University of Delaware (UD)
English Language Institute (ELI) [Newark, Delaware]
- 針對全天課程的學生,提供免費課後輔導。
- 語言課程獲評為ESL語言課程中最好的。
- 德拉瓦州紐渥客市安全同時吸引人,許多歷史博物館的家鄉、有豐富的美麗自然景觀的寶藏和多采多姿的夜生活。
- 學校簡介
- 關於ESL的課程
- 德拉瓦大學附設的語言中心(ELI)建立於1979年,提供德拉瓦大學的外國學生、學者與相關專業人士語言、學術與文化上的協助。語言中心服務項目有:英語指導、語言測驗、文化適應和提供外國學生建議等。提供的課程包括:英語密集課程、學術英語課程、商業英語、法律英文、旅遊、美國文化和教師訓練等課程。語言中心的宗旨在於推廣校內和社區內的文化多樣性。
- 資料數據
學校屬性 : 公立
成立時間 : 1979
所屬鑑定/會員機構 : UCIEP, EnglishUSA / CEA
學生人數 : 200 - 250
每班平均人數 : 10 - 14
機場接機 : 無
學費 : 中價位
地區屬性 : 郊區
交通工具 : 巴士、火車 - 導師的話
- Welcome to the University of Delaware!
As Director of the English Language Institute (ELI), I invite you to learn more about our program through our profile on At the ELI, our mission is to meet or exceed our students' expectations for developing their language, academic, or professional skills. The ELI is known for its outstanding teaching and student services, as well as our unique private tutoring program. We serve our diverse clients by offering many specialized programs, including: English for Academic Purposes, Business English, PreMBA, PreLaw, Teacher Training, and special courses designed for groups with unique needs. Many ELI students take advantage of our conditional admissions program to continue their studies in University of Delaware degree programs. We are located in the safe and friendly town of Newark, a charmingly beautiful community just one hour from Philadelphia and two hours from New York City, Washington, D.C., the Atlantic Ocean beaches, and ski resorts. Please contact us with any of your questions. On behalf of everyone here at the ELI, we look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Scott Stevens
Director, English Language Institute - 聯絡資訊
University of Delaware (UD)
English Language Institute (ELI)
189 West Main Street
Newark, Delaware 19716-2588 U.S.A.TEL: +1 (302) 831-2674
FAX: +1 (302) 831-6765
- 學校詳情
- 住處
- 大部分的學生選擇住在校內的宿舍,學校也可安排寄宿家庭。對於學生來說,寄宿家庭對於體驗美國文化是很好的選擇。因為房間數量有限,宜儘早安排。可確認網站上”課程資訊網頁”,以確認學校是否有提供你所選擇的住宿安排。學校可介紹私人的校外公寓,但學生需自行安排。如需更多資訊,可到網站上的地址簿直接向學校聯繫。
- 環繞的區域
- 德拉瓦大學位於拉德瓦州的紐渥客市,是個安全又充滿友善的大學城,這裡的人口約有33,000名。距離紐約市和華盛頓D.C.(170公里)開車或搭火車只要2小時,而距離費城和巴爾第摩開車也只要1小時。不論是在夏季和冬季,大西洋海岸賓州的Pocono 山脈,均給予學生多樣性戶外活動的選擇。這個地區蘊含著豐富的美國歷史和文化,當地的許多參觀點讓觀光客能瞭解美國從殖民時期到現代的生活典型。
- 關於學院或大學
- 德拉瓦大學建立於1743年,是全美歷史最悠久的大學之一,是獲得州政府認證及支援的私營大學,學生人數約23,000人。大學提供148多個人文藝術和科學領域的學士學位,也有121個碩士學位的學科及55個博士學位的學科。在超過100個優秀的學科與課程裡,德拉瓦大學以工程、教育、科學、電腦科學、商業和海洋學習學科最強。德拉瓦大學所有學科皆獲地區或國家級的認證。
- 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
- 學術英語課程第六級可修拉德瓦大學的學分。達到四-六級程度的學生可以選修大學的學分課程。語言課程高階學生且符合一定學術要求者,可免托福申請條件式入學。(大學部課程以及部分研究所課程)
- 課程資訊
全天英語密集課程 (Full Intensive English Program)
- 課程内容
- 正規課程為期8週,每週上課時數30小時,課程內容包含課堂上課、家教和視聽教室教學。
課程分為6個等級:I (初級), II (中低級), III (中級), IV (中高級), V (高級 ), 和 VI (最高級)。學校期許學生能每學期進階一個等級,這些等級和課程是依據學生的考試結果來分班的。
I、 II或 III級程度的學生以培養基本的技巧為主,如:聽力、會話、發音、口語和寫作文法、字彙、閱讀和寫作。IV、V和 VI的學生可選修4種特殊英語課程,如:一般英語、學術英語、商業英語和美國文化英語。雖然4種課程的內容不同但語言學習的目的是固定的。學生可以選擇適合自己的學習方式。
學校也提供Institutional TOEFL和托福準備課程給想要繼續到大學部進修的學生。
每班平均學生人數為10-14人。 - 相關資訊
班級大小: 10 - 14 名學生 班級程度: 6 級 課程長度: 8,16,24,32,40 週 最低年齡限制: 17歲 入學限制: 無 簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20 住處: 校內宿舍或公寓
寄宿家庭 - 日期
7 週: 1/3 - 2/21 報名截止日: 12/45/1 - 6/20 報名截止日: 4/16/26 - 8/15 報名截止日: 5/2710/16 - 12/12 報名截止日: 9/168 週: 2/27 - 4/25 報名截止日: 1/288/20 - 10/17 報名截止日: 7/23 - 費用
- 申請費用
- N/A
- 學費 (2024 - 2025)
8 週 US$ 3,302 16 週 US$ 6,207 24 週 US$ 9,509 32 週 US$ 12,414 40 週 US$ 16,510 - 住宿安排費用
- US$ 250 (Homestay ONLY)
- 住宿費
住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿 8 週 US$ 1,560 - 2,088 US$ 2400 (Estimate) N/A 16 週 US$ 3,120 - 4,176 US$ 4800 (Estimate) N/A 24 週 US$ 4,680 - 6,264 US$ 7200 (Estimate) N/A 32 週 US$ 6,240 - 8,352 US$ 9600 (Estimate) N/A 40 週 US$ 7,800 - 10,440 US$ 12000 (Estimate) N/A - 機場接機
- US$ 50 - 90
- 學校指定保險費
- US$ 305 Per Session (8 Weeks)
- 學費定金
- US$ 300
- 快件
- US$ 35
- 備註
- 日期及費用僅供參考,將可能依情況變動。
Additional Tuition Information:
Intensive English Program (IEP FP 2 months) $3,302.00
Limited Intensive (IEP LP 2 months) $3,189.00
Semester Full Intensive (IEP 4 months FP) $6,207.00
