Favor Ler Atentamente Antes de Se Inscrever
- Sua inscrição on-line será enviada por e-mail diretamente à sua escola. É de sua responsabilidade seguir todas as instruções fornecidas por sua escola para a conclusão do processo de inscrição. Recomenda-se que o requerente direcione todas as suas dúvidas e toda a correspondência diretamente ao escritório de admissões de sua escola escolhida, a fim de receber assistência necessária para a conclusão da matrícula.
- Todos os cursos têm um prazo de inscrição determinado por sua escola. É altamente recomendado que você envie sua inscrição com o mínimo de 8 a 10 semanas de antecedência à data de início do curso.
- Após enviar sua inscrição online, a escola pode solicitar se realize um depósito de taxa e que sejam enviados documentos adicionais, tais como declarações financeiras. A escola pode também solicitar que se enviem formulários contendo sua assinatura, para fins de segurança. É necessário seguir atentamente as instruções de sua escola a fim de concluir o processo de inscrição.
- Pode ser exigida a obtenção de um visto de estudante para entrar legalmente nos Estados Unidos e frequentar seu curso ESL. Ao realizar o pedido do visto de estudante, você deve entregar o Formulário I-20 bem como outros documentos ao Consulado ou à Embaixada dos Estados Unidos. É altamente recomendado que se realize a inscrição em sua escola com bastante antecipação para evitar possíveis atrasos no recebimento do seu visto de estudante.
Documentos exigidos
(Você pode fazer o upload dos documentos com a inscrição ou enviá-los à escola.)
Cópia do passaporte (página de identificação)
Please upload a copy of your passport photo and information page.
Extrato bancário
Please upload a copy of your bank statement showing you have sufficient financial resources to pay for your studies. Total estimated expenses for 6 sessions (one year) are USD $41,190. If bringing dependents, estimate USD $1,000 per month more for your spouse and USD $500 per month more for each child. The required amount may be subject to change. (Your bank statement cannot be more than two months old.)
[NOTE] TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR A FORM I-20 you must prove that you have the financial capacity to cover your studying and living expenses in the U.S. for one year.
Formulário de declaração do patrocinador
If applicable, please upload the financial sponsor statement form or send it directly to the program after submitting your application.
Carta do patrocinador
If applicable, please upload your sponsor letter here.
Outro: Health Records (Important information for later)
Provide proof of immunization to Meningitis or submit a declination form. (New York State Public Health Laws 2165 and 2167 require students to provide proof of immunization to Measles, Mumps & Rubella as well as proof of meningitis vaccine or declined meningitis vaccine.)
Provide proof of immunization against Measles, Mumps, and Rubella. It is required that you satisfy one of the three options below:
-Option 1: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunizations are given as a combination vaccine known as the MMR vaccine. Two doses of the MMR vaccine are required for compliance. Dose #1 must be administered no more than four days prior to your first birthday. Dose #2 must be administered no less than 28 days after your first dose.
Please note: A MMR immunization given before 1968 is acceptable only if the immunization record specifies that the vaccine was a live virus vaccine.
-Option 2: Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Immunizations are all given separately.
Measles: Two doses of the measles vaccine are required for compliance. Dose #1 must be administered no more than four days prior to your first birthday. Dose #2 must be administered no less than 28 days after your first dose.
If a student is unable to access his/her immunization record from a health care provider or previous school, documentation that proves the student attended primary or secondary school in the United States after 1980 will be sufficient proof that the student received one dose of live measles vaccine. If this option is used, the second dose of measles vaccine must have been administered within one year of attendance at a post-secondary institution.
Mumps: One dose of the Mumps Vaccine is required for compliance. Dose # 1 must be administered no more than four days prior to your first birthday.
Rubella: One dose of the Rubella Vaccine is required for compliance. Dose # 1 must be administered no more than four days prior to your first birthday.
-Option 3: Submit a MMR IgG Antibody titers lab report that shows proof of immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
[Meningitis Vaccine] You must complete option 1, 2, OR 3 below:
-Option 1: Submit proof of the Meningitis ACWY vaccine was taken within 5 years of enrollment, and after student’s 16th birthday is required.
-Option 2: Submit proof of a complete 2 to 3 dose series of the Meningitis B vaccine was taken.
-Option 3: Submit a declination form, waiving the meningitis vaccination.
New York State allows students the option of declining the meningitis vaccine.
*Over 18: If you are OVER 18 years and choose to decline the meningitis vaccine, please visit the Forms Page to complete the Meningitis Declination form for 18 years and older.
*Under 18: If you are UNDER 18 years, please download the Meningitis Declination Form for Minors on the Forms Page and have your parent or guardian complete the form. Submit form through the Upload Page.
-Immunization Forms: https://www.stjohns.edu/sites/default/files/2024-07/immunization_form.pdf
-Meningitis Declination Form (complete online form in Medicat: https://signon.stjohns.edu)
-Meningitis Declination Form for Minors (younger than 18 years) : https://www.stjohns.edu/sites/default/files/2024-08/meningitis_declination_form_for_minors_-_aug_2024.pdf
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