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California State University, Sonoma


Sonoma State American Language Institute (SSALI) [Rohnert Park, California]


  • 加州州立大学系统校之一的森诺玛州立大学附设英语课程,已有40年以上英语教学经验。 SSALI 大学衔接课程(条件式录取以及高等学业课程同时注册选项)为国际学生提供了实现学业目标的机会!
  • 英语语言测验成绩豁免 - 完成 SSALI 课程的学生将自动满足索诺玛州立大学和当地社区学院的英语语言要求。
  • 距离旧金山车程仅45分钟,感受北加州柔讷公园、酿酒山庄独特祥和的学习气氛。
  • 学校简介
    • 关于ESL的课程
    • 资料数据
    • 学校属性 : 公立
      成立时间 : 1979
      所属鉴定/会员机构 : EnglishUSA
      学生人数 : 50
      每班平均人数 : 13
      机场接机 :
      学费 : 低价位
      地区属性 : 郊区
      交通工具 : 巴士
    • 导师的话
    • As Director of International Education, I am looking forward to welcoming you to the Sonoma State American Language Institute (SSALI). From our school profile on, I hope that you will find interest in our beautiful location on the Sonoma State University campus, our strong academic program, our safe community, and the strong support you will receive as a student here. Our program boasts small class sizes and a diverse student population, with many opportunities to build friendships with students from both the U.S. and around the world. Our students have the opportunity to improve their English skills quickly, both in and out of the classroom. Whether you are interested in studying English for academic, business, or social purposes, we can help you achieve your dreams. See you in Sonoma!
      John B. Green
      Director of International Programs
    • 联络资讯
    • American Language Institute
      Sonoma State University

      1801 East Cotati Avenue
      Rohnert Park, California  94928-3609  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 707-664-2742
      FAX: N/A
  • 学校详情
    • 住处
    • 环绕的区域
    • 关于学院或大学
    • 条件式入学/免托福升学/学分课程
  • 课程资讯
    • 密集英语课程 (Intensive English Program)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 12 - 15
      班级程度: 2级
      课程长度: 7 & 16周
      最低年龄限制: 18岁
      入学限制: 高中结业证书
      签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20
      住处: 学校提供各项住宿情报,但学生必须自行安排。请直接联系学校。
    • 日期
    • 2025
      8 周:
      6/10 - 8/2

    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      学费 (2024)
      8 周 US$ 2,500
      16 周 US$ 5,000
      US$ 325 (Homestay)
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      8-16 周 Contact provider directly Contact school directly Contact school directly
      $125 (Payable to the Driver)
      US$ 145/month
      US$ 250/semester
    • 备注
    • 大学衔接课程(University Pathways) (University Pathways)

    • 课程内容
    • 相关资讯
    • 班级大小: 10 - 15名学生
      班级程度: 2级
      课程长度: 最长16周(每周20小时)
      最低年龄限制: 18岁
      入学限制: See Profile
      签证资讯: 可以颁发I-20
      住处: 学校提供各项住宿情报,但学生必须自行安排。请直接联系学校。
    • 日期
    • 2025
      8 周:
      6/10 - 8/2

    • 费用
    • 申请费用
      学费 (2024)
      8 周 US$ 2,500
      16 周 US$ 5,000
      Contact provider directly
      住宿时间 住宿家庭 学校宿舍/ 校园内的公寓 校园外的住宿
      8-16 周 Contact provider directly Contact provider directly Contact provider directly
      US$ 180/month
      US$ 200/semester
    • 备注
  • 所在地
    • 美国 加州 柔讷公园市(Rohnet Park, California)
    • 地址
      American Language Institute
      Sonoma State University

      1801 East Cotati Avenue Rohnert Park, California  94928-3609  U.S.A.
    • 至学校的交通方式
    • 从旧金山国际机场(San Francisco International Airport)出发:
      同学可以通过机场直达巴士 抵达柔讷公园(Rohnert Park)。费用约为34块美元。学生也可自行搭出租车。
  • 学生评价与回馈
    • 学术品质: 4.8
      学校环境: 4.8
      教职员的协助: 4.8
      课外与社交活动: 4.6
      住宿品质: 4.6


