스스로의 힘으로 준비하는 어학연수! 학교 검색・신청 사이트

University of North Texas (UNT)

노스 텍사스 대학, 덴턴

Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) [Denton, Texas]

추천 포인트

  • 유연하게 스케쥴을 정할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라, 수준 높은 수업을 학비와 생활비가 저렴합니다. UNT는 221개 이상의 학사와 대학원 과정을 제공합니다.
  • IELI졸업생은 UNT에 토플 점수 없이 입학이 가능 합니다.
  • 미국의 가장 빨리 성장하고 있는 도시중 하나인 달라스와 포스워스 도시를 만끽할 수 있습니다.

프로그램 선택하기

  • 기본정보
    • ESL프로그램에 대하여
    • 주요정보
    • 학교의 종류 : 공립
      설립년도 : 1977
      회원/인가(소속)기관 : EnglishUSA, UCIEP
      정원(재학생수) : 65
      수업당 평균 학생수 : 11-14명
      공항마중 : 있음
      학비 : 보통
      위치 : 대도시
      교통편 : 전차, 버스, 택시
    • 학교로부터의 메시지
    • Welcome to the Intensive English Language Institute!
      IELI has saved a place just for you! We would like to help you learn English so that you can reach your academic and professional goals. There are many reasons why hundreds of students choose to study at IELI every term. Our program offers students excellent academic preparation. We have highly qualified full-time instructors who give students individualized attention. Every term, students enjoy many fun activities. IELI is affordable and offers conditional admission to many UNT undergraduate and graduate programs. I look forward to receiving your application from and look forward to seeing you at IELI soon!
      Carol Ogden, Interim Director
      Intensive English Language Institute (IELI)
      University of North Texas
    • 연락처
    • Intensive English Language Institute
      University of North Texas

      1155 Union Circle #311067
      Denton, Texas  76203-5017  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (940) 565-2003
      FAX: N/A
  • 세부정보
    • 숙박
    • 주변환경
    • 전문대학 또는 대학에 대하여
    • 조건부입학제도/TOEFL점수가 필요없는 진학 및 학점인정과목
  • 프로그램 내용
    • 학업 영어 (Academic English)

    • 프로그램 설명
    • 프로그램 정보
    • 수업규모: 11-14명
      수업수준: 7 단계
      수업기간: 8주
      최소한 나이: 17 세 이상
      자격 조건: 고등학교 졸업자
      비자정보: I-20 발급
      숙박: 교내 기숙사
      사설 숙박시설
    • 일정
    • 2025
      8 주간:
      1/13 - 3/7
      신청 마감일: 12/10

    • 비용
    • 지원서 비용
      US$ 75
      학비 (2024-2025)
      8 주간 US $2,260
      기간 홈스테이 기숙사 / 교내 아파트 교외 기숙사
      16 주간 N/A See Remarks See Remarks
      US$ 575-667
      UNT fees
      US$ 621
    • 참고
  • 위치
    • 미국 텍사스주 덴턴 시
    • 주소
      Intensive English Language Institute
      University of North Texas

      1155 Union Circle #311067 Denton, Texas  76203-5017  U.S.A.
    • 찾아가는 방법
    • 달라스 포트 워스 공항에서:
      학교는 일주일전에 미리 신청하면 홈스테이하는 학생들을 숙소까지 직접 수송해 주는 픽업 서비스를 무료로 제공한다. 이동시간은 홈스테이 숙소가 어디에 위치해 있느냐에 따라 다소 차이가 있긴 하지만, 대략 30분 정도이다. 숙소나 학교 캠퍼스까지 택시로도 갈 수 있는데, 요금은US$ 25정도이며, 시간은 대략 30분 정도 걸린다.
  • 학교평가
    • 수업의 질: 4.4
      학교 환경, 분위기: 4.0
      학교 스태프의 친절함: 4.3
      야외활동: 3.9
      숙박시설: 3.8


    • 12 건의 학교평가가 있습니다.
    • 아래는 다른 언어의 학교평가 입니다.

    • Mustafa
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 남성 ]
      1명중1분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      Very Rich Experience!
      Being a student at IELI was amazing. It was a very rich experience that improved my English and put me on the track to success in my graduate study. I was taught by very good and talented instructors who made the language fun to study and who have become friends of mine. IELI has helped me to improve all of my English skills. Nowadays, people in my university and in the city that I live in find it hard to believe that I was not born in the States because of the way I speak, talk, and write. Thanks IELI and thanks to all the wonderful staff.

      [ Bangkok, Thailand, 남성 ]
      I'm a full time PhD student at UNT
      Before I came to the US, I had never spoken English in daily life except in English class in school about 20 years ago. I started in Level 2 Writing and Level 3 Communication. Now, I'm a full time PhD student at UNT. I'm also working a part time job in the IELI Computer Lab as a lab assistant. I think I couldn't have studied at UNT or in the USA without studying at IELI first. Studying English is very hard, but as international students, we have to do it! I would suggest to IELI students that they manage their time not only for studying in class and doing homework but also for relaxing, having fun, and hanging out with friends sometimes. When IELI students have troubles, my advice is "Go talk to your teacher!"

