一般英語コースのほかに、進学準備コース、文化的イベントの開催など幅広い分野において国際交流と英語教育を実施している。進学希望者に対する進路相談やアドバイスなども提供している。 クラスでの授業のほかにも文化活動や、イリノイ州の名所への訪問なども積極的に取り入れ楽しみながら学ぶことができる教育環境を提供している。英語コースの学生には学生証が発行され、キャンパス施設の利用も現地学生同様利用することができる。同大学付属英語コースは、提供する語学指導とサービスの質において、一定以上の基準を満たす学校のみによって構成される教育連盟、UCIEP(全米大学集中英語講座連盟)の加盟校である。
- 学校データ
運営 : 公立
設立 : 1967
加盟教育団体/認定団体 : EnglishUSA, UCIEP / CEA
学生数 : 130 - 160
1クラスの平均人数 : 12 - 15
空港出迎えサービス : なし
学費レベル : 低い
立地環境 : 都市部
主な公共交通機関 : バス 電車 - 学校からのメッセージ
- Hello from the University of Illinois!
We are very happy that you are visiting the Intensive English Institute through our profile on The IEI has been in existence for over 30 years, and graduates of our program live all over the world. You can meet some of them if you come to our website. Our Institute offers programs to suit the interests and needs of a variety of students. These programs include academic English for students preparing to attend U.S. universities; American English and culture; business communication; legal English; and ESL teacher training. All of our teachers are highly qualified professionals whose goal is to help their students improve their English as much as possible. Because the IEI is part of the University of Illinois, our students are able to take advantage of all the things that a large research university has to offer -- recreational facilities, entertainment, computer labs, wonderful libraries, on-campus housing – to name just a few. We are located in Champaign-Urbana, a safe and friendly college town only 200 km from Chicago, Indianapolis and St. Louis. We hope to see you soon at the IEI.
The IEI Team
Intensive English Institute (IEI)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - お問合せ先
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Intensive English Institute
507 East Green Street, Suite 401
Champaign, Illinois 61820 U.S.A.TEL: +1 (217) 333-6598
FAX: +1 (217) 265-0158
- 学校詳細
- 滞在施設
- 一般に学生はキャンパス内にある学生寮、又はホームステイ滞在をすることができる。滞在先によっては、空室に限りがあるため、早めの申込みをしよう。学校によっては民間のアパートの情報を提供しているところもあるが、通常は現地にて個人的に契約する必要があるため、希望する場合は学校に直接問い合わせてみよう。
- 学校周辺の環境
- イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンぺーン校はイリノイ州最大の都市、シカゴの南約130マイル(210キロ)、ミズーリ州セントルイスの北東170マイル(270キロ)、そしてモータースポーツで有名なインディアナ州インディアナポリスの西120マイル(190キロ)に位置する中西部の小都市、アーバナ市にある。大学名にともなっているように、キャンパスはアーバナ市とシャンぺーン市の2つの街にまたがって存在する。
工学部はアーバナ市に、その他の法・経済・教育などの学部がシャンペーン市に設置されている。人口はアーバナ市とシャンぺーン市をあわせて約10万人、アーバナ・シャンペーン校は、小さい町ならではのフレンドリーで落ち着いた雰囲気がある。また、生活に必要な様々な施設は充分そろっている。このあたりの気候は1年を通じて変化に富み、住民は季節ごとのアウトドア活動を楽しむことができる。さらに、音楽、スポーツ、エンターテイメントなどのレクリエーション活動にも参加する機会は数多い。 - 大学について
