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University of North Florida (UNF)

北佛罗里达大学 (UNF)

English Language Program (ELP) [Jacksonville, Florida]


  • ELP以学生为中心,并以学生为首要考量。 ELP以成为每个学生在美国的第二个家而自豪。
  • 杰克逊维尔市位于北佛罗里达州,距沙滩只有数分钟路程,前往奥兰多、戴通纳海滩和坦帕市仅需数小时。
  • ELP是NEFTESOL的创始成员、UCIEP成员,以及TESOL标准的认可课程。


  • 学校简介
    • 关于ESL的课程
    • 资料数据
    • 学校属性 : 公立
      成立时间 : 1997
      所属鉴定/会员机构 : EnglishUSA, UCIEP / SACS
      学生人数 : 90
      每班平均人数 : 10-12
      机场接机 :
      学费 : 低價位
      地区属性 : 郊区
      交通工具 : 巴士,計程車,火車
    • 导师的话
    • We are pleased to welcome you to the English Language Program (ELP) at the University of North Florida and our profile at In our program, you will improve your English language skills, learn about American culture, and make many new friends. Your language learning will be provided by highly qualified instructors. Our teaching staff is committed to your academic success and will assist you along the way while you are achieving your goals. The ELP office staff will also provide you with assistance while you are in the United States. Do not hesitate to ask for help or guidance.

      At the ELP, you will be submerged in American university life because our building is located in the heart of UNF campus. We offer after-class activities where you will meet American students. Volunteering and going on field trips to local sites will provide you with more opportunities to use English and let you learn more about the Northeast Florida area. At the ELP, you will meet many students from different countries and make many friends who share the same goal – to learn English.

      We are sure that the English Language Program will become your home away from home. We invite you to join us here at the ELP in Jacksonville, Florida!

      Sarah Morris and Jane Braglia
      Assistant Directors, English Language Program (ELP)
      University of North Florida
    • 联络资讯
    • University of North Florida (UNF)
      English Language Program (ELP)

      1 UNF Drive, Building 14E
      Jacksonville, Florida  32224  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (904) 620-4281
      FAX: +1 (904) 620-4286
  • 学校详情
    • 住处
    • 环绕的区域
    • 关于学院或大学
    • 条件式入学/免托福升学/学分课程
  • 课程资讯
    • 密集英语课程 (IEP) (Intensive English Program (IEP))

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 10-12 名
      班级程度: 6 級
      课程长度: 7,13 週
      最低年龄限制: 17 歲
      入学限制: N/A
      签证资讯: 可以頒發I-20
      住处: 校内宿舍或公寓
    • 日期
    • 2024
      7 周:
      10/21 - 12/6

      13 周:
      9/9 - 12/6

    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      US$ 125 (Non-Refundable)
      学费 (2024 - 2025)
      7 周 US$ 2,000
      13 周 US$ 3,950
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      7 - 13 周 N/A US$ 700 Per Session Contact the School
      Free Airport Pickup Provided - Send Arrival Details to School
    • 备注
  • 所在地
    • 美国 佛罗里达州 杰克逊维尔市 (Jacksonville, Florida)
    • 地址
      University of North Florida (UNF)
      English Language Program (ELP)

      1 UNF Drive, Building 14E Jacksonville, Florida  32224  U.S.A.
    • 至学校的交通方式
    • Jacksonville International Airport (JAX) 出发:
  • 学生评价与回馈
    • 学术品质: 5.0
      学校环境: 5.0
      教职员的协助: 5.0
      课外与社交活动: 4.3
      住宿品质: 5.0


    • 现在有 3 个评价与回馈
    • 以下是其他语系学生的评价与回馈之翻译版本

    • Denise Prestes
      [ SAO PAULO, Brazil, 41歳, 女 ]
      The best place to learn english
      I was delighted with the service, attention and support throughout the ELP process. Jane is wonderful, super attentive, as is everyone on the team. The teachers are committed to the students' learning and dedicated. I felt how committed everyone was to making the students learn and be satisfied. Elissa, Alexi and Liana taught me a lot and are incredible.

      Martie Patterson
      [ Tallinn, Estonia, 18歳, 男 ]
      Best school for studying english! I had a great experience with this school. I recommend all students to study English here!

      Jaquelini Costa
      [ Balneário Camboriú, Brazil ]
  • 影音/视频


