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University of Maryland (UMD)


Maryland English Institute (MEI) [College Park, Maryland]


  • 通過“會話夥伴”中與英語同伴的談話活動提高英語交流能力
  • 就讀美國屈指一數的頂尖公共研究學院
  • 感受華盛頓首府的政治、文化及商業中心集於一體的氣氛


  • 學校簡介
    • 關於ESL的課程
    • 資料數據
    • 學校屬性 : 公立
      成立時間 : 1980
      所屬鑑定/會員機構 : UCIEP / CEA
      學生人數 : 25
      每班平均人數 : 12
      機場接機 :
      學費 : 高價位
      地區屬性 : 城市
      交通工具 : 巴士,列車,計程車,電車
    • 導師的話
    • Greetings from Maryland!
      Welcome to the Maryland English Institute (MEI) at ApplyESL. Our teaching excellence and state-of-the-art technology complemented by the University of Maryland’s ideal location offer an excellent English-learning environment. As an MEI student, some of your classes will meet in our fully equipped multimedia center. Outside of the classroom, you will take part in many communicative and experiential activities, such as group projects, service-learning assignments, field trips, and international coffee hours. You will receive a University e-mail account and have access to all University facilities, including libraries, computer labs, recreation center, health center, and free shuttle-buses. Whether you want to learn English for academic or professional purposes or for personal enrichment, we hope you will have a look at what we have to offer. We look forward to receiving your application from ApplyESL and meeting you!

      Jon Malone
      Director, Maryland English Institute (MEI)
      University of Maryland
    • 聯絡資訊
    • Maryland English Institute (MEI)
      University of Maryland

      3117 Susquehanna Hall
      College Park, Maryland  20742-7711  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (301) 405-8634
      FAX: +1 (301) 314-9462
  • 學校詳情
    • 住處
    • 環繞的區域
    • 關於學院或大學
    • 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
  • 課程資訊
    • 密集英語課程 (Intensive Program)

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 15 名學生
      班級程度: 3 級
      課程長度: 7, 14週
      最低年齡限制: 18歲
      入學限制: 中級到高級英語程度
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 校內宿舍或公寓 (SUMMER ONLY)
    • 日期
    • 2024
      14 週:
      8/22 - 12/4

      14 週:
      1/23 - 5/7

    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 110
      學費 (2024 - 2025)
      7 週 US$ 1,962
      14 週 US$ 6,819
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      7 週 N/A US$ 1,750 (Summer ONLY) US$ 900
      14 週 N/A US$ 3,450 (Summer ONLY) US$ 1,800
    • 備註
  • 所在地
    • 美國 馬里蘭州 大學公園市 (College Park, Maryland)
    • 地址
      Maryland English Institute (MEI)
      University of Maryland

      3117 Susquehanna Hall College Park, Maryland  20742-7711  U.S.A.
    • 至學校的交通方式
    • 從寶特莫國際機場(Baltimore-Washington International Airport)出發:
      學生可以乘搭計程車或者公共巴士從Baltimore-Washington國際機場到達校園。計程車的費用大概在US$50左右, 車程約為30分鐘。
  • 學生評價與回饋
    • 學術品質: 4.5
      學校環境: 4.7
      教職員的協助: 4.7
      課外與社交活動: 4.5
      住宿品質: 4.4


    • 現在有 23 個評價與回饋

    • 張峻嘉
      [ Taoyuan, Taiwan, 35歳, 男 ]

      張峻嘉(Jason) 2011/7

      [ TAIPEI, TAIWAN ]

      [ Taiwan, Taiwan ]

    • 以下是其他語系學生的評價與回饋之翻譯版本

    • Yurlady Chaverra Palacios
      [ Bogota, Colombia, 32歳, 女 ]
      Estudiar en Maryland English Institute este semestre ha sido una gran experiencia de vida muy importante para mis planes profesionales, realmente llegue al Instituto no conociendo del idioma y en 4 meses todo cambio, ahora me puedo comunicar con mayor facilidad, puedo leer textos en ingles y escribir. Fue una correcta decision el haber seleccionado esta intitucion ya que la metodologia es muy buena y te prepara para la vida universitaria en Estados Unidos. Mi calificacion es 5 (Excelente)