- イリノイ大学アーバナ・シャンペーン校は、アメリカ国内の一流大学に数えられる、総合的な大規模州立大学である。1867年に政府による土地無償供与対象の高等教育機関として認定をうけ設立された。1,470エーカーの広大なキャンパスには200以上もの建造物があり、総学生数は約4万人、そのうち学部学生は2万9,000人、大学院およびプロフェッショナル・スクールの学生は11,000人となっている、また教授および講師陣は4,000人を超える。また900万冊の蔵書を誇る図書館やコンピュータ施設、スポーツ設備や学園生活に必要な諸施設はすべてキャンパスにあり、学生たちは皆充実したアカデミックライフを送っている。大学では150を上回る分野で学部および大学院教育を行っているほか、理論および応用研究を行い、州と国に対する公共サービスも提供している。エンジニアリング関連、社会科学、ビジネス、コンピュータサイエンスなど理系を中心に優れた専門課程を多く抱える。 また学内のほぼ全ての施設は車椅子で利用することができ、障害者を対象とした大学のプログラムやサービスは、世界中でモデルにされている。
- 条件付入学/TOEFLなしの進学/単位取得について
- 条件付大学入学制度なし。
- 提供コース
集中英語コース (Intensive English Program)
- コースについて
- 集中英語コースは1年を通して15週間のコースが2回、8月(秋期)と1月(春期)に開始される。夏期には9週間の短期コースが通常6月に開始される。 学生は1週間に20時間のクラスでのレッスンを受けるほか、コンピュータ、リーディング、視聴覚のラボにも参加することができる。 コースはリーディング、ライティング、スピーキング、リスニングの各分野における総合的な語学力の習得を目的としている。また英語力だけでなくアメリカの文化や歴史を学ぶこともカリキュラムに組み込まれており、様々な文化的イベントや近隣の名所への小旅行なども行われている。
クラスは初級から上級まで6レベルに分かれており、コース初日に受けるクラス分けテストの結果に応じて分野ごとにレベル分けされる。それぞれにおいてきめ細やかな指導を徹底している。上級レベルでは大学進学者向けの準備やビジネス英語、時事英語、コミュニケーションスキルなども用意されている。1クラスの人数は平均10~20人である。 - コースデータ
1クラスの学生数: 10 - 20 名 レベル数: 6 レベル 期間: 9,15 週間 年齢制限: 17 歳 必須条件: 高等学校の卒業 ビザに関する情報: 申請によりI-20を発行 滞在施設: 大学寮又はキャンパス内アパート
ホームステイ - 日程
15 週間: 1/20 - 5/2 出願締切: 12/22 - 費用
- 入学申請料
- US$ 100
- 授業料 (2024 - 2025)
9 週間 US$ 2,800 15 週間 US$ 5,780 - 滞在手配料
- US$ 200; US$ 180 (Homestay)
- 滞在費
滞在期間 ホームステイ 学生寮/
キャンパス内アパートレジデンス (民間寮など) 9 週間 US$ 1,200 US$ 1,288 N/A 15 週間 US$ 2,400 US$ 2,315 - 2,797 N/A - 空港出迎えサービス
- N/A
- 大学施設使用料
- US$ 1,594 (15W); US$ 976 (9W)
- Health Insurance Fee
- US$ 712
- 備考
- 日程と料金は予告無しに改定される場合があります。予めご了承下さい。
- ロケーション
- アメリカ合衆国 イリノイ州アーバナ (Urbana, Illinois)
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Intensive English Institute
507 East Green Street, Suite 401 Champaign, Illinois 61820 U.S.A. - 学校への行き方
- ウィラード空港からの場合:
- 卒業生レビュー
授業・教師陣の質: 4.6 学校環境: 4.4 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 4.6 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 3.9 滞在施設: 4.2 4.4
- 24 件のレビューがあります
- 以下は他の言語によるレビューです
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Taiwan, Republic of China, 25才, 男性 ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Seoul, Republic of Korea ]
AnonymousThank you!
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ 서울, 한국, 38才, 女性 ]
5人中4人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。푸른 잔디와 활기넘치는 교정이 그리워요사계절이 뚜렷하고 시골이면서도 갖출 것은 다 갖춰져 있는 생활여건과 저렴한 주거환경 등이 어학연수를 가기엔 필요충분 조건이 다 구비되어 있다고 생각합니다. 문제는 도시의 번화함과 레져 스포츠를 즐기기엔 다소 무리가 있는 조용함이 있지만, 나름 미식축구장이나 근처에 잘 정비된 공원이 많아서 참된 미국 생활을 누리기엔 부족함이 없어요.
