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有一些語言學校會要求學生在申請過程中遞交一份志願書。內容不外乎是關於申請人到海外學習語言的原因和將來學成後的計劃。志願書通常包括三個部分:申請人現在學習或工作的情況,到該校學習的原因和學習計劃,還有課程完畢後的打算。 有的學校喜歡給學生定題作文,從另外一個角度了解學生。比方說,有的學校會定題:“你最難忘的一次海外經驗”等。大體上,志願書的長度應該在1-2頁之內。


April 30, 2020

ABC Language School
15 West 44th Street
New York, New York 10036 USA

Personal Statement by Jie Lee

My name is Jie Lee. I am writing this letter to explain my purpose in applying to the ABC Language School. My ultimate career objective is to work as an international specialist at a governmental organization. To achieve this goal, I plan to attend a college in the United States to earn a B.A. degree in Political Science.

I earned my high school degree from Nan-Hua High School in Taipei, Taiwan last year. I was a member of the International Exchange & Culture Club so I could explore my interest in other countries’ cultures.

Nan-Hua High School provides its students with a variety of international education opportunities including intensive English courses, exchange programs with our sister school in Ohio, and English classes instructed by native speakers. I had many opportunities to develop my English skills and explore my interest in foreign cultures by actively participating in classes and activities organized through my school.

I want to improve my English skills in order to be admitted to a college in the United States and experience American culture first-hand.

I am applying to your language school today for several reasons. First, your extension program will provide me with the opportunity to apply and be admitted to an American college or university. Second, your program has a very good reputation for its academic English classes. I would like to attend your TOEFL class to improve my TOEFL score. Lastly, your classes are small enough to encourage group discussion and provide students with more one-on-one interaction with the English instructor. I strongly believe the ABC English Language Program is the ideal place for me to achieve my academic goals.

Yours Sincerely,

Jie Lee

我的名字叫李傑,是臺北市南華國中某某屆的畢業生。從小在父親的影響下對國際政治有非常濃厚的興趣,我打算在不久的將來到美國的大學念政治學並拿取學士學位。 鑒于現在的英語能力有限,為了能充分地應付將來的大學課程,我打算先到ABC Language School把英文程度提高。


貴校所提供的英文延續課程是我決定申請的最大原因,因為這類課程為我將來順利就讀普通大學課程鋪墊了一條路。而且貴校在英文教學和TOFEL預備方面享負盛名,又實行小班教育,我深信我能在短期內提高我的英語能力和TOFEL 成績。以及,我覺得念ABC Language School的課程,不但可以幫助我實現將來就讀美國大學的理想,並且可以提前讓我對美國文化有更進一步的了解。

