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University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder)

International English Center (IEC) [Boulder, Colorado]


  • Excelentes instalaciones para el aprendizaje del idioma y Programa de Compañero de Conversación con estudiantes de la universidad.
  • Clima agradable: 300 días al año de luz solar con actividades diferentes para cada una de las cuatro estaciones.
  • Escenario Natural: localizado en la base de las hermosas Montañas Rocosas.
  • Información
    • Sobre el programa de inglés (ESL)
    • Información relevante
    • Afiliación : Pública
      Fundación : 1975
      Miembro de / Credenciales : UCIEP, EnglishUSA / CEA
      Número de estudiantes : 100 - 150
      Media de estudiantes por clase : 13
      Servicio recogida en aeropuerto : No
      Tasas : Medio
      Tipo de comunidad : Alrededores ciudad
      Transporte Consideraciones : Autobús
    • Mensaje de la escuela
    • Welcome to the University of Colorado Boulder! The International English Center (IEC) provides high-quality English language instruction for international students preparing for academic study in the U.S., and professionals seeking to enhance their career opportunities. We are recognized as one of the best English language university programs with proven results. We offer a variety of programs that can help you achieve your academic or professional goals.

      In addition to English instruction, the IEC offers extracurricular activities and events that allow students to explore U.S. culture in a friendly and safe learning environment. Our students regularly engage with members of the University of Colorado Boulder, a top-ranking school both in the U.S. and globally.

      We take pride in helping our students reach their potential. We look forward to meeting you!

      Ruth Moore, Director
      International English Center (IEC)
    • University of Colorado Boulder
      International English Center
      Division of Continuing Education

      1030 13th Street
      Boulder, Colorado  80309-0063  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (303) 492-5547
      FAX: +1 (303) 492-5515
  • Más Detalles
    • Alojamiento
    • Alrededores
    • Acerca de la universidad or colegio
    • Admisión Condicional / Cursos de Crédito
  • Opciones de estudio
    • Programa Intensivo de Ingles (Intensive English, Pathway to CU, Legal English Program)

    • Resumen
    • Información
    • ALUMNOS POR CLASE: 12 - 15 estudiantes
      NIVELES: 8 niveles
      DURACION: 4,8,16,24,32,40 semanas
      EDAD MINIMA: 18 anos de edad
      INFORMACION VISADO: I-20 tramitado bajo solicitud
      ALOJAMIENTO: Residencias o apartamentos universitarios
      Residencia fuera del campus
    • Fechas
    • 2024
      8 semanas:
      8/21 - 10/1610/17 - 12/19

      8 semanas:
      1/8 - 3/53/6 - 5/8

    • Costos
      US$ 125
      MATRICULA (2024 - 2025)
      4 semanas US$ 2,024
      8 semanas US$ 3,780
      16 semanas US$ 7,560
      24 semanas US$ 11,340
      32 semanas US$ 15,120
      40 semanas US$ 18,900
      US$ 300 (On-Campus Apartments)
      LONGITUD Familia Residencia / Apartamentos en el campus Residencia fuera del campus
      4 semanas N/A US$ 1,850 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      8 semanas N/A US$ 3,700 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      16 semanas N/A US$ 7,400 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      24 semanas N/A US$ 11,100 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      32 semanas N/A US$ 14,800 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      40 semanas N/A US$ 18,500 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      Servicio recogida en aeropuerto
      Student Arranged - Contact School for Options
    • Comentarios / Otra Información
  • Sitio
    • ESTADOS UNIDOS Boulder, Colorado
    • Sitio
      University of Colorado Boulder
      International English Center
      Division of Continuing Education

      1030 13th Street Boulder, Colorado  80309-0063  U.S.A.
    • Llegando a Tu Escuela
    • Desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Denver :
      Es responsabilidad de los estudiantes buscar el medio de transporte necesario para llegar al campus. Los estudiantes también pueden coger un taxi que les costará aproximadamente US$100 y llegarán al campus en un 1 hora. Otro medio de llegar al campus es el autobús pero hay que tener en cuenta que no hay servicios a todas horas.
  • Evaluaciones
    • Calidad Académica: 4.6
      Ambiente de la Escuela: 4.4
      Asistencia del Personal: 4.5
      Actividades y Vida Social: 4.3
      Alojamiento: 4.2


    • Hay 19 evaluaciones de esta escuela

    • Gustavo
      [ Mexico City, Mexico, 21 años, Masculino ]
      Muy buena disfrute y aprendí mucho los maestros son muy amigables el sistema de trabajo es bueno
      ¿Ha sido útil esta opinión?No

      [ Santiago, Chile ]

      Ana Maria Buitrago
      [ Bogota, Colombia, 17 años, Femenino ]

    • Abajo encontrarás evaluaciones adicionales en otros idiomas.