강사진도 모두 친절하고 대학원이상 학력을 구비하고 있으며 대학 부설이다 보니 모든 시설을 이용할 수 있는 장점이 있어요.
다시 한번 가고 싶네요.. 그리운 샴페인 어버나.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Estudiante Anterior
[ Bucaramanga, Colombia, 31才, 男性 ]
10人中10人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。Extraño la Vida en UrbanaUrbana es una ciudad muy practica, comoda, segura y muy agradable. Los profesores son muy buenos y las actividades que hace el iei son super ricas.
Estando ya en la ciudad la vida es muy barata, es muy poco lo que se gasta.
La variedad de restaurantes es excelente.
Es muy barato ir a chicago o St Luis desde urbana y muy cerca.
Realmente se practica el ingles y la pasa uno muy bueno la recomiendo totalmente.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Manh Nguyen
[ Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 男性 ]
19人中16人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。The Friendly Atmosphere at IEII liked the way they work here [at the IEI]. It was practical and efficient. All the teachers were so kind, helpful and thoughtful. During the course, I was trained to master the necessary skills which were very useful for my work in my native country. I had occasion to practice speaking and writing as much as I could. I loved the friendly atmosphere at the U of I and IEI. I had the chance to make friends with a lot of international students coming from various parts of the world. We had a good relationship and worked well together. We often participated in various activities at Convo Table or at the Illini Union. Everyone here had a good way of behavior to others. I think it was the common attitude of a civilized and human society. What also impressed me a lot was the good environment here. It was clean, green and safe. I often spent hours after class and even on weekends walking around the campus and the neighboring area to enjoy looking at everything. Four months of the Spring term at UI was just a short time but it was quite a significant part of my life.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Zeynep Genc
[ Ankara, Turkey, 女性 ]
6人中6人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。I Made the Best Choice by Coming HereI looked at lots of English courses before came to the IEI. However, I can say that I made the best choice by coming here. The IEI is the one of the best. When I came to USA I could not speak English well. It was a really bad situation for me, but when I took the IEI course I learnt so many things. If you want to speak and learn English, you have to learn the culture, and the lifestyle of Americans. Everybody is very friendly, and gentle here. In general, we have lots of opportunities to improve our communication skill without being bored. I was really surprised after the first week of the classes had passed, because I had thought that they might be boring sometimes. However, I immediately changed my mind, because we have lots of fun in the classes. This is the most important difference between other English courses and the IEI. We also have lots of outside activities here. And the teachers are really good at teaching English. They have the patience that we need! Also, they are very creative in planning class activities, and lessons. I am planning to attend a Master degree program at U of I. For that reason, I have to be really good at English. I got self-confidence about my English here. If you have a problem with English, or want to improve your English, the best place to take care of it is - the IEI! I suggest that you come here if you really want to learn English. You will really see the difference!!!
