University of Miami (UM)
Intensive English Program (IEP) [Coral Gables, Florida]
- 超過50年來不斷的提供優良的英語課程。
- 成為全美東南地區最大的私立研究機構之一。
- 世界知名的迪士尼樂園和美麗的沙灘都近在呎尺。
- 學校簡介
- 關於ESL的課程
- 邁阿密大學附屬的密集語言中心IEP,自1951年開始提供國際學生英語課程。並於1967年成為UCIEP的會員、在1988年成為AAIEP的特許會員,證明IEP的高品質課程和教育機制早已受官方的肯定。65多年以來,IEP的任務就是幫助即將進入美國大學的學生作好準備,提供學生英語課程和學術技巧。IEP將聽與說、閱讀和寫作結合成一個完整的課程,供學生全日學習。而IEP的教師則營造出一個積極的、學風頂盛的學習環境,鼓勵學生多參與活動,以對英語能有更深更好的了解。IEP也非常樂意協助國際學生融入大學生活及美國文化。除了改善語言技巧之外,全體IEP的教職員對於不同學生的不同文化也有很深的了解。
- 資料數據
學校屬性 : 私立
成立時間 : 1951
所屬鑑定/會員機構 : UCIEP, EnglishUSA / CEA
學生人數 : 100 -150
每班平均人數 : 12
機場接機 : 無
學費 : 高價位
地區屬性 : 郊區
交通工具 : 巴士、火車 - 導師的話
- Greetings from Miami!
As Director of the Intensive Language Institute at the University of Miami, I am pleased to provide you with the opportunity to learn more about our Intensive English Program through our partnership with For over 65 years, our Intensive English Program has offered outstanding English language instruction to the international community. The IEP curriculum is designed to provide our students with the academic abilities, language skills and confidence essential to succeed in an American university. Our program encourages intercultural understanding, provides support and guidance for issues outside of the classroom and builds our students' confidence to adapt to university life and American culture. We look forward to meeting you here in Miami and help you attain your academic and personal dreams.
Cara Wenig Mori
Intensive English Program
University of Miami - 聯絡資訊
University of Miami
Intensive English Program (IEP)
5050 Brunson Drive, 111 Allen Hall
Coral Gables, Florida 33146-1612 U.S.A.TEL: +1 (305) 284-4000
FAX: +1 (305) 284-3633
- 學校詳情
- 住處
- 學校宿舍僅限於就讀暑期課程的學生使用。參加春季或冬季課程的學生,如果想住出租公寓的話,則必須自行安排住宿。IEP的老師會向學生提供有關出租公寓的資料,但是不會提供安排住宿的輔助。無論你是住在學校宿舍,還是出租公寓的學生,你都要儘早安排住宿問題。如有更進一步的住宿問題,請使用聯絡資料與學校聯係。
- 環繞的區域
- IEP的學生將能完全體驗到佛羅里達的生活方式。這裡是副熱帶氣候,每年平均溫度為攝氏20度,非常適合戶外休閒活動。而IEP就位在占地260公頃的邁阿密大學Coral Gables校區。Coral Gables是一處美麗宜人的住宅和商業區,最有名的是它的地中海式建築和設計。邁阿密蓬勃的文化、社交和全面的生活,距離校園只有7哩,到附近的熱門景點也很方便,例如風景優美的椰子林、刺激好玩的南海灘及Key Biscayne,只要從學校搭巴士和地鐵(但是是建在地面之上)就可直達。其他還有更多世界聞名的娛樂景點,例如奧蘭多迪士尼樂園和佛羅里達半島南端,都是開車幾個小時就可以到達。
- 關於學院或大學
- 邁阿密大學是一所私立的、男女合校的高等教育學府,也是全美國東南地區提供最廣泛教學及研究的大學之一。約有學生14000人,包括近1500名來自世界110多國的國際學生。該大學擁有約2000名全職的教職員,學生與教職員的比例約為13:1。邁阿密大學擁有13個學院,提供130種大學部和研究所的主修課程,學科幾乎囊括了所有人類智能的分項。邁阿密大學在南佛州有四個校區,分別是邁阿密城區醫學院、Coral Gables、Key Biscayne的Rosenstiel on Virginia Key校區以及南方校區。該校也是南方學院協會裡積極的會員,同時已獲全國性的肯定。
- 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
- 語言課程高階學生且符合一定學術要求者,可申請條件式入學。
- 課程資訊
密集英語課程 (Intensive English Program)
- 課程内容
- 每期14週,每週課堂上課20-25小時。課程共分五個難度等級,學生分級的依據是入學之初的英語程度測驗結果。
班級大小從12-14人不等,平均每班約13名學生,學校盡力維持小班制以提供有效率的語言學習課程。 - 相關資訊
班級大小: 12 -14 名學生 班級程度: 5 級 課程長度: 6,14 週 最低年齡限制: 18歲 入學限制: 無 簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20 住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓 - 日期
20258 週: 10/28 - 12/20 報名截止日: 9/288 週: 1/6 - 2/28 報名截止日: 12/6 - 費用
- 申請費用
- US$ 125
- 學費 (2024)
6 週 US$ 3,300 14 週 US$ 5,900 - 住宿安排費用
- N/A
- 住宿費
住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿 6 週 N/A US$ 800 US$ 700-1800 Per Month 14 週 N/A US$ 2,000 US$ 700-1800 Per Month - 機場接機
- Student Arranged - Contact School for Options
- 備註
- 日期及費用僅供參考,將可能依情況變動。
- 所在地
- 美國 佛羅里達州 Coral Gables市 (Coral Gables, Florida)
University of Miami
Intensive English Program (IEP)
5050 Brunson Drive Coral Gables, Florida 33146-1612 U.S.A. - 至學校的交通方式
- 從邁阿密國際機場:
- 學生評價與回饋
學術品質: 4.6 學校環境: 4.6 教職員的協助: 4.7 課外與社交活動: 4.6 住宿品質: 4.2 4.6
- 現在有 31 個評價與回饋
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Taipei, Taiwan, 29歳, 男 ]
- 以下是其他語系學生的評價與回饋之翻譯版本
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Roberto Sanchez
[ Caracas, Venezuela, 41歳, 男 ]
51人中45人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Great Experience!!!Estudiar en una Universidad de la categoria de UM es una experiencia enriquecedora, tanto academica como personalmente, si quieres dar un paso grande hacia tu futuro, este es el lugar correcto.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Zhanna Aktobe
[ Aktobe, Kazakhstan, 27歳, 女 ]
15人中14人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。ESL SchoolI believe it is one of the best ESL school in the US. I really liked my instructors and my group mates.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 女 ]
