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Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)


English Language Program (ELP) [Richmond, Virginia]


  • 浓厚的学术氛围,让学员在一年的课程内能快速提升英语能力。
  • 学费生活费低廉,高品质的教学课程。细心和专业的授课教师。
  • 安全和友善的校园环境;邻近市中心,两小时到华盛顿特区。
  • 学校简介
    • 关于ESL的课程
    • 资料数据
    • 学校属性 : 公立
      成立时间 : 1989
      所属鉴定/会员机构 : EnglishUSA / CEA
      学生人数 : 300
      每班平均人数 : 12
      机场接机 :
      学费 : 低价位
      地区属性 : 城市
      交通工具 : 巴士,出租车,火車
    • 导师的话
    • Welcome to the English Language Program (ELP) in the Global Education Office (GEO) at Virginia Commonwealth University. Our Mission is simple: to help you succeed.
      Our ELP teachers and advisors help you improve your English skills. Our curriculum includes all ESL skill areas and allows you to complete ELP within one calendar year or less. Our courses prepare you to succeed at VCU and in your professional and personal lives. Our Tutoring Center and Computer Lab offer extra help with learning English. Our GEO staff help you lead a successful life here. At ELP, you are respected as a unique individual. The focus is on you; you are why we are here. This is our promise to you. We look forward to receiving your application from!

      Moe Greene, Ph.D.
      English Language Program (ELP)
      Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)
    • 联络资讯
    • Virginia Commonwealth University
      English Language Program (ELP)

      912 West Grace Street, 3rd Floor P.O. Box 843043
      Richmond, Virginia  23284-3043  U.S.A.
      TEL: (804) 828-2551
      FAX: (804) 828-2552
  • 学校详情
    • 住处
    • 环绕的区域
    • 关于学院或大学
    • 条件式入学/免托福升学/学分课程
  • 课程资讯
    • 密集英语课程 (English Language Program (ELP) / On-Campus)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 12 - 15 名
      班级程度: 3 级
      课程长度: 8,12,16 周
      最低年龄限制: 17 岁
      入学限制: N/A
      签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20
      住处: 学校宿舍或校内公寓
    • 日期
    • 2024
      8 周:
      10/14 - 12/13

      16 周:
      8/20 - 12/13

      8 周:
      3/17 - 5/86/16 - 8/810/13 - 12/16
      12 周:
      5/19 - 8/8

      16 周:
      1/13 - 5/88/19 - 12/16

    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      US$ 170
      学费 (2024 - 2025)
      8 周 US$ 2,475
      12 周 US$ 4,950
      16 周 US$ 4,950
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      8-16 周 N/A US$ 599 - 825 Per Month US$ 600 - 900 Per Month
      Student Arranged (Taxi, Bus or Car Service)
      Health Insurance
      US$ 887 (12 Weeks)
    • 备注
    • 托福、发音及其它短期课程 (TOEFL, Pronunciation, and Other Short Term Courses)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 12-15 名学生
      班级程度: 多级
      课程长度: 8 周
      最低年龄限制: 17岁
      签证资讯: N/A
      住处: N/A
    • 日期
    • 2024
      8 周:
      10/14 - 12/13

      16 周:
      8/20 - 12/13

    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      US$ 0
      学费 (2023 - 2024)
      8 周 US$ 450
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
       周 N/A N/A N/A
    • 备注
  • 所在地
    • 美国 维吉尼亚州 里士满市 (Richmond, Virginia)
    • 地址
      Virginia Commonwealth University
      English Language Program (ELP)

      912 West Grace Street, 3rd Floor P.O. Box 843043 Richmond, Virginia  23284-3043  U.S.A.
    • 至学校的交通方式
    • 从里士满国际机场 (Richmond International Airport)出发:
  • 学生评价与回馈
    • 学术品质: 4.7
      学校环境: 4.8
      教职员的协助: 4.8
      课外与社交活动: 4.2
      住宿品质: 4.4


    • 现在有 11 个评价与回馈
    • 以下是其他语系学生的评价与回馈之翻译版本

    • Lynis Leon
      [ Henrico, United States, 43歳, 女 ]
      La escuela esta limpia, el ambiente muy agradable.
      Sugeriria que dejaran menos tarea, me gustaron los ejercicios practicos, pero estar haciendo presentaciones se me complica porque al estudiar, trabajar y cuidar una familia eso se dificulta.

      Joel Torrealba
      [ Paysandu, Uruguay, 47歳, 男 ]
      Excelente Experiencia
      Muy buena experiencia y excelente aprendizaje

      [ Taif, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
      My Personal Point of View
      Selecting an English Language Program is somewhat challenging for a great deal of students overseas. I hope that my review will help them to narrow down their scope of searching. Firstly, my educational journey at VCU ELP was a magnificent experience in all aspects. The instructors and administrative staff are kind and helpful. In the classroom, my instructors treated me with extreme respect and courtesy. Secondly, the curriculum is well designed and contains tons of topics about the American culture and society that have radically changed my view toward it and provides me with a breadth of enormous knowledge about it. Additionally, there is a weekly meeting called Tea Time where we interact with other international students and native English speakers. Finally, my basic English skills have substantially improved to an excellent level. My use of the English words and grammar have become more flexible and has a deep understanding which allowed me to use them in a different context than before. To sum up, I really enjoyed the study at this school, and my knowledge as well as my skills surely developed after I have enrolled in this ELP.

      A Former Student
      [ Makkah, Saudi Arabia, 27歳, 男 ]
      I wish I had more time to study at VCU!
      I recommend studying at VCU.

      [ Shanghai, China, 23歳, 女 ]
      A good opportunity to learn and meet friends
      Here at ELP is really great for me to study. I really found the joy of learning English and got lots of opportunities to communicate. In the class, teachers are really wonderful! They are just like friends and are full of energy. Also, after class there are activities such as Tea Time which is helpful. I highly recommend it!

      [ Minas Gerais, Brazil, 38歳, 女 ]
      I really appreciate my course, the teacher are so wonderful. Although I had studied English before, I had learned more grammar and vocabulary. Therefore, if I have to choose, I would do it again.

      Sofia Perez
      [ Richmond, United States ]

      Estudiante Anterior
      [ san salvador, el salvador ]

      A Former Student
      [ Siddiq, Kuwait, 18歳 ]

      Geovana Pereira Gomes
      [ Itajai/SC, Brazil, 40歳, 女 ]

      Ahmad sarkhouh
      [ Kuwait city, Kuwait, 22歳, 男 ]
  • 影音/视频