Semester Limited Intensive (IEP 4 months LP) $5,983.00
Delaware Resident** (IEP LP 2 months) $1,006.00
Delaware Resident (with Tutoring)** (IEP FP 2 months) $1,364.00
Part Time IEP (1 course only for 2 months or 4 wks of FP/LP) $1,728.00
- 所在地
- 美國 德拉瓦州、紐哈克市 (Newark, Delaware)
University of Delaware (UD)
English Language Institute (ELI)
189 West Main Street Newark, Delaware 19716-2588 U.S.A. - 至學校的交通方式
- 費城國際機場(Philadelphia International Airport):
- 學生評價與回饋
學術品質: 4.6 學校環境: 4.5 教職員的協助: 4.4 課外與社交活動: 4.3 住宿品質: 4.1 4.4
- 現在有 45 個評價與回饋
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 台中, 台灣, 30歳, 女 ]
4人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。University of Delaware ELI課程優點:師資還不錯.教學方式很有經驗,免稅州生活費用可以降低一些,每一期會辦活動搭巴士去附近城市,不過是當天來回的,一期會有一個地點是免費的,其他需要20-40元美金不等,會到紐約,費城,華盛頓,平均車程最多2.5hrs以內的城市.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 广东, 中国, 17歳, 女 ]
9人中9人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。在University of Delaware, English Language Institute学习感受我在ELI(English Language Institute)上了五个多月的课,觉得还不错。老师和那里的职员都很热情,很耐心。天天和不同国家的、年龄也不同的学生一起上课,用英语交流。一天上两节课,每节课100分钟,每周有两天有一对一辅导。ELI一共分六个级别,相对来说普通班的课程会简单一些,也比较轻松。五级和六级分别有学术针对性比较强的课程(EAP),我现在在五级的EAP上课,虽然强度比普通课程要大很多,但是其实蛮有用的。如果要上University of Delaware,就一定要过了六级的EAP课程。
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 台北, 台灣, 20歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 高雄, 台灣, 28歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Taipei, Taiwan, 27歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Taipei, Taiwan, 30歳, 男 ]
1人中1人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。University of Delaware這邊的課程蠻適合想要體驗英文學習的同學們,課本不會是老師授課的絕對標準,他們會希望你透過生活和學習來了解英文,而且這裡距離大城市又近,所以課閒之餘,是很適合出外遊玩和學習的,因為要學好英文不是關在家猛背單子就可以的?!!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 桃園, 台灣 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 台北縣, 台灣, 29歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 台中市, 台灣, 32歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Taiwan, Taiwan, 25歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 高雄市, 台灣省, 30歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ hsinchu, taiwan ]
- 以下是其他語系學生的評價與回饋之翻譯版本
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ newark, America, 20歳, 女 ]
10人中9人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。좋은학교입니다.미국 처음 가기전에 많은 학교들을 비교비교 해서 고른 학교인데요, 갔을때, 중소도시라서 많고 높은 건물들이 많을 거라 생각했는데 건물은 높아봤자 3층이고 거의다 1층건물에다가, 신호등은 전깃줄에 대롱대롱 달려있고, 그래서 좀 신기하기도 했어요. 그런데 홈스테이를 가고 하는데 시골이라 그런지 너무너무 따뜻하게 대해주기도 하고 가족같은 느낌으로 살았습니다. 회화도 엄청 늘었죠. 하루 길면 6시간동안 1:1로 대화했으니 말이죠. 학교는 캠퍼스는 정말 넓어요. 그래서 셔틀버스를 타기도 하죠. 또 전 체육관도 가끔가서 한국에서는 쉽게 할수 없는 줌바나 안벽등반 등도 했답니다. 학교 동아리도 들어서 스윙댄스도 배웠고요. 학교수업은 선생님들에 따라서 질이 달라집니다. 그러나 대체적으로 좋은 선생님들이 많아 사람들도 만족이 높은 편입니다. 또 한국인들도 아주 없는건 아닌데,요즘은 환율이 높아 중국인 비중이 높아요. 처음엔 미국친구들하고 노는거 많이 힘드니까 그런 꿈은 좀깨시는 편이 ㅋ. 저는 랭귀지 파트너가 있어서 미국친구들을 사귀고 우연히 도서관에서 친구가 된 미국인도 있고, 교회에서 친구를 사귀어서 지금도 연락하고 이번8월달에는 그친구가 한국에 오기로 했답니다. 아무튼 한국인하고 안놀려고 노력하시고 자신이 어떻게 미국생활을 하느냐에 따라서 영어향상이 됩니다. 술먹고 파티 클럽 이런곳은 피해야겠죠? 저도 파티를 몇번 했지만 기말고사가 끝나고만 참여했고, 한국아이들과도 거의 끝자락에만 만났어요. 암튼 델라웨어는 공부하기에 정말 좋은 곳이예요. 뉴욕과 워싱턴도 가까워서 잘놀러가고, 플로리다와 보스톤 캐나다로 놀러가기도 쉽죠. 아무튼 좋은 정보가 되었길 바래요 ^^
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 서울, 한국, 28歳, 男 ]
4人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。체계적이고 성실한 강의2005년 2월 부터 12월까지 University of Delaware에서 어학연수를 하였습니다. 체계적이고 성실한 강의에 많은 도움이 되었습니다. 또한 tutor 시스템이 있어서 방과 후 일대일로 선생님들과 여러가지 주제를 놓고 이야기 할 수 있었습니다. 또한 단순한 grammar, listening, speaking 수업만 있는 것이 아니라 뮤지컬, 시사 등 다양한 주제를 가지고 자유롭게 수업할 수 있는 프로그램이 유익했습니다.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Alexander Pinilla Vargas
[ Bogotá, Colombia, 47歳, 男 ]
Gran experiencia de vidaMás allá del aprendizaje o perfeccionamiento del idioma, ELI me permitió trascender como ser humano viviendo una experiencia completa que incluyó el entendimiento de la cultura y su involucramiento dentro de la cotidianidad en Newark, además de interactuar con compañeros de múltiples nacionalidades que generan lazos y fraternidad más allá de la idiosincrasia propia de cada uno. Gracias ELI!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Bogota, Colombia, 35歳, 女 ]
