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ELS Language Centers, Cincinnati

ELS - 辛辛那提大学

University of Cincinnati [Cincinnati, Ohio]


  • 免TOEFL成绩就可进入全美600多所学院、大学和职业学校的条件式入学许可制度
  • 充满活力的美国中西部大学校园和多元化的学生社团
  • 俯瞰俄亥俄河的山丘据点,聚集丰富的文化和各类体育赛事
  • 学校简介
    • 关于ESL的学校
    • 资料数据
    • 学校属性 : 私立
      成立时间 : 1961
      所属鉴定/会员机构 : EnglishUSA / ACCET
      学生人数 : 175
      每班平均人数 : 12
      机场接机 :
      学费 : 中价位
      地区属性 : 郊区
      交通工具 : 火车,巴士,出租车
    • 导师的话
    • ELS, Cincinnati is located at the University of Cincinnati (UC) in Cincinnati’s uptown district, north of downtown. The ultra-modern campus is equipped with every convenience necessary to live and learn. The ELS center is close to shops, restaurants, sporting events and a wide variety of nearby attractions that earned Cincinnati a place among the top 20 “fun cities in the USA”. We look forward to receiving your application from!

      Ms. Carol Olausen
      Center Director
      University of Cincinnati
      ELS Language Centers
    • 联络资讯
    • ELS Language Centers
      Central Admissions Office

      400 Alexander Park
      Princeton, NJ  08540  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (609) 750-3566
      FAX: +1 (609) 750-3599
  • 学校详情
    • 住处
    • 环绕的区域
    • 关于学院或大学
    • 条件式入学/免托福升学/学分课程
  • 课程资讯
    • ELS密集英语课程 (IEP) (ELS Intensive English Program (IEP))

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 12-15名学生
      班级程度: 12级
      课程长度: 4,8,12,16,20,24周
      最低年龄限制: 17岁
      签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20
      住处: 学校宿舍或校内公寓 
    • 日期
      • 以下为开课日期,课程长度选择:4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48
      • 2024/08/12
      • 2024/09/09
      • 2024/10/07
      • 2024/11/04
      • 2024/12/02
      • 2024/12/30
      • 2025/01/27
      • 2025/02/24
      • 2025/03/24
      • 2025/04/21
      • 2025/05/19
      • 2025/06/16
      • 2025/07/14
      • 2025/08/11
      • 2025/09/08
      • 2025/10/06
      • 2025/11/03
      • 2025/12/01
    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      US$ 180
      学费 (2024)
      4 周 US$ 2,200
      8 周 US$ 4,400
      12 周 US$ 6,180
      16 周 US$ 8,240
      20 周 US$ 10,300
      24 周 US$ 11,640
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      4 - 24 周 US$ 1,340 Per Month US$ 1,540 Per Month N/A
      US$ 165 (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport)
    • 备注
    • 半密集英语课程 (Semi-Intensive English Program)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 12 - 15名学生
      班级程度: 12级
      课程长度: 4,8,12,16,20,24周
      最低年龄限制: 17岁
      签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20
      住处: 学校宿舍或校内公寓 
    • 日期
      • 以下为开课日期,课程长度选择:4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48
      • 2024/08/12
      • 2024/09/09
      • 2024/10/07
      • 2024/11/04
      • 2024/12/02
      • 2024/12/30
      • 2025/01/27
      • 2025/02/24
      • 2025/03/24
      • 2025/04/21
      • 2025/05/19
      • 2025/06/16
      • 2025/07/14
      • 2025/08/11
      • 2025/09/08
      • 2025/10/06
      • 2025/11/03
      • 2025/12/01
    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      US$ 180
      学费 (2024)
      4 周 US$ 1,700
      8 周 US$ 3,400
      12 周 US$ 4,800
      16 周 US$ 6,400
      20 周 US$ 8,000
      24 周 US$ 9,000
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      4-48 周 US$ 1,340 Per Month US$ 1,540 Per Month N/A
      US$ 165 (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Airport)
    • 备注
    • 美国文化体验课程 (AEP) (American Explorer)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 12-15名学生
      班级程度: 12级
      课程长度: 4,8,12周
      最低年龄限制: 16岁
      签证资讯: 不颁发入学许可(I-20)
      住处: 学校宿舍或校内公寓
    • 日期
      • 以下为开课日期,课程长度选择:4, 8, 12
      • 2024/08/12
      • 2024/09/09
      • 2024/10/07
      • 2024/11/04
      • 2024/12/02
      • 2024/12/30
      • 2025/01/27
      • 2025/02/24
      • 2025/03/24
      • 2025/04/21
      • 2025/05/19
      • 2025/06/16
      • 2025/07/14
      • 2025/08/11
      • 2025/09/08
      • 2025/10/06
      • 2025/11/03
      • 2025/12/01
    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      US$ 180
      学费 (2024)
      4 周 US$ 1,640
      8 周 US$ 3,280
      12 周 US$ 4,620
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      4-12 周 US$ 1,340 Per Month US$ 1,540 Per Month N/A
      US$ 165 (Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport)
    • 备注
  • 所在地
    • 美国 俄亥俄州 辛辛那提市(Cincinnati, Ohio)
    • 地址
      ELS Language Centers, Cincinnati
      University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio  45221  U.S.A.
    • 至学校的交通方式
    • 学校为同学提供从机场到达学校的接送服务,车程约25分钟,收费约为US$150。学生必须在出发前通知学校有关的航班资料。
  • 学生评价与回馈
    • 学术品质: 4.5
      学校环境: 4.3
      教职员的协助: 4.2
      课外与社交活动: 4.3
      住宿品质: 4.2