22人中20人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Real Opportunity to Learn EnglishThe IEP offers a real opportunity for you to learn the English language because it provides many effective ways for you to practice writing, reading, listening and speaking during the course.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Kuwait, Kuwait, 19歳, 男 ]
11人中10人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。University of Miami, Intensive English ProgramI enjoyed my time at IEP!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Al-Khari, Saudi Arabia, 20歳, 男 ]
6人中5人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。GoodIt is a good school overall.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Kuwait City, Kuwait, 18歳, 女 ]
8人中8人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。IEP EnvironmentMost teachers are friendly and helpful.
The classes are strict but very beneficial.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Almaty, Kazakhstan, 男 ]
4人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。GoodIt is so good!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Armando Ahued
[ Mexico, Mexico City, 27歳, 男 ]
UM Good Academic HelpUM provides extremely good academic help to their students. Honestly, I learned a lot since I have been studying here. I like UM so much that I am applying for a graduate program in Business Administration. I strongly recommend the University of Miami if you want to really improve your English
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Bassam Alassade
[ Riyadh, Saud, 男 ]
2人中2人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。My Choice to Study in AmericaMiami was my first choice to study in the United States, and my decision was a result of careful thinking, research, and study. There are many factors that make students enjoy the study here. First of all, the weather in Miami is moderate most times of the year. It doesn't snow and interrupt the life as it happens in some other cities. Second, Miami people are kind and helpful. In addition, Miami buildings have fantastic architectural style, and its streets are wide, clean and beautiful. It's also an international city; you will find different people from many countries that makes Miami more interesting. Finally, the most important factor is the availability of many universities led by the University of Miami, who is a pioneer university worldwide. It ranks high in the world's universities ranking. In addition, it has a gorgeous campus and provides excellent services to students. Certainly, its English Language Institute (IEP) has proven to have a high level of teaching English. And from my experience it is the right place for foreign students to master English language.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Saleh Aljamaan
[ Alfufof, Saudi Arabia, 25歳, 男 ]
1人中1人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。IEP has many advantagesI would like to contribute you my story with IEP. When I got my scholarship to study abroad, I was thinking about which is the best institution in the United States that would make my improve suddenly, so I started researching to find the greatest place to learn my English, so I decided to study there. Now I have been here almost one year, and really my English is improving, and I can speak very well. In addition, every teacher tries helping you as much as they can. The IEP has many advantages to develop your English such as courses, teachers, and tools of learning. I recommend anyone who wants to study English, come to the IEP.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Salah Saleh
[ Algoryat, Saudi Arabia, 19歳, 男 ]
1人中1人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。I am lucky to come to the IEPMy name is Salah Saleh Alsharari. I am from Saudi Arabia. I had been studying in DC before I came to Miami, but I didn't improve a lot, so after 6 months, I took vacation and I came to Miami to see about the school, and have a fun time, and I found the UMIEP. After that, I visited UM, and I asked 5 people about the IPE. I didn't know them, but all of them told me the IEP is very good and you will improve fast. Now, I say "thank god, I am lucky to come to the IEP."