      [ Bangkok, Thailand, 여성 ]
      1명중1분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      IELI instructors and staff members are professional
      Graduating from Graduated Preparation Course (GPC) has made my life a lot easier in graduate school in the USA.
      Not only presentation skills but also academic writing skills and analytical skills are adequately taught in GPC. The anxiety and the difficulty in my MBA classes, as a result, have been reduced. It was worth it to spend my time and money in this intensive English class before I started my first semester at UNT. IELI instructors and staff members are professional. They are willing to help every international student at IELI to be ready for their future. IELI is incredible. Making friends, learning different cultures, improving English skills, and preparing for university-level classes in the USA are what every student will obtain from IELI.

      Xiao (Fanny)
      [ Shanghai, China, 여성 ]
      Knowledgeable Instructors
      The Intensive English Language Institute is an ideal English learning program for international students.
      The high quality of the academic system and the are the major factors that make IELI one of the best English learning institutes nation-wide. IELI not only taught me useful language skills, but also it helped me with acclimation. There are many and various opportunities and activities provided to help students learn different cultures and adjust well to American life. It's been life changing, and I truly appreciate the education from IELI.

      [ Ankara, Turkey, 남성 ]
      Learn Academic English Very Well
      The University of North Texas is one of the biggest public universities in Texas, and the Intensive English Language Institute (IELI) is one of the integral parts that has increased UNT's exposure around the world.
      At IELI, international students not only learn academic English very well, but also they start experiencing a typical American college life. It is an opportunity to make lots of friends. As a former IELI student and a current IELI student assistant, I have always been proud to be a part of IELI.

      Bich Nguyen Ngoc
      [ Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 여성 ]
      1명중0분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      Getting Used to the College Environment
      UNT is one of the largest public universities in the state of Texas. The IELI program especially helps international students get used to the college environment before entering their majors. I like the Mean Green spirit at UNT.

      Min Kyung
      [ Seoul, South Korea, 여성 ]
      Prepared for Master's Degree
      I chose UNT because of its strong music program and famous faculty members. I am able to attend a variety of music concerts, and the cost is reasonable. During the Summer II term, I took a music research class. I had heard this class was the most challenging class that students take when studying for their Music Master's degree. However, I took the class easily because of IELI's Level 5 and 6 classes. I had already learned how to write a paper, how to search for valuable sources, and how to paraphrase sentences while studying at IELI.

      Yun Lung
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 남성 ]
      Patient Instructors
      The Intensive English Language Institute at the University of North Texas is the best English program for you. The detailed curriculum and the patient instructors provide students an excellent environment. The skills I learned at IELI have helped me a lot in my studies and research in my Master's program. The advantages of IELI cannot be portrayed in just a couple of sentences; you can only understand how good it is if you join this family.

      [ Shanghai, China, 여성 ]
      Enjoyed Every Minute
      I studied in IELI for 10 months, and I loved it very much. All of the teachers were nice and patient, and I enjoyed every minute. The most important thing that helped me to graduate successfully was the IELI lab. The listening and reading materials were really helpful. Honestly, studying in IELI helped me improve my listening, speaking, reading and writing a lot.

      IELI provides lots of activities that give you a great opportunity to have fun and practice English.

      [ Beijing, China, 남성 ]
      Good Place to Learn
      Since I started my classes in IELI, the lab has given me a lot of help. Students can get any English materials they want here. They can review their class content, prepare for their tests, and even find some English fun by checking out free DVDs. IELI is a good place to learn English as long as you have a try.

      [ Mexico City, Mexico, 여성 ]
      1명중1분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      Learning Through Their Teaching
      I started in Level 0 Writing and Level 1 Communication. All my teachers are excellent in their job. I am very happy because I am learning through their teaching. This school has an excellent team. Thanks everyone!

      [ Taipei City, 台灣 ]
  • 동영상

이 학교를 검색한 사람들이 검색한 학교들

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ApplyESL은 삶을 변화시키는 국제 교육의 능력을 믿습니다. 당사는 여러분이 해외에서 공부하고, 최고의 학술 프로그램에 참여하는 사람들과 연계를 가지고, 신청하는 데 도움을 드리며, 여러분을 성공할 수 있는 이상적인 장소로 안내합니다. 여러분은 ApplyESL을 통해 세계의 학술 기관에서 공부하는 학생들과 교류할 수 있습니다. 여러분은 세계적 범위에서 집중적인 영어, 경로 및 학위 프로그램을 신청하고 등록하며 수료할 수 있습니다. ApplyESL은 여러분이 목적을 달성할 수 있는 포괄적이고 안전하며 신뢰할 수 있는 프로세스를 제공합니다. 당사의 신청 플랫폼은 가장 신뢰 받는 업계 최고의 플랫폼입니다. ApplyESL은 여러분이 유학의 꿈을 실현하는 데 도움이 되는 효과적인 수단을 제공합니다!