    • 學生
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 19 años, Femenino ]

      [ 神奈川県, 日本, 39 años, Masculino ]
      8 de 9 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:

      [ 静岡県, 日本, 33 años, Masculino ]
      7 de 8 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:

      [ Kuwait City, Kuwait, 18 años, Masculino ]
      5 de 5 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:
      Caring Teachers Made Me Happy
      What really amazed me about the IEC is how willing the teachers are to help. They would do whatever it takes just so that you can understand a certain topic. I think the reason why I like that is because I am from a country where teachers don't really care much about the students. So having caring teachers made me happy. Studying at the IEC didn't feel like studying at all! It was just fun. With all the activities that helped me a lot with my learning experience, and all the trips we would do. Basically, the IEC gave the opportunity to live a real learning experience, which is something that would have been impossible if I just stayed in Kuwait, so..thank you :).

      Lei Yixiao
      [ Shanghai, China, Femenino ]
      2 de 2 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:
      I spent one year at this school before I went to college. In the academic aspect, it taught me useful skills that I can use in college. I have a deeper understanding of English and America. I improved my pronunciation and grammar dramatically here. I like the diversity environment most; staff was willing to help me whenever I had any problems. It is a diverse and inclusive place which means there are so many international students.

      Kwevitoukoui Hounkpati
      [ Togo, West Africa, Masculino ]
      Responsibility to learn
      I really appreciate the IEC and the...attendance policy. This makes students take the responsibility to learn. The teachers and students are very friendly regardless of culture differences. The IEC is a good place for international students to improve their English proficiency.

      Hai Dao
      [ Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Masculino ]
      1 de 1 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:
      I attended a 4-week intensive English course at the IEC. All my classes have been outstanding, and were very helpful for me in terms of academic preparation. In addition, the IEC provided me with excellent opportunities to learn American culture through class activities, as well as to make friends with international students from many countries around the world. There is a lot of information and knowledge with regards to this course, but the instructors did an excellent job of pinpointing my weak areas and encouraging me to overcome them. Boulder and the CU campus were a great place to live. I really enjoyed my hike to Audubon peak and my camping trip in West Magnolia.

      May Alhazzani
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Masculino ]
      1 de 1 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:
      Very Comfortable Here
      Since I am a graduate student, I am seeking to strengthen my academic language in order to succeed in graduate school afterwards. I found the IEC is the place to accomplish my goal. The IEC is a great place and I am glad I chose this center from among many other options.The International English Center is an excellent environment to have a great experience and develop strong academic language skills. I am very comfortable here with all these great people; students, teachers and staff. The teachers are highly qualified. I have made a lot of friends here from all over the world and that has helped me to practice my English most of the time. Life here in Boulder is very nice. The public transportation system, beautiful nature, a wide variety of activities and very nice people are all factors that make me love living here in Boulder.

      Asuka Ito
      [ Tokyo, Japan ]
      1 de 1 personas econtraron útil la siguiente evaluación:
      Be Relaxed and Improve your English!
      Something that you have never experienced before happens every day. Surrounded by nature in pure air, you will discover new things here. You can participate in exciting events. For example, you can hike up to the Rocky Mountain, go skiing in winter, and go camping in summer. I would recommend this school if you love to be relaxed and improve your English.

      [ Nagano, Japan ]

      [ Albaha, Saudi, 33 años, Femenino ]

      [ Vitoria Espírito Santo, Brasil, 47 años, Femenino ]

      [ Vitoria, Brazil, 47 años, Masculino ]

      [ Luanda, Angola, 19 años, Femenino ]

      [ saihat, Saudi Arabia ]

      A Former Student
      [ Beijing, China ]
  • Video

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About es una plataforma de Búsqueda de Escuela y Aplicación para estudiantes interesados en estudiar en el exterior. Nosotros asistimos a los estudiantes que desean alcanzar sus metras personales mediante la experiencia de estudio en el exterior. Sin importar tu nivel de Inglés, aplicar es más fácil cuando entiendes el proceso paso a paso. Ahora puedes aplicar sin necesidad de un agente. Desde la preparación de la aplicación podrás entender uno de los factores claves para el estudio en el exterior: "Hazlo-Tu-Mismo". ApplyESL fue fundado con base en la idea de que con el soporte adecuado, los estudiantes pueden crecer desde el momento en que deciden estudiar en el exterior.