10人中10人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。ExcelenteEs una de las mejores experiencias de vida que tienes,estar aqui cambia tu mundo, abres tu conocimiento y asi mismo la posibilidad de mejorar tu currículum profesional, tienes que estar aqui
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Estudiante Anterior
[ Santiago, Chile, 36歳, 男 ]
7人中7人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Excelente escuelaMi experiencia en general es excelente (todavía estoy estudiando). El nivel académico es muy exigente si tomas el programa intensivo. Puede asistir a todas las actividades de la Universidad ya que eres un alumno mas. La ciudad es el perfecto equilibrio entre tranquilidad por ser una ciudad pequeña y cercanía con las grandes ciudades (Washington, Philadelphia, Washington)
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Bogotá, Colombia, 33歳, 男 ]
5人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Muy buena experiencia. Programa integral.Es un programa muy completo, tuve asesoría permanente, los profesores son muy buenos. Ofrece múltiples espacios para practicar el idioma, compartir con estudiantes de EUA y otras partes del mundo. Las personas con las que tuve la oportunidad de vivir me trataron muy bien. Realmente, me sirvió para incrementar mi nivel de ingles y me abrió nuevas oportunidades laborales, pero sobre todo tener confianza y seguridad para comunicarme.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ Bangkok, Thailand, 43歳, 女 ]
1人中1人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Recommended for International StudentsThe university campus is comfortable and quiet with many nice people. Everyone is helpful. The living costs are affordable and there are many activities for students.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Jini Lee
[ Seoul, South Korea, 女 ]
3人中2人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。ELI Teachers are Most MemorableI wanted to study English there and participate in the exchange experience through the program.The lecture started early, so it was better to finish early. After the lecture, I could enjoy self-study and free time the rest of the time. Teachers have slightly different characteristics of their classes, but what is common is that they teach kindly while understanding them according to their students' level. Although the period of a month was short, the kindness and communication of the residents, friends, and teachers whom I met through ELI is the most memorable. Also, trip travel was a very useful time to understand the characteristics of the region. If possible, I recommend that you experience all the programs provided by ELI.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Youngin Kim
[ Seoul, South Korea, 女 ]
1人中0人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Better Prepared for my MBAI had considered studying for an MBA and my sister who is living in Delaware recommended UD to me. Besides, I had no time to prepare for the TOEFL test in advance because I was working at that time, and the CAP program in the ELI was suitable for me. What positive attributes are depend on the cases. I could learn not only English skills but also American culture. For example, the chances to learn how to have conversation with Americans, to ask specific questions that I wondered and what is common in the US. In reading and writing class, it was really useful to have a specific topic in each session. Students could read several articles deeply and learn how to write professionally. Most teachers were really nice and generous to the international students who might have some difficulties while living in foreign countries. The attitude of the teachers made me feel comfortable and friendly in the US. Teachers are most memorable to me. I think I was better prepared for my MBA. I may have a hard time in the MBA program without the ELI course. I could learn academic vocabulary and writing in the ELI. It must be really helpful. I really enjoyed most UD ELI programs and I appreciate it.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Qian Zhao