      [ Tijuana, Mexico, 29歳, 女 ]
      Disfruta Aprender Ingles en Maryland
      Estudiar ingles en la Universidad de Maryland ha sido una buena inversion para mi futuro. ESL no solo se encarga de su calidad academica, sino tambien de que los estudiantes disfruten de la estancia, con diferentes actividades. Aparte de mis estudios ahi, ahora tengo amigos de diferentes partes del mundo, con los que convivi y disfrute aprender ingles.

      [ Paris, France, 女 ]
      French People CAN Speak English Correctly!
      I will never forget this great and helpful MEI experience. Thanks to the teachers and the staff, without which this would not have been possible. I was able to show that French people can speak English correctly!

      [ Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 女 ]
      I've Grown So Much
      MEI is a comprehensive English program that prepares you for educational and professional success. I've learned and grown so much!

      Abdullah Mohammad
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
      Best Teachers Ever
      I had the best teachers ever at MEI. My reading/writing/grammar teacher and my listening/speaking teacher were excellent!

      [ Abu Dhabi, UAE, 男 ]
      The Campus is Beautiful
      I like MEI because they have very good teachers, the campus is beautiful and everyday I learn something new about the English language. I'm happy to have chosen MEI.

      Luis Miguel
      [ Lima, Peru, 男 ]
      Best Strategies to Teach English
      Definitely, teachers are the best resource at MEI because the have the best strategies to teach English.

      [ San Salvador, El Salvador, 女 ]
      Rewarding Experience at MEI
      It has been a very rewarding experience, we have learned in a community and there has been a cultural exchange, creating the bonds of friendship with no regard to race or religion. This has motivated me to continue my studies, and I'm grateful to have shared the opportunity with everyone.

      [ Beijing, China, 男 ]
      Study English Step by Step
      I absolutely think that MEI is the best place to study English step by step. All the teachers are very nice, and they create the right conditions for learning English.

      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
      Passionate Teachers
      At MEI teachers and staff are passionate about their job. Great times, supportive environment.

      [ Busan, S.Korea, 27歳, 男 ]
      Pretty Good ESL Program
      The faculty was quite good, and you can learn professional and academic English there. Moreover, since you can live with native Americans in dorm, your English would be sharply improved if you apply to the Maryland English Institute (MEI) program.

      Chih Hao Chen
      [ Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 29歳, 男 ]
      Perfect Environment
      University of Maryland has a beautiful campus, and good environment. Here are a few of my observations about studying abroad at MEI.
      1. The teacher you have determines a lot of your experience and it's better not to change so often.
      2. I wanted to study the TOEFL test more.
      3. Studying at any school abroad is a big investment for your future.

      The school has many advantages.
      Teachers are very kind and teach the best they can.
      Most students get together like a family.

      Overall, it's a good university and English Institute.

      Junyong Suh
      [ Seoul, South Korea, 23歳, 男 ]
      About Maryland English Institue (MEI)
      I took an MEI course in 2006 at University of Maryland, College Park. At that time, students were classified into 4 groups by the proficiency test results. Each group was made of 10 students and the top group which I was in, was made up of 7 Koreans, 1 Russian and 2 Saudi Arabians. The class was as expected and if you participate in it actively, you can get a lot from the class. I also attended a Computer Science class by asking professor to do so and it was also great experience. The circumstance was good, if you live near the Univ, you can hang out with native English speaking friends. You can also use all of the facilities at the university such as the gym.

      [ 香港, 中國, 26歳, 男 ]

      [ 서울, 대한민국, 32歳, 男 ]

      Nici Liu
      [ 深圳, 中国, 33歳, 女 ]

      [ Seoul, Korea ]

      [ seoul, South Korea, 24歳, 男 ]

      Ali Alshalwan
      [ Abha, Saudi Arabia, 25歳, 男 ]

      A Former Student
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ]
  • 影音/視頻



