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ELS Language Centers, Cleveland

ELS - 凱斯西楚大學

Case Western Reserve University [Cleveland, Ohio]


  • 免TOEFL成績就可進入全美550多所學院、大學和職業學校的條件式入學許可制度
  • 專用學術教材、優質專業師資、嚴謹細緻的等級語言課程
  • 兼具現代工業都市的繁榮和純正傳統的美式生活方式及文化
  • 學校簡介
    • 關於ESL的學校
    • 資料數據
    • 學校屬性 : 私立
      成立時間 : 1961
      所屬鑑定/會員機構 : EnglishUSA
      學生人數 : 300
      每班平均人數 : 12
      機場接機 :
      學費 : 中價位
      地區屬性 : 城市
      交通工具 : 火車,巴士,計程車
    • 聯絡資訊
    • ELS Language Centers
      Central Admissions Office

      400 Alexander Park
      Princeton, NJ  08540  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (609) 750-3547
      FAX: +1 (609) 750-3599
  • 學校詳情
    • 住處
    • 環繞的區域
    • 關於學院或大學
    • 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
  • 課程資訊
    • ELS密集英語課程 (IEP) (ELS Intensive English Program (IEP))

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 12-15名學生
      班級程度: 12級
      課程長度: 4,8,12,16,20,24週
      最低年齡限制: 17歲
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓
    • 日期
      • 以下為開課日期,課程長度選擇:4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48
      • 2024/08/12
      • 2024/09/09
      • 2024/10/07
      • 2024/11/04
      • 2024/12/02
      • 2024/12/30
      • 2025/01/27
      • 2025/02/24
      • 2025/03/24
      • 2025/04/21
      • 2025/05/19
      • 2025/06/16
      • 2025/07/14
      • 2025/08/11
      • 2025/09/08
      • 2025/10/06
      • 2025/11/03
      • 2025/12/01
    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 180
      學費 (2024)
      4 週 US$ 2,200
      8 週 US$ 4,400
      12 週 US$ 6,180
      16 週 US$ 8,240
      20 週 US$ 10,300
      24 週 US$ 11,640
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      4 - 24 週 N/A US$ 1,300 Per Month
      US$ 150 (Cleveland Hopkins International Airport)
    • 備註
    • 半密集英語課程 (Semi-Intensive English Program)

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 12 -15名學生
      班級程度: 12級
      課程長度: 4,8,12,16,20,24週
      最低年齡限制: 18歲
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓 
    • 日期
      • 以下為開課日期,課程長度選擇:4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24
      • 2024/08/12
      • 2024/09/09
      • 2024/10/07
      • 2024/11/04
      • 2024/12/02
      • 2024/12/30
      • 2025/01/27
      • 2025/02/24
      • 2025/03/24
      • 2025/04/21
      • 2025/05/19
      • 2025/06/16
      • 2025/07/14
      • 2025/08/11
      • 2025/09/08
      • 2025/10/06
      • 2025/11/03
      • 2025/12/01
    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 180
      學費 (2024)
      4 週 US$ 1,700
      8 週 US$ 3,400
      12 週 US$ 4,800
      16 週 US$ 6,400
      20 週 US$ 8,000
      24 週 US$ 9,000
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      4-24 週 N/A US$ 1,300 Per Month
      US$ 150 (Cleveland Hopkins International Airport)
    • 備註
    • 美國文化體驗課程 (AEP) (American Explorer)

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 12-15名學生
      班級程度: 12級
      課程長度: 4,8,12週
      最低年齡限制: 16歲
      簽證資訊: 不頒發入學許可(I-20)
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓 
    • 日期
      • 以下為開課日期,課程長度選擇:4, 8, 12
      • 2024/08/12
      • 2024/09/09
      • 2024/10/07
      • 2024/11/04
      • 2024/12/02
      • 2024/12/30
      • 2025/01/27
      • 2025/02/24
      • 2025/03/24
      • 2025/04/21
      • 2025/05/19
      • 2025/06/16
      • 2025/07/14
      • 2025/08/11
      • 2025/09/08
      • 2025/10/06
      • 2025/11/03
      • 2025/12/01
    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 180
      學費 (2024)
      4 週 US$ 1,640
      8 週 US$ 3,280
      12 週 US$ 4,620
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      4-12 週 N/A US$ 1,300 Per Month
      US$ 150 (Cleveland Hopkins International Airport)
    • 備註
  • 所在地
    • 美國 俄亥俄州 克里夫蘭市(Cleveland, Ohio)
    • 地址
      ELS Language Centers, Cleveland
      Case Western Reserve University

      Stone Commons, Room 109 Cleveland, Ohio  44106  U.S.A.
    • 至學校的交通方式
    • 從克利夫蘭霍普金斯國際機場(Cleveland Hopkins International Airport) 出發:
  • 學生評價與回饋
    • 學術品質: 4.3
      學校環境: 3.9
      教職員的協助: 4.1
      課外與社交活動: 2.9
      住宿品質: 3.4


    • 現在有 7 個評價與回饋

    • 學生
      [ Taipei, Taiwan ]

    • 以下是其他語系學生的評價與回饋之翻譯版本

    • Sunny
      [ Seoul, Republic of Korea, 24歳, 女 ]
      ELS Cleveland
      강사들이 무척 친절하고 정이 있음.
      섬세한 배려에 인간적임.
      그러나 야외활동을 하기에는 조금 외진 곳이라
      야외활동이 많이 부족함.
      오전의 기본 수업은 매우 만족 스러웠다.

      Bolin Xu
      [ Beijing, China, 男 ]
      ELS/Cleveland is the best choice
      The most important reason why I came to ELS/Cleveland is to improve my English. They can give you systematical teaching and tutoring. The teachers and administrators are friendly and patient and help you out of problems. They are all helpful and obliging. In fact, ELS is not only a place to learn a second language, but also a place to learn about other countries' cultures. This is a cross-cultural center, because people are from different countries. So we can extend our social circle with different foreign friends. I believe
      ELS/Cleveland is the best choice for you!

      Veronika Volochayeva
      [ Almaty, Kazakhstan, 女 ]
      Very friendly environment
      I would like to say that I like ELS Cleveland and enjoy spending my time to learn English here. ELS has a very friendly environment and the teachers are very patient and always available to answer questions. In particular, they give you enough time to understand your mistakes. All in all, they are very professional in teaching English and helping you to do your
      best. Also, I like the location of ELS Cleveland because it is in the center of Case Western Reserve University campus and it makes it easier to meet students to practice English with
      native speakers. I am sure that ELS is the best place for anybody who dreams to learn English and discover American culture.

      [ Seoul, South Korea, 男 ]
      Achieve your goal more easily
      When it comes to teachers and curriculum of ELS, both of them are well harmonized with professional abilities of teachers and helpful textbooks. Especially, long experienced teachers always encourage students to keep on the track of studying English and cheer them up through constant feedback. As a matter of fact, I am not perfect at English right now, and still need to improve, but I have gotten so much confidence and I will be able to continue to study English based on teaching of ELS. If you start studying with ELS Cleveland, I am 100% sure you will be fully satisfied with your choice and you will overcome the fear of learning a foreign language. ELS Cleveland is the key which introduces you to a new world and enables you to achieve your goal more easily.

      [ 神奈川県, 日本, 31歳, 女 ]

      [ 東京都, 日本, 25歳, 女 ]
  • 影音/視頻