[ Beijing, China, 男 ]
1人中0人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Huge Progress in EnglishMy instructors are responsible and nice.They are good at organizing activities and having eye-contact with everyone. I love the atmosphere of US class. I'm better prepared for my current studies and career for sure.I feel I made huge progress in English listening and speaking when I was in the US,which helps me to better prepare for my current major-English to Chinese Interpretation. Everything is perfect. I hope the program lasts longer.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Milton Guevara
[ Panama City, Panama, 男 ]
1人中0人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。The dream I always wanted as a childI chose this program because I wanted to learn the English language and especially because of the quality of the classes that the teachers provide to the students.My impressions of the classroom environment were very positive because the level of demand is high and I learned the English language. the classes are very fun and interesting at the same time The most memorable experiences were when I shared with other students from different countries. also language classes with ELI teachers. My experience at ELI helps me strengthen my knowledge and now I feel more confident speaking English. The ELI for me was the dream I always wanted as a child. I would have liked to complete all the ELI levels, but the little I could live in Delaware I will never forget and finally I will say that I miss the main street and all I miss the University facilities, my teachers and would give everything to return to Delaware to study and develop a good level of English ... thanks. I miss my teacher's.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Chongqing, China, 18歳, 女 ]
4人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。About Classrooms and TutoringAt ELI, I have been able to manage my classes and also get tutoring from the staff. The tutoring is very helpful and goes well with my classes. I always feel busy and have been learning a lot at ELI.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Joana Aguiar
[ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 女 ]
1人中1人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Small classes super helpful!What I most like about living in America is living in a small city like Newark and about the classes is that we have small classes which are super helpful with the learning of English.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Andres Home
[ Bogota, Colombia, 男 ]
2人中2人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Thank you, Dr. Stevens!These 6 months for me were an amazing experience to learn about different cultures, make friends, see new and exciting places and also to learn English. Even though sometimes any experience in our life has good and bad moments, the important thing is what we learned from this opportunity that life gave to us. Thank you very much Dr. Stevens, because of this opportunity, I´m a new human being with new objectives, goals and a capacity to see the world as a mixture of different cultures, where the most important thing is listen and open the mind to every new thing that every person has to tell us. In this exercise you can find the most extraordinary wisdom. Any experience that I received from you was for me a blessing.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Abdullah Alahmad
[ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
1人中0人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。I Wish I Could Go BackSince I graduated from the ELI, there has not been a period where I didn’t wish I could go back to my ELI life. The joy I had with my international friends, my ELI teachers, and local Delawareans, everything was simple back then…I have faced so many international students who have been struggling at American universities due to the lack of English skills. So, whenever I get asked how my English is better than my fellow internationals, I always refer to the ELI.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Marcelo Netto