    • 现在有 17 个评价与回馈
    • 以下是其他语系学生的评价与回馈之翻译版本

    • 익명
      [ Mokpo, Korea, 20歳, 男 ]
      About the SSALI
      다른 곳에서도 학교를 다녔었지만 이 곳은 전에 다니던 학교와는 달리 영어를 빨리 늘 수 있었다. 그이유는 항상 같은 클래스 친구들과 똑같은 수업을 들으며 항상 같이 어울리고 이야기하고 수업외에도 미국인들과 함께 할 수 있는 프로그램들도 많으며 항상 오피스에 있는 선생님들이 어떻하면 더 나은 프로그램을 학생들에게 제공 할 수 있는지에 대해 물어보고 같이 어울리고 정말 좋은 기억을 남기게 해준 학교였습니다.

      [ 서울, 한국, 24歳, 女 ]
      전반적으로 괜찮은 경험이었습니다. 학교주변도 시골인데 굉장히 깨끗하고 조용하고.. 영어 배우기엔 최적인 것 같아요. 지내는 동안은 그 커뮤니티의 일원으로 지낼 수 있다고 할까.. 도시 분위기를 좋아하면 좀 불편할 수도 있겠지만. 교통은 솔직히 불편함. 선생님들도 참 잘가르치고 자상하심. 상위반 끝내면 TESOL, 학교수업같은 거 들을 수 있고. 봉사활동 elective도 있고.. 한국에 관심있는 native도 대화 파트너로 만날 수 있고 홈스테이 아주머니들도 좋으시고.. 향수병 걸리면 좀 힘들지만 그래도 거기 있는 분들이 잘보듬어 주셔서 좋았음.

      [ Miyagi, Japan, 22歳, 女 ]
      SSALI broadened my point of view and opened a whole new world to me.

      [ 東京, 日本, 女 ]

      Rodrigo Gomez
      [ Santiago, Chile, 32歳, 男 ]
      SSALI: Una Sorprendente Experiencia
      Mi experiencia en SSALI fue buena. Es una escuela cuyos teachers son cercanos a sus alumnos y se establecen relaciones de amistad muy valiosas, gracias a que los cursos son pequeños. Los profesores tienen mucha empatia y hacen bien su trabajo. Hay mucha vida social tambien.

      Carlos Moreno
      [ Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 27歳, 男 ]
      Una de Mis Mejores Experiencias!!
      Fue una de mis mejores deciciones!!!

      Ana Maria
      [ Colombia, Bogota, 20歳, 女 ]
      Great School
      I recommend SSALI because is a place where you can learn English and practice every day with teachers and classmates having a good environment... I learned a lot there, not just English, I learned about other cultures, customs and countries... SSALI gives you an awesome experience with the best teachers, they are always prepared for everything and they have the patient to explain and many activities to do in each single class. I feel so lucky to have been there! I miss CA, SSALI, teachers and classmates.

      [ Russia, Samara ]
      I recommend SSALI program for all who wants improve English for different reasons either academic purposes or just for increasing language skills. It's a great school with an attentive staff in there. There are professional and friendly teachers there. The environment is very comfortable which makes process of study and diving in English more efficient. I love this school and its people who work for it.

      [ Italy, Bari ]
      Sonoma State University and SSALI is a very good education system I tried in the past and as Teacher from Italy, I think to have been enriched with that wonderful experience I did. Very professional, friendly and taking care of students. Very important was the cooperative learning steps, and all the affectionate atmosphere I found. I hope to come back again and, surely, I can recommend to all students and people who want to have an important progress approaching into English study. I miss CA, San Francisco and SSALI, in particular way.