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Manop Kaewmoracharoen
[ Bangkok, Thailand, 男性 ]
3人中2人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。My Life After I Attended the IEIBefore I came study in the IEI, I was afraid to talk with Americans because of my poor English skills. But everything gradually changed and I felt comfortable talking to Americans and other international students after I started studying in the IEI. I learned useful basic skills for both daily life and for higher level classes. I learned how to communicate effectively. I learned basic writing skills. Moreover, I attended other specific classes in the IEI such as English Through Business Communication Class and Images of America in Film and Fiction Class. I learned how to create business letters, to prepare business presentations. For Images of America Class, I learned the American culture. Many good things came to my life after I attended the IEI. Champaign-Urbana (C-U) was another major reason why I chose to study English here. C-U is safe and a good place to live and study. There are many supermarkets, huge bookstores, some shopping areas, and some good restaurants. Moreover, C-U is located in the southwest of Chicago 120 miles. I could go to Chicago in two hours. This gave me many chances to visit Chicago, a really "BIG" city in the USA. I would really like to thank the IEI and everyone in the IEI that gave me a good opportunities to learn English.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Hsuan-Ning Ching
[ Taipei, Taiwan, 女性 ]
4人中2人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。They Care About MeFrom placement test to choosing what classes I like, IEI did their best to put me in the level that was suitable for me. Even though it was hard for me in the beginning, teachers helped me patiently to overcome every difficulty both in school and in my new adopted environment. Because my teachers never hesitated to answer my all questions, I improve a lot, from a person who had difficult reading Toefl articles to a person who can read Time magazine; from a person who didn't really clearly understand daily conversation to a person who can understand a 50 minute lecture now. Also, they offered a lot of resources or held a lot of activities besides regular classes. In every activity, I not only learned English, made new friends, but also had lots of fun. There are always countless interesting activities waiting for me like the Valentine's Day and Halloween parties or game night every week. I appreciate the IEI because even they gave me more than my expectations. They help me make learning English fun this year.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Marta Lopez-Luzzatti Martin
[ Madrid, Spain, 女性 ]
2人中2人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。IEI People Were So KindI will go back to Spain with really great memories of the IEI. At the beginning, I was a little scared because I had never done anything like this in my life. But I had so much fun and I improved my English a lot. From the very first day, the people at the IEI were so kind and helpful; they made me feel very comfortable. That was very important for me because it was hard to leave my home and come here. They understood that and treated me with kindness and sympathy. Also they helped me in whatever I needed, not only with their program but also with life in Urbana-Champaign. They made it easy for everybody. I think the program was great; the teachers were experienced, qualified, patient and respectful with everybody. They were very friendly and they were always ready to help us. I found the classes interesting, useful and a lot of fun. I made some really good friends there. They also prepared extra activities so you can have a lot of fun visiting many different places, doing new things and passing the time with your friends at the IEI. I really liked this Institute and I'm very happy to have been there.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Atef Al-Rashidi
[ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男性 ]
5人中4人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。The Best Time in My LifeIt has been more than three years since I have left my Alma Mater (University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign). I have come to the United States with a dream of getting my PhD. The language was my great obstacle. I remember the frustration on my first day at Urbana-Champaign when I could not order a "pizza", because I came with almost no English. I had chosen IEI among many English institutes just following my "Personal Legend". I did not know that time why I chose it. I had no previous ideas about it, but, maybe, I was lucky. IEI was the gateway to my dream! From the first month in the IEI, I felt the improvement. I realized that my dream was becoming a reality. The IEI program was even more than I expected. It was not limited to teaching English as a language, but from its friendly staff I learned a lot about different cultures. The horizon was expanded to meet different people from different parts of the world whom became my friends. I have stayed in touch with most of them! What I liked the most is the character of the IEI staff, their support, encouragement, hard effort to see their student succeed, and their kind care about their students even after their graduation. As a result of my study in the IEI, I got admission at UIUC and received my Master's degree from its College of Business. Now I am a PhD candidate in Economics at Oklahoma State University. Truly, my time at the IEI was the best time in my life, and I am so honored to have had that chance.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Hwang Jin Lee
[ Pusan, Korea, 男性 ]
4人中3人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。IEI was really helpful to my lifeI got a lot of help from the people of the IEI in many ways. They helped me to understand what I did not know before. At the beginning of the semester, they tried to find the right class which would help me improve my English skills best. During the semester, I improved not only my English but also my knowledge about American culture. The teachers of the IEI helped me whenever I had difficulty understanding what I had learned in class. The classes were not boring but were motivating and made me interested in English. Moreover I was able to make a number of foreign friends. There were many interesting students from various countries who can have fun together at the IEI. While I was having a good time with these students, we became close friends. Before I attended to the IEI, I thought that English was boring and difficult to learn. But now I know that I can have fun when I learn English. I think that the IEI helped me to discover this.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Yumi Obata
[ Yokohama, Japan, 女性 ]
1人中1人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。Urbana-Champaign is a clean, safe and beautiful cityThere are too many reasons why I liked the IEI to write in a paragraph, so let me pick some of them. I liked the IEI very much because of its excellent curriculum. What I learned in classes was practical and useful for my work in Japan as well as for academic preparation. The teachers in the IEI are professional, kind and friendly. I spent a lot of time with my teacher chatting after classes. I also enjoyed the environment of the IEI and U of I. IEI students can use facilities at the U of I such as libraries and IMPE (athletic gym). I went to IMPE to swim in the summer and the Ice Arena to skate in the winter with my classmates. There is "Convo Table" twice a week after class and I could meet a lot of the IEI students from different classes, teachers and American students. It was really a good opportunity to make friends. There are many more fun activities in the IEI.
