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University of Pennsylvania (PENN)


English Language Programs (ELP) [Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]


  • 合格的學生可以選擇學校的學分課程
  • 體驗傳統美國長春藤大學的生活
  • 感受歷史氣氛濃郁的費城
  • 學校簡介
    • 關於ESL的課程
    • 資料數據
    • 學校屬性 : 私立
      成立時間 : 1963
      所屬鑑定/會員機構 : EnglishUSA / CEA
      學生人數 : 100 - 200
      每班平均人數 : 14
      機場接機 :
      學費 : 高價位
      地區屬性 : 城市
      交通工具 : 巴士,計程車,地鐵、火車
    • 導師的話
    • Greetings from Philadelphia!
      Welcome to the English Language Programs (ELP) at the University of Pennsylvania. As Director, I invite you to learn more about our programs through our profile on ApplyESL. The ELP offers programs and courses to meet a wide variety of needs and purposes: general English, business English, English for academic preparation, and English for the professions. Students learn from a distinguished faculty with many years of teaching experience in the USA and abroad. Instructors use teaching methods that encourage students to use English for real situations outside the classroom. ELP students enjoy access to the academic and recreational facilities of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the oldest and most distinguished universities in the USA. Organized social activities and field trips help students explore the many attractions around Philadelphia and nearby locations on the East Coast. Please contact us to learn more about our programs. We hope that you will join us on the beautiful Penn campus so we can help you become more effective in English, whatever your needs! We look forward to receiving your ApplyESL application soon!

      Jack Sullivan
      English Language Programs
      University of Pennsylvania
    • 聯絡資訊
    • English Language Programs (ELP)
      University of Pennsylvania

      110 Fisher Bennett Hall, 3340 Walnut Street
      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19104-6274  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (215) 898-8681
      FAX: +1 (215) 898-2684
  • 學校詳情
    • 住處
    • 環繞的區域
    • 關於學院或大學
    • 條件式入學 / 免托福升學 / 學分課程
  • 課程資訊
    • 密集英語課程 (Intensive Program)

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 8 - 17 名學生
      班級程度: 8 級
      課程長度: 7,14 週
      最低年齡限制: 17歲
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓 
    • 日期
    • 2024
      7 週:
      6/27 - 8/16
      報名截止日: 5/17
      8/29 - 10/18
      報名截止日: 7/19
      10/24 - 12/13
      報名截止日: 9/13

    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 90
      學費 (2024)
      7 週 US$ 4,768
      14 週 US$ 8,800
      21 週 US$ 13,200
      28 週 US$ 17,600
      US$ 285 (Homestay ONLY)
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      7 週 US$ 1,628 US$ 1,960 US$ 2,175
      14 週 US$ 3,146 US$ 3,325 US$ 4,205
      21 週 US$ 4,666 US$ 4,985 US$ 6,235
      28 週 US$ 6,185 US$ 6,650 US$ 8,265
      Arranged by Student
      US$ 612 (7w); US$ 1,224 (14w); US$ 1,836 (21w); US$ 2,448 (28w)
      US$ 254 (7w); US$ 508 (14w); US$ 762 (21w); US$ 1,016 (28w)
    • 備註
    • 大學銜接課程 (University Connection)

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 8 - 17名學生
      班級程度: 3 級
      課程長度: 7,14,21,28週
      最低年齡限制: 17歲
      入學限制: 中級到高級英語程度
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓 
    • 日期
    • 2024
      7 週:
      6/27 - 8/16
      報名截止日: 5/17
      8/29 - 10/18
      報名截止日: 7/19
      10/24 - 12/13
      報名截止日: 9/13

    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 90
      學費 (2024)
      7 週 US$ 4,540
      14 週 US$ 8,342
      21 週 US$ 12,513
      28 週 US$ 16,684
      US$ 285 (Homestay only)
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      7 週 US$ 1,628 US$ 1,960 US$ 2,175
      14 週 US$ 3,146 US$ 3,325 US$ 4,205
      21 週 US$ 4,666 US$ 4,985 US$ 6,235
      28 週 US$ 6,185 US$ 6,650 US$ 8,265
      Arranged by Student
      US$ 512 (7w); US$ 1,024 (14w); US$ 1,536 (21w); US$ 2,048 (28w)
      US$ 214 (7w); US$ 428 (14w); US$ 642 (21w); US$ 856 (28w)
    • 備註
    • 學術研究課程 (Institute for Academic and Professional Studies (IAPS))