[ Bragança Paulista, Brazil, 47歳, 男 ]
4人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Well-prepared teachers!ELI is an efficient school, with well-prepared teachers and the most updated tools to learn English. I knew students that arrived there speaking nothing in English and after 8 months were fluent. Being inside the University of Delaware gives an authentic idea of an American University.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Taiwan, Taiwan, 20歳, 女 ]
55人中45人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Great School!ELI is a wonderful place! I love it and I will miss it!
Teachers are always so helpful and classmates are so friendly ! I had a great summer at ELI!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Hsinchu, Taiwan, 27歳, 女 ]
5人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。I love Delaware!I love Delaware!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ 서울, 대한민국, 21歳, 女 ]
6人中5人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。My Great Life in UDI didn't expect very much at first, but I met great friends, staff and teachers. I liked them very much and the curriculum was really nice. I had improved English a lot. I had the most fun at UD. I am Delaware man!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Chanwon, South Korea, 23歳, 男 ]
5人中3人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Evaluation of ELI ProgrammeThis is a student who finished ELI English program in 2008. First of all, it is very good to learn English because students can have lots of classmates from foreign countries. Even though it was a little hard to speak high-advanced English with classmates because they came to study English just like me, it gave me a great brave heart to speak English fluently.
Second, teachers and tutors are very kind. They were able to give me correct answers whenever I asked them about English and anything. Especially, I would like to thank Barbara Jillet, Janet Yorder, Grant Wolf and everybody who taught me in very well-organized classes.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Estudiante Anterior
[ Barinas, Venezuela, 21歳, 女 ]
Highly Recommended!ELI is a great language program! It combines great teaching techiques and a fun academic environment along with a great staff and high-tech classrooms. The levels and courses are designed to fulfill the different needs of the students and provide specific English vocabulary for different areas of interest (Business, academic and others). I totally recommend it!
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Ma Li
[ Shiyan, China, 33歳, 女 ]
6人中4人認爲“這個評價與回饋有幫助”。Great Bridge of EnglishI found it is really helpful to study at the University of Delaware during the first two months. What impressed me is the teaching methods here at ELI which helped me improve my reading skills and intonation. This was a great bridge for me to master English.
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Estudiante Anterior
[ Bogota, Colombia, 25歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Abha, Saudi Arabia, 25歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Estudiante Anterior
[ CALI, COLOMBIA, 43歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ Riyahd, Saudi Arabia, 20歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Goiania, Brazil, 38歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Taipei, Taiwan, 28歳, 女 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Seoul, Korea ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ Aldammam, Saudi Arabia, 21歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
[ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 21歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
Saad Alzamil
[ DE, Newark, 22歳, 男 ]
學術品質: 學校環境: 教職員的協助: 課外與社交活動: 住宿品質:
A Former Student
[ Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, 24歳, 女 ]
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