    • 现在有 6 个评价与回馈
    • 以下是其他语系学生的评价与回馈之翻译版本

    • Rani
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
      I developed my mind
      I chose ELS Cincinnati because I've heard that it has strong teachers who can help me to improve my English skills. My biggest challenge was how to speak with American people and how to make a lot of friends. ELS Cincinnati is like the second home where someone can learn English with their friends. Actually, everyone in ELS Cincinnati is like my family. The three biggest benefits of attending ELS Cincinnati were: I made new friends, learned how to break the ice (I can talk in speaking evaluations), and I developed my mind. My teachers at ELS Cincinnati impacted me step by step. They encouraged my English skills so I can speak very fluently. Even though, sometimes, I felt stressed and that I could not concentrate in the classes, it was okay because a lot of my teachers and friends supported me. ELS Cincinnati absolutely helped me adjust to life in the US through their activities and staff presentations. It helps all the students. Right now, I'm trying to decide which university I want to attend after ELS. I am between two universities: the University of Cincinnati or Louisiana Tech University.

      [ Shanghai, China, 女 ]
      I love my teachers
      I chose ELS Cincinnati because I need to improve my English skills and I want to study at the University of Cincinnati. When I arrived at ELS, I think my biggest challenge was that I couldn't understand what my teacher said. I love everybody at ELS Cincinnati. I love my teachers, my friends, and I can experience many cultures. The three biggest benefits of attending ELS Cincinnati are: getting English skills, making more friends, and having a very full day every day. Teachers at ELS Cincinnati are always full of energy. The teachers have many methods to teach us English. ELS often organizes activities to help you adjust to US life. After studying at ELS Cincinnati, I want to study at the University of Cincinnati.

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 女 ]
      Like a big family
      ELS Cincinnati is like a big family. Teachers and advisors really care about every student, not only for the English learning, but to help students to adapt to the new culture and new life at the UC campus. Students feel comfortable and are encouraged here. Also, ELS Cincinnati holds lots of activities. I always learn new things after participating in varieties of activities. It is a perfect place with perfect teachers and advisors for me to learn English. I will start my Master's degree at a US university this year and I feel ELS Cincinnati has helped me to be prepared for it.

      [ 高雄, 台灣, 20歳, 女 ]

      [ Taiwan, Taiwan ]

      [ jeddah, saudi arabia ]
  • 影音/视频



