University of North Texas (UNT)
Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) [Denton, Texas]
- 低廉的学费和生活费.北德州大学有221以上的专业供选择。
- IELI毕业生可以免TOEFL申请就读UNT。
- 德州最具权威的公立研究型大学之一,一流的学术环境,生活方便!
- 学校简介
- 关于ESL的课程
- Intensive English Language Institute (IELI)于1977年成立,是由北德州大学大学管理制定的附属英语课程,也是美国最大质量最优的语言机构之一,旨在提供非英语系国家学生为进入北德州大学或其它美国大学及研究生院必须的学术英语课程。IELI为学生配置个人辅导员,配合学生个人情况精心提供学术指导、入学指南和签证住宿事宜。IELI的同学可以免费使用一流的大学设施,包括计算机中心、学生娱乐中心、健康中心、健身房和图书馆等等。学校注重帮助学生体验美国大学之专业和文化环境,鼓励同学参加学校各项文化和体育活动。IELI获得英语课程评鉴委员会CEA (Commission on English Language Program Accreditation)的认证,是美国大学院校附属英语课程联盟(UCIEP)以及美国密集英语课程联盟 (AAIEP) 的成员之一,竭力为学生提供质量优良的英语课程与良好学习环境。
- 资料数据
学校属性 : 公立
成立时间 : 1977
所属鉴定/会员机构 : EnglishUSA, UCIEP
学生人数 : 65
每班平均人数 : 11-14
机场接机 : 有
学费 : 中价位
地区属性 : 城市
交通工具 : 巴士、火车 - 导师的话
- Welcome to the Intensive English Language Institute!
IELI has saved a place just for you! We would like to help you learn English so that you can reach your academic and professional goals. There are many reasons why hundreds of students choose to study at IELI every term. IELI supports students with all the questions you have. Our program is one of the largest in the United States and offers students excellent academic preparation. IELI is affordable and offers conditional admission to many UNT undergraduate and graduate programs. We have highly qualified full-time instructors who give students individualized attention and many fun activities you will enjoy. I look forward to receiving your application from and look forward to seeing you at IELI soon!
Carol Ogden, Interim Director
Intensive English Language Institute (IELI)
University of North Texas - 联络资讯
Intensive English Language Institute
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311067
Denton, Texas 76203-5017 U.S.A.TEL: +1 (940) 565-2003
- 学校详情
- 住处
- 学校建议学生在就读初期选择在校内的宿舍居住。住在学校的宿舍不但离上课地点比较近,更加方便参与各种校园举办的活动,结交来自世界各地的朋友。如希望居住校外公寓,也可与此同时计划寻找。按照学校的规定,申请校内宿舍须在网上申请。学生应该尽早安排住宿问题, 以免申请不到自己理想的住房。如有更多关于住宿的问题,请利用学校的联络资料向学校提出问题。
- 环绕的区域
- 学校位于德州北部的丹顿城(Denton),一个静谧、友善,以大学为中心发展的小城市,人口约为10万。在地理位置上,该城与号称“北德州”的商业大城达拉斯(Dallas)和沃夫兹堡(Fort Worth)仅距40英哩(车程约35分钟),商业往来密切,日常生活用品的供应不虞匮乏,且生活费低廉。北德州大学的学生为丹顿城创造了消费,并带来很多娱乐活动,“The Denton Arts and Jazz Festival”就是其中之一,每年吸引了20万游客来参加音乐和文化的庆典,特别是“爵士乐”和“牛仔文化”相当闻名。其它周边的景点包括“Six Flags” 、“Hurricane Harbor” 、“The Ballpark at Arlington”、 “Fort Worth Zoo”等等。德州还拥有许多国家公园及不胜枚举的州立公园,足见其景观之美。
- 关于学院或大学
- 北德州大学成立于1890年,是德州最具权威的公立研究型大学之一。现有学生3万8千多名, 其中包括来自世界各地120余国家的近2千5百名留学生。其占地广大、绿树如荫的校园汇集了一流的教育设施、丰富的活动资源。UNT在其11个学院内为学生提供近250项学士、硕士和博士专科,优良专业包括商业、教育、音乐、工程、艺术等,特别是艺术、音乐和人文学院的学术评价排名前茅,备受学生青睐。UNT在学术研究上的优势让该校一直被列为德州境内大学的前5名,学习坏境和教学态度都引以为豪。特别是其低廉的学费和生活费备受国际学生青睐。