      A Former Student
      [ Japan, Kanagawa, 23歳, 女 ]
      Studying at Sonoma State American Language Institute gave me confidence and the opportunity to know how fun studying English can be. SSALI has a really good environment, great teachers, great facilities, and interesting students from all over the world.

      de Jager Gregoire
      [ Seine at Marne, France, 19歳, 男 ]
      I had a amazing experience going to Sonoma State University. Thanks to this experience, I can now travel all around the world because I became fluent in English. It helped me to improve my skills. The campus is ideal for any international student. It has many different activities, you can go to the gym or play pool, there is a climbing wall etc... I made a lot of friends from different cultures which is really pleasent. I keep in touch with them.

      As a good exemple, to show how friendships can last; my roommate who was Korean, came in France during the summer vacation to visit Paris. So my familiy hosted him and we had a lot of fun, probably next time I'll have the chance to go to Korea. Therefore, Sonoma State University really helped me in building contacts for the future.

      Charles de Jager
      [ Paris, France, 22歳, 男 ]
      SSALI saved my life
      My English was so poor when I finished High School that I couldn't even talk in English with anyone, I was lost and I had no idea about wanted to do after High School; that is why I went to Sonoma State University in the SSALI program.

      When I met my host family, who by the way is the most incredible one ever, I was stressed because of my level but the adoption and involvement that they gave to my comfort and my stay was incredible and I thank them for that.

      I was shocked when I discovered the amazing campus that has Sonoma State University, this kind of campus were only in the movies for me. After a week I met all my teachers, I was so happy and knew that I will find incredible teachers. I started in one of the lowest level to finish my year in the highest one after working hard and learning a new culture. I spent one year in Sonoma State University, I have met such great friends around the world that I am still in contact with.

      Sonoma State University gave me the envy and the possilbility to pursue my life as I wanted to and to become the most motivated guy on earth.

      Axel H. Koenig
      [ Wertheim / Main, Germany, 男 ]
      The Students and Community are very inviting
      I believe the best thing about the SSALI program at Sonoma State
      University is the atmosphere; the students and community are very
      inviting (the amount of people). It is easy to find new friends or study
      groups here, as there are people from all over the world. It's easy to
      find a few people with similar interests as you and to find tutors. The
      academics here are better than anything I have ever experienced.
      There are lots of options for additional lessons (classes that you
      design for your own independent study) as well as really nice level
      500 courses that go deeper into an array of subjects.
      During the summer semester, they have the best field trips ever (nearly once per week).

      Sira Kim
      [ Mokpo City, South Korea, 24歳, 女 ]
      SSALI was an unbelievable experience.
      SSALI (Sonoma State American Language Institute) was really good program to acclimate myself to a new environment. It my first time to come to the US for learning English. I did not know anything about the US. So I felt anxiety before I started this program. SSALI is a "Family". We always did everything together. I never felt lonely during took this program. I made a lot of friends who is from diversity countries. Also they made me to had a lot experience ; field trip, conversation partner, etc. This program director and all staff are really kind and helpful. They always pay attention to all students. I really appreciate to give an opportunity to study at SSU.

      [ Shenyang, China, 22歳, 男 ]
      Not As Good As I Would Have Liked
      I felt as if I could have studied at a harder level in my class. The teacher gave out a lot of homework and I had to study hard to complete it. I wish I had more time to enjoy extracurricular activities.

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 35歳, 女 ]
      I Had Wonderful Life at SSU
      I came back to Taiwan almost one year ago but I am still missing my life at SSU. SSU may be a bit small, but it is beautiful and colorful, and people who live there are very friendly. I made some friends there and still keep in touch. But the most important thing is the quality of teachers there for us, right? Be honest, not all, but I met some teachers there who are really patient with students and always make class interesting for us. I would have liked to stay longer if I could. So, you are lucky to see this message and decided to go. Only one thing before you go is open your mind and get ready to enjoy your life there.

      [ Bogotá, Colombia ]
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