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University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)

密蘇里大學堪薩斯分校 (UMKC)

Applied Language Institute (ALI) [Kansas City, Missouri]


  • 密集英語課程歡迎所有英語水平的學生參加,而新路徑計劃 Paseo課程即是為更高程度的學生而設,讓學生可以立刻開始修讀學位課程。
  • ALI 以學生為本和經驗豐富的教師受高度讚譽。
  • UMKC 位於堪薩斯市中心,是 2026世界盃和2023超級碗冠軍賽的主辦城市,並提供免費公共交通。


  • 學校簡介
    • 關於ESL的課程
    • 資料數據
    • 學校屬性 : 公立
      成立時間 : 1991
      所屬鑑定/會員機構 : UCIEP / CEA, HLC
      學生人數 : 60
      每班平均人數 : 4-15
      機場接機 :
      學費 : 低價位
      地區屬性 : 城市
      交通工具 : 火車,巴士,計程車
    • 導師的話
    • Warm greetings from UMKC and Kansas City! I was very happy to become director of the Applied Language Institute because I always wanted to live in Kansas City. I’m originally from Wisconsin, but I’ve heard good things about Kansas City for many years. For example, the metro region is often ranked as one of the best places to live in the United States. Also, it has the conveniences of every major city in the United States, but it’s not as crowded with people. My family and I moved here in 2019 after living in Wisconsin, Maryland, Iowa, and Illinois, and we love our Kansas City home!

      UMKC is a lot like Kansas City in that it is a hidden gem. Not only is it part of the University of Missouri System but it’s in the middle of the city. Students can choose to enjoy the campus life in two distinct ways of Kansas City living—busy city or comfortable small town. International students from urban and rural backgrounds can find student life to match their preferences. And since UMKC is a large university, international students can easily find the majors they want. Most importantly, the ALI is a students’ home away from home. I, along with many of our faculty, know what it’s like to live and study abroad. We want to make sure that students’ time at the ALI is educational and comfortable.

      Jeremy D. Slagoski
      Assistant Dean of the Applied Language Institute
      University of Missouri Kansas City
    • 聯絡資訊
    • University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)
      213 Haag Hall, 5120 Rockhill Road
      Kansas City, Missouri  64110  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (816) 235-5405
      FAX: +1 (816) 235-5405
  • 學校詳情
    • 住處
    • 環繞的區域
    • 關於學院或大學
    • 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
  • 課程資訊
    • 密集英語課程 (IEP) (Intensive English Program (IEP))

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 4 - 15 名
      班級程度: 6 級
      課程長度: 8,12,16 週
      最低年齡限制: 18歲
      入學限制: N/A
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 寄宿家庭
    • 日期
    • 2024
      8 週:
      10/7 - 12/6
      報名截止日: 9/30

      12 週:
      9/16 - 12/6
      報名截止日: 9/9

      16 週:
      8/19 - 12/6
      報名截止日: 8/12

      8 週:
      3/3 - 5/2
      報名截止日: 2/28

      12 週:
      2/10 - 5/2
      報名截止日: 2/3

      16 週:
      1/13 - 5/2
      報名截止日: 1/8

    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 75
      學費 (2024 - 2025)
      8 週 US$ 5,530
      12 週 US$ 8,294
      16 週 US$ 11,060
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      8-16 週 US$ 1000 Per Month US$ 1500-2000 Per Month US$ 600-2000 Per Month
      Available from School (Free of Charge)
    • 備註
  • 所在地
    • 美國 密蘇里州 堪薩斯市(Kansas City, Missouri)
    • 地址
      University of Missouri-Kansas City (UMKC)
      213 Haag Hall, 5120 Rockhill Road Kansas City, Missouri  64110  U.S.A.
    • 至學校的交通方式
    • 從堪薩斯市國際機場(Kansas City International Airport (MCI))出發:
  • 影音/視頻