- 条件式入学/免托福升学/学分课程
- 完成最高级课程(6级)的同学可以免TOEFL成绩申请进修大学学部和研究生院。
- 课程资讯
学术英语 (Academic English)
- 课程内容
- 密集英语课程每年提供5期课程,每期课程为期8周。每个星期的课时为23小时,包括语言实验室(3小时)的训练。该课程分7级,学生会在开课当天接受英语程度考试,学校然后根据学生所得成绩分班。当学生按照要求完成LCC的课程后, 可以领取到结业证书。
此课程主要为提高同学将来进修大学/研究生课程所必备的学术英文技能与文化交流能力,因此教纲安排严谨周密。学生将在听说读写、语法、词汇、表达、应试方面得到全方位的加强 。每位学生将被配置个人辅导员,每周安排2个小时根据学生的个人情况精心提供入学指南和辅导。成功完成最高级课程(6级)的同学可以免TOEFL成绩申请就读UNT。
无论是哪个程度的课程,学校都实行小班教育,确保质量。班级平均人数11-14名。 - 相关资讯
班级大小: 11-14 名学生 班级程度: 7 级 课程长度: 8周 最低年龄限制: 17 岁 入学限制: 高中毕业 签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20 住处: 宿舍
校外公寓 - 日期
8 周: 1/13 - 3/7 报名截止日: 12/10 - 费用
- 申请费用
- US$ 75
- 学费 (2024-2025)
8 周 US $2,260 - 住宿安排费用
- N/A
- 住宿费
住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿 16 周 N/A See Remarks See Remarks - 机场接机
- Included
- 学校指定保险费
- US$ 575-667
- UNT Fees
- US$ 621
- 备注
- 日期及费用仅供参考,将可能依情况变动。
- 所在地
- 美国 德州 丹顿 (Denton, Texas )
Intensive English Language Institute
University of North Texas
1155 Union Circle #311067 Denton, Texas 76203-5017 U.S.A. - 至学校的交通方式
- 从达拉斯国际机场(Dallas Fort Worth International Airport):
- 学生评价与回馈
学术品质: 4.4 学校环境: 4.0 教职员的协助: 4.3 课外与社交活动: 3.9 住宿品质: 3.8 4.1
- 现在有 12 个评价与回馈
- 以下是其他语系学生的评价与回馈之翻译版本
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
1人中1人认为“这个评价与回馈有帮助”。Very Rich Experience!Being a student at IELI was amazing. It was a very rich experience that improved my English and put me on the track to success in my graduate study. I was taught by very good and talented instructors who made the language fun to study and who have become friends of mine. IELI has helped me to improve all of my English skills. Nowadays, people in my university and in the city that I live in find it hard to believe that I was not born in the States because of the way I speak, talk, and write. Thanks IELI and thanks to all the wonderful staff.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Bangkok, Thailand, 男 ]
I'm a full time PhD student at UNTBefore I came to the US, I had never spoken English in daily life except in English class in school about 20 years ago. I started in Level 2 Writing and Level 3 Communication. Now, I'm a full time PhD student at UNT. I'm also working a part time job in the IELI Computer Lab as a lab assistant. I think I couldn't have studied at UNT or in the USA without studying at IELI first. Studying English is very hard, but as international students, we have to do it! I would suggest to IELI students that they manage their time not only for studying in class and doing homework but also for relaxing, having fun, and hanging out with friends sometimes. When IELI students have troubles, my advice is "Go talk to your teacher!"