Urbana-Champaign, the city where the IEI is located, is a clean, safe and beautiful city. It is not very big but has got enough entertainment places such as movie theaters and shopping malls. I often spent my time walking around campus to enjoy the beautiful scenery. I especially like the fall season. It's really amazing! This is too short for me to express my feelings for the IEI, but I hope this helps you to understand why I enjoyed the IEI.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Fabio Manda
[ Rome, Italy, 男性 ]
2人中2人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。IEI is a Great Choice for English!After taking several semesters in the IEI, I have no doubt that IEI is a great choice because of its tradition, prestige, and quality of instruction. Classes are small and never boring, and teachers are very friendly. During my experience at the IEI, I improved my English and learned about life at an American campus. This year I obtained admission to the School of Architecture at UIUC, which was my dream! I am very grateful to the IEI as it helped me improve my English skills and reach my academic goals. Choosing the IEI changes your life! It happened to me!
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Patricia Ferrer
[ Bogota, Colombia, 女性 ]
1人中1人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。Everything Started at IEIAround six years ago, I came to the USA with tons of expectations, illusions, goals, and of course fears that were all worthy because I was following a dream: Learn English to improve my professional career. Coming to USA was a great idea that could have been a happy experience in any place, but coming to Champaign-Urbana and specifically to the IEI made it the best experience and it changed my life; it really did. There are different aspects of it that allow me to say that. One is the city and UIUC, another is the IEI itself and the last one is the people I met. Champaign-Urbana is a city that gives you a friendly sample of what living in USA can be. C-U are two small cities with great restaurants, wonderful theaters with unique shows and plays, good shopping areas, cozy coffee shops, and very efficient transportation systems. Since I got there I knew I was in the right place. UIUC is a University with great programs which usually attract smart and dedicated teachers and students. The university is also known by the great diversity of its students. I met people from so many countries that I never even though I would be able to meet in my entire life. Nowadays, after six years in USA and as a current language teacher, I feel that The Intensive English Institute I is one of the most effective and worthwhile English programs in the country.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
Juliana Bueno
[ Sao Paulo, Brazil, 女性 ]
2人中2人の方が、「このレビューが参考になった」と投票しています。Quality of CoursesWhen I arrived in U.S.A. I didn't know which course I should choose. I had always studied English in Brazil, and I was looking for something different I didn't want just to improve my English skills but also have a good time. After this semester I can affirm that all my goals were reached. since the first day, I met a lot of different people from all around the world! It was a great experience, that I'll never forget. Furthermore, I feel that my English improved a lot. The teachers are extremely dedicated to us and committed to our goals. They are always ready to help, in whatever we need. I have never had better teachers before, and I will always remember their kindness and dedication. But what really impressed me in IEI is their commitment with the quality of their courses. they are always asking for feedback and trying to improve themselves. That is the reason why I can affirm that IEI is a great choice for everybody. So, If you want to improve your English and have a lot of fun, IEI is a choice that you'll never regret.
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ 台灣桃園, 台灣, 32才, 女性 ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Taoyuan, Taiwan, 27才, 女性 ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ 新竹縣, Taiwan, 29才, 男性 ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Seoul, South Korea ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ 서울, 한국 ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ incheon, south korea ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Jizan, Saudi Arabia ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Jizan, Saudi Arabia ]
授業・教師陣の質: 学校環境: 教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 授業外の特別活動(週末等): 滞在施設:
[ Yanbu, ksa, 18才, 男性 ]
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