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Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

羅徹斯特理工學院 (RIT)

English Language Center (ELC) [Rochester, New York]


  • 排名前茅的理工學院,美國北部地區學術聲譽最佳的大學之一。
  • 風景秀麗的校園裡座落著美麗的學院建築,享受各項頂尖體育和娛樂設施。
  • 不管是到世界知名的紐約市及加拿大多倫多,或是目睹尼加拉瓜瀑布的驚人大自然之力,交通都非常方便。


  • 學校簡介
    • 關於ESL的課程
    • 資料數據
    • 學校屬性 : 私立
      成立時間 : 1979
      所屬鑑定/會員機構 : UCIEP, EnglishUSA / CEA
      學生人數 : 50 - 100
      每班平均人數 : 8 - 12
      機場接機 :
      學費 : 中等價位
      地區屬性 : 郊區
      交通工具 : 巴士
    • 導師的話
    • Greetings from Rochester, New York!
      We are pleased to have the opportunity to tell you about our program here at If you are looking for a wonderful American university experience, RIT''s English Language Center (ELC) is the place for you. Live on a safe, beautiful, modern campus recognized as one of the top universities. Learn from professors who have master''s degrees and study in-class for 20 hours per week with 5 hours of elective classes. Outside of the classroom, visit the majestic Niagara Falls, enjoy using RIT''s indoor ice skating rink, tennis courts, swimming pool and weight room.
      The ELC Team is looking forward to helping you have a wonderful experience in Rochester, New York. Please join us!
      Stan Van Horn, Director
      English Language Center (ELC)
      Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
    • 聯絡資訊
    • Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
      English Language Center

      28 Lomb Memorial Drive
      Rochester, New York  14623-5604  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (585) 475-6684
      FAX: +1 (585) 475-5330
  • 學校詳情
    • 住處
    • 環繞的區域
    • 關於學院或大學
    • 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
  • 課程資訊
    • 全日密集英語課程 (Full-Time Intensive English Program)

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 8 - 12 名
      班級程度: 6 級
      課程長度: 9,14 週
      最低年齡限制: 17嵗
      入學限制: 高中學歷
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓
    • 日期
    • 2024
      14 週:
      8/27 - 12/13

    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 150 (Non-Refundable)
      學費 (2024)
      4 週 US$ 2,184
      14 週 US$ 8,736
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      4 週 N/A US$ 1,804 N/A
      14 週 N/A US$ 7,500 N/A
      US$ 100 (Greater Rochester International Airport)
    • 備註
  • 所在地
    • 美國 紐約州 羅徹斯特市 (Rochester, New York)
    • 地址
      Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)
      English Language Center

      28 Lomb Memorial Drive Rochester, New York  14623-5604  U.S.A.
    • 至學校的交通方式
    • 羅徹斯特國際機場(Rochester International Airport):
  • 學生評價與回饋
    • 學術品質: 4.9
      學校環境: 4.1
      教職員的協助: 4.6
      課外與社交活動: 3.6
      住宿品質: 3.7


    • 現在有 7 個評價與回饋
    • 以下是其他語系學生的評價與回饋之翻譯版本

    • Sang Hyun
      [ Seoul, Korea, 男 ]
      Evaluation of ELC Programme
      This is a student who finished ELC English program. First of all, it is very good to learn English because students can have lots of classmates from foreign countries. Even though it was a little hard to speak high-advanced English with classmates because they came to study English just like me, it gave me a great brave heart to speak English fluently.

      Second, teachers and tutors are very kind. They were able to give me correct answers whenever I asked them about English and anything. Especially, I would like to thank everybody who taught me in very well-organized classes.

      [ Seoul, Korea, 女 ]
      Perfect Environment
      Perfect Environment
      RIT has a beautiful campus, and good environment. Here are a few of my observations about studying abroad at ELC.
      1. The teacher you have determines a lot of your experience and it's better not to change so often.
      2. I wanted to study the TOEFL test more.
      3. Studying at any school abroad is a big investment for your future.
      The school has many advantages.
      Teachers are very kind and teach the best they can.
      Most students get together like a family.
      Overall, it's a good university and English Language Center.

      Chia Ping
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 女 ]
      Nice Teachers
      Nice Teachers
      The teachers are nice and patient. When you have a question about life in the US or studying, they have advice and suggestions which are very useful.

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 女 ]
      My Great Life in RIT
      My Great Life in RIT
      I didn't expect very much at first, but I met great friends, staff and teachers. I liked them very much and the curriculum was really nice. I had improved English a lot. I had the most fun at ELC.

      [ Guatemala City, Guatemala, 女 ]
      Gracias ELC!
      Excelente es el Rochester Instititute of technology. Agradezco la acogida dada a los estudiantes de Guatemala. Sigan avanzando. Gracias.

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 男 ]
      Friendly Teachers and Students, Nice Campus
      ELC has friendly teachers and students, nice campus, Lots of opportunities if you are looking for them. It's ranked one the top schools in the country. And, be prepared for it to be a little cold here in the winter time. :)

      [ SHANGHAI, CHINA, 21歳, 女 ]
  • 影音/視頻