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Bangkok, Thailand, 女 ]
1人中1人认为“这个评价与回馈有帮助”。IELI instructors and staff members are professionalGraduating from Graduated Preparation Course (GPC) has made my life a lot easier in graduate school in the USA.
Not only presentation skills but also academic writing skills and analytical skills are adequately taught in GPC. The anxiety and the difficulty in my MBA classes, as a result, have been reduced. It was worth it to spend my time and money in this intensive English class before I started my first semester at UNT. IELI instructors and staff members are professional. They are willing to help every international student at IELI to be ready for their future. IELI is incredible. Making friends, learning different cultures, improving English skills, and preparing for university-level classes in the USA are what every student will obtain from IELI.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
Xiao (Fanny)
[ Shanghai, China, 女 ]
Knowledgeable InstructorsThe Intensive English Language Institute is an ideal English learning program for international students.
The high quality of the academic system and the are the major factors that make IELI one of the best English learning institutes nation-wide. IELI not only taught me useful language skills, but also it helped me with acclimation. There are many and various opportunities and activities provided to help students learn different cultures and adjust well to American life. It's been life changing, and I truly appreciate the education from IELI.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Ankara, Turkey, 男 ]
Learn Academic English Very WellThe University of North Texas is one of the biggest public universities in Texas, and the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) is one of the integral parts that has increased UNT's exposure around the world.
At IELI, international students not only learn academic English very well, but also they start experiencing a typical American college life. It is an opportunity to make lots of friends. As a former IELI student and a current IELI student assistant, I have always been proud to be a part of IELI.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
Bich Nguyen Ngoc
[ Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 女 ]
1人中0人认为“这个评价与回馈有帮助”。Getting Used to the College EnvironmentUNT is one of the largest public universities in the state of Texas. The IELI program especially helps international students get used to the college environment before entering their majors. I like the Mean Green spirit at UNT.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
Min Kyung
[ Seoul, South Korea, 女 ]
Prepared for Master's DegreeI chose UNT because of its strong music program and famous faculty members. I am able to attend a variety of music concerts, and the cost is reasonable. During the Summer II term, I took a music research class. I had heard this class was the most challenging class that students take when studying for their Music Master's degree. However, I took the class easily because of IELI's Level 5 and 6 classes. I had already learned how to write a paper, how to search for valuable sources, and how to paraphrase sentences while studying at IELI.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
Yun Lung
[ Taipei, Taiwan, 男 ]
Patient InstructorsThe Intensive English Language Institute at the University of North Texas is the best English program for you. The detailed curriculum and the patient instructors provide students an excellent environment. The skills I learned at IELI have helped me a lot in my studies and research in my Master's program. The advantages of IELI cannot be portrayed in just a couple of sentences; you can only understand how good it is if you join this family.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Shanghai, China, 女 ]
Enjoyed Every MinuteI studied in IELI for 10 months, and I loved it very much. All of the teachers were nice and patient, and I enjoyed every minute. The most important thing that helped me to graduate successfully was the IELI lab. The listening and reading materials were really helpful. Honestly, studying in IELI helped me improve my listening, speaking, reading and writing a lot.
IELI provides lots of activities that give you a great opportunity to have fun and practice English.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Beijing, China, 男 ]
Good Place to LearnSince I started my classes in IELI, the lab has given me a lot of help. Students can get any English materials they want here. They can review their class content, prepare for their tests, and even find some English fun by checking out free DVDs. IELI is a good place to learn English as long as you have a try.
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Mexico City, Mexico, 女 ]
1人中1人认为“这个评价与回馈有帮助”。Learning Through Their TeachingI started in Level 0 Writing and Level 1 Communication. All my teachers are excellent in their job. I am very happy because I am learning through their teaching. This school has an excellent team. Thanks everyone!
学术品质: 学校环境: 教职员的协助: 课外与社交活动: 住宿品质:
[ Taipei City, 台灣 ]
- 影音/视频