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Maria Emilia Cevallos
[ Quito, Ecuador, 女 ]
4人中3人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Close to HomeI choose the IEP because it was close to home. But after I came here, I’m really glad that I made the decision to come here. Because the teachers are all
very welcoming; and I was able to make friends from all over the world. The class activities really help me to not only learn English, but also learn
American culture. I was also able to practice English with native speakers through the conversation program. I really enjoyed my time here, and I will
definitely recommend this program to my friends.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Laura Becht
[ Paris, France, 女 ]
5人中5人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Multicultural IEPI like the multicultural aspects of IEP. It’s a great experience to meet all the people from different countries. At first, I was very nervous because I didn’t
know a lot of English. I was very shy, but all the teachers in IEP really encouraged me. Now I’m able to express myself in English. I also enjoyed all the
activities in IEP, especially the International Thanksgiving. I was away from home. Participating in this event, and celebrate Thanksgiving with friends
from all over the world made me feel like IEP is my home away from home.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Abitbekov Aibolat
[ Astana, Kazakhstan, 男 ]
2人中2人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Miami has changed my lifeStudying in Miami has changed my life in ways that I cannot imagine. After studying here, I have made extremely important contacts. I believe that my
classmates will become future engineers, doctors, politicians in their country. No matter where we end up in the future, we will always remember each
other, and the time we have spent together at IEP. I believe that IEP is the first step for me to become a successful person. When I go to Saudi Arabia,
France, China, Colombia, and all the other countries, I will have friends there. We can share ideas, do business, and more importantly, we can tie the
relationship between our countries. I’m so happy that I chose the University of Miami, because day after day, I learned so much so my teachers. They are
kind, patient, and they understand their students. And they are always there to help us.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Orianna Polanco
[ Caracas, Venezuela, 女 ]
3人中3人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Activities at IEPIEP is a place where we can meet new people and learn about their cultures. We have fun activities such as the International Thanksgiving Celebration,
Orlando trip, and the Halloween party. All the activities help us make new friends. The teachers in IEP are really friendly, and they are always eager to
help us. I love the way I learn in IEP. The teachers make learning fun and easy for students.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Ziwen Wang
[ Shanghai, China ]
2人中2人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。I enjoyed my time as an IEP student very muchWhen I first came to the IEP, I felt nervous and strange, but all the teachers are very kind and patient. Gradually, I adapted to the environment here and
feel very comfortable now. Aside from my hometown friends here, I made some friends from Saudi Arabia, Portugal, and Venezuela. I learned their culture
and integrated with them. It’s definitely worth studying at IEP to gain this kind of experience. I also learned to work in groups, accept others suggestions
and express my opinions. I’m sure this skill will help me in the University. These opportunities were significant to my experience in the United States. I
participated in activities such as attending Miami Heat and Dolphins games and Special Olympics. Each brought significant meaning to my life in the
United States. During my time at the IEP, I strengthened my English ability. The IEP teachers make classes fun and enjoyable. I enjoyed my time as an
IEP student very much.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ Dammam, Saudi Arabian, 21歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Chen Sihan
[ Shenzhen, China, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Eli Bru
[ Madrid, Spain, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Caracas, Venezuela, 18歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Liseomara Medina
[ Lecherias, Venezuela, 18歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ City, Mexico, 52歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ Riyadh, Ksa, 19歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Mohammed Ashkanani/Moe
[ Kuwait, Kuwait ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Gustavo Scaglione
[ Bahia, Brazil, 19歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Gustavo Franco
[ Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, 28歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Kuwait city, Kuwait, 18歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Bethlehem, Palestine, 19歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Barquisimeto Lara, Venezuela, 18歳, 女 ]
- 影音/視頻