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The State University of New York at New Paltz (SUNY)


Haggerty English Language Program (HELP) [New Paltz, NY]


  • 符合大学学术要求,但英语程度欠缺的学生可通过学校的大学衔接课程,然后进升本大学部或部分研究所课程。
  • 通过会话伙伴活动结识美国学生,提高英语能力。
  • 通过社区大使项目了解地方文化,接触当地美国家庭与社会。


  • 学校简介
    • 关于ESL的课程
    • 资料数据
    • 学校属性 : 公立
      成立时间 : 1979
      所属鉴定/会员机构 : UCIEP, EnglishUSA, Middle States
      学生人数 : 20 - 25
      每班平均人数 : 15
      机场接机 :
      学费 : 中价位
      地区属性 : 郊区
      交通工具 : 巴士,出租车,火车
    • 导师的话
    • Dear English Language Learners,

      On behalf of the staff and faculty here, I would like to welcome you to the Haggerty English Language Program. We are here to help you improve your English skills, achieve your language goals, and guide you through American social and Academic culture.

      Our professors of English as a New Language are highly qualified, experienced, and helpful to all students. They are trained to meet the language needs of each student and will work with you to improve your reading, writing, listening, speaking and pronunciation in English.

      You will also be able to meet many students from all over the world. This will enhance your language learning by giving you plenty of opportunity to use your English outside of the classroom. You may also come away with new life-long friendships and life-changing experiences.

      You can do all this on the beautiful and safe SUNY New Paltz campus. Being a part of an American college provides you with a lot of extra opportunities for learning by joining student clubs, going to student concerts and plays, and attending free public lectures in the sciences and the arts.

      Apply now and come join our community. #YouAreWelcomeHere

      Sincerely yours,
      Aiko Pletch
      Academic Coordinator of The Haggerty English Language Program
      Center for International Programs
      SUNY New Paltz
    • 联络资讯
    • Haggerty English Language Program
      van den Berg Hall 201
      SUNY New Paltz

      1 Hawk Drive
      New Paltz, NY  12561-2440  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 845 257-3595
      FAX: +1 845 257-3608
  • 学校详情
    • 住处
    • 环绕的区域
    • 关于学院或大学
    • 条件式入学/免托福升学/学分课程
  • 课程资讯
    • 密集英语课程 (Intensive English Program)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 7 - 17名学生
      班级程度: 4级
      课程长度: 16周
      最低年龄限制: 17岁
      入学限制: 高中结业证书
      签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20
      住处: 校内宿舍或公寓
    • 日期
    • 2025
      16 周:
      1/21 - 5/15

    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      学费 (2024 - 2025)
      5 周 US$2,950 (Summer Session)
      16 周 US$6,560
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      16 周 N/A US$ 5,550 - N/A
      US$ 40 (JFK)
      US$ 760 (16週)
      US$ 1,140 (16週)
      US$ 150 (16週)
    • 备注
  • 所在地
    • 美国 纽约州 纽柏兹市 (New Paltz, New York)
    • 地址
      Haggerty English Language Program
      van den Berg Hall 201
      SUNY New Paltz

      1 Hawk Drive New Paltz, NY  12561-2440  U.S.A.
    • 至学校的交通方式
    • 从约翰肯尼迪国际机场(John F. Kennedy International Airport)出发:
  • 学生评价与回馈
    • 学术品质: 4.3
      学校环境: 4.7
      教职员的协助: 4.7
      课外与社交活动: 3.9
      住宿品质: 3.9


    • 现在有 9 个评价与回馈
    • 以下是其他语系学生的评价与回馈之翻译版本

    • 學生
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 26歳, 男 ]

      [ Chang Hua, Taiwan, 29歳, 男 ]
      I love New Paltz
      總之是一個很讚的小鎮,春夏秋冬各有不同的美麗。好山好水、人和善,風氣又自由尊重。是個唸書的好地方。而且離紐約市還滿近的,可當天往返,卻沒有都市的喧囂和市郊的雜亂。ESL學生亞洲人為一半,其他的中南美和歐洲人人數相近,有一些非洲學生。英語課程依程度分3級,每班約10來人。這個學校的教育與藝術系所很不錯,尤其是金屬工藝Metal Program很有名。

      sung lae
      [ New York, U.S.A, 27歳, 男 ]
      I love New Paltz.
      처음 어학연수를 준비할땐 미국에 계시는 이모부님의 댁에서 가장 가깝고 이모부가 추천하시는 곳으로 가게됐습니다. 그곳이 바로 New Paltz. 처음 미국이라는 곳에 입국했을땐 많이 막막 했습니다. 하지만 그곳의 native speaker들도 너무 친철하게 대해주고 특히 ELS 프로그램 선생님들은 아주 친철하게 대해주셨습니다. 학교 수업을 마칠때쯤에는 모든 나라에서 온 친구들이 같이 헤어짐을 아쉬워 하고 각국에 돌아 갔을 때도 연락을 할 수 있도록 연락처도 주고 받았습니다. 그리고 New Paltz주변의 아름다운 경치를 만끽하다보면 어느새 영어가 일취월장하게 될 것입니다. 어학연수를 생각하고 계신다면 주저하지 말고 도전을 해보세요.^^ 그리고 여러분의 행복을 찾으세요..^^

      [ Santo Domingo, Rep.Dominicana., 50歳, 女 ]
      Por todo su empeño y dedicacion en la enseñanza.
      El ingresar en SUNY New Paltz para mi fue una gran experiencia. No se como no lo hice antes. El haber sido parte de el grupo de ESL en SUNY fue de gran aprendizaje ,valoro el empeño que Ponen Los profesores en cada uno de sus estudiantes. Por lo que doy gracias por el tiempo que compartimos durante el semestre,en un ambiente tranquilo ,limpio ,seguro . Gracias a todos Los que Forman parte de este grupo.( SUNY ,New Paltz)

      Paul Lo
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 27歳, 男 ]
      Pretty Environment and Nice People in New Paltz
      I love SUNY, New Paltz. Everything was great. I joined the HELP program to learn English and it was really helpful for my career and for dealing with people. The most important thing is that people in New Paltz are kind and patient. If I have one more chance, I definitely will go back to New Paltz. Anyway, choose this school because it is the best choice I have ever made.

      [ Seoul, Korea, 24歳, 女 ]
      About Extra Curricular Activities
      Overall, this school is pretty good. I wish they had had some more extra-curricular activites. The campus is very good and the class quality was also. While I was there, I felt there were many Korean students, but this changes depending on the time of year you go. Some students like being around others from their country and others prefer not to.

      [ 台北市, Taiwan ]

      [ Daegu, Korea, 28歳, 女 ]

      A Former Student
      [ La Rochelle, France ]
  • 影音/视频