    • 課程内容
    • 相關資訊
    • 班級大小: 8 - 17名學生
      班級程度: 3 級
      課程長度: 4 週
      最低年齡限制: 18歲
      入學限制: 中級到高級英語程度
      簽證資訊: 可以頒發I-20
      住處: 學校宿舍或校內公寓 
    • 日期
    • 2024
      4 週:
      7/1 - 7/26
      報名截止日: 5/26
      8/1 - 8/28
      報名截止日: 6/6

    • 費用
    • 申請費用
      US$ 90
      學費 (2024)
      4 週 US$ 2,652
      Included with Housing Fees
      住宿時間 住宿家庭 學校宿舍/ 校園內的公寓 校園外的住宿
      4 週 US$ 1,153 US$ 1,000-1,280 US$ 747-1,017
      Arranged by Student
      US$ 244
      US$ 109
    • 備註
  • 所在地
    • 美國 賓夕法尼亞州 費城 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
    • 地址
      English Language Programs (ELP)
      University of Pennsylvania

      110 Fisher Bennett Hall, 3340 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania  19104-6274  U.S.A.
    • 至學校的交通方式
    • 從費城國際機場 (Philadelphia International Airport) 出發:
  • 學生評價與回饋
    • 學術品質: 4.5
      學校環境: 4.7
      教職員的協助: 4.3
      課外與社交活動: 4.2
      住宿品質: 4.0


    • 現在有 71 個評價與回饋

    • 學生
      [ 台北, 台灣, 22歳, 女 ]

      [ 台北, 台灣, 24歳, 女 ]


      [ 高雄市, 臺灣, 22歳, 女 ]
      Core Course 702的教師真的幫助我很多.

      [ Taiwan, R.O.C ]
      IBCP of U Penn
      1. 短期且密集之商用英文聽說讀寫,適合工作中需強化英文能力之上班族充電
      2. 小班制教學,可與其他國家同學交流,有助於鍛鍊對各國人士講英語的理解力
      3. IBCP強調實務應用,對於已經有職場經驗者較為合適

      [ 台北, 台灣, 25歳, 女 ]


      [ 台中/台灣, 中華民國, 30歳, 男 ]
      費城是個不錯的都市,UPenn campus 也蠻適合學生專心地學習英文跟體會美國人的生活文化。Home stay 的方式,需要用欣賞跟體會的心情,才能更容易融入當地家庭的生活起居。雖然只有短期五個月的進修/旅遊,也的確留下相當可貴的回憶。預算的掌握,可能就會是比較要留心的問題,美國跟台灣的物價較不相同,這方面得花點心思規劃。ApplyESL 上尋找適合時間點的開課學校的確是很方便的服務。謝謝。

      [ 台北市, 台灣 ]

      [ 台灣, 台灣, 29歳, 女 ]

      [ california, USA ]

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 34歳, 女 ]

      [ 上海, 中国, 21歳, 男 ]

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 30歳, 女 ]

      [ 台北, 台灣, 28歳, 女 ]

      [ 台南市, 台灣, 24歳, 女 ]

      [ Taiwan, Taiwan ]


      [ 台北, 台灣 ]

      [ 台灣省, 中華民國, 19歳, 女 ]

      [ Taipei, Taiwan ]

      [ 台北, 台灣, 20歳, 女 ]

      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 35歳, 女 ]

    • 以下是其他語系學生的評價與回饋之翻譯版本

    • 익명
      [ 안산, 한국, 23歳, 女 ]
      필라델피아에 있어서 위치도 좋고 뉴욕이랑 가까운점이 무엇보다 가장 좋아요 적당히 도시고 대중교통도 잘되어있고, 다들 캘리포니아를 선호하던데 LA나 샌프란시스코 같은 겨우에는 너무 넓어서 불편하더라고요 물론 살기는 좋을수 있지만 저는 필라델피아가 더 좋아요 학교도 너무 잘돼있고 도서관이나 학교 다른 서비스들도 좋고 한국인이 너무 많지도 않고..선생님,학교 스태프들도 친절하시고 단점이 있다면 수업 질은 좋지만 그에 비해 가격은 더 비싼거?정도를 꼽을 수 있을것 같아요

      [ PHILA, USA, 22歳, 女 ]
      수업 방식이나 질 분위기는 정말 좋습니다.
      아이비리그에 속한 학교에서 하는 어학시스템이라서
      그런지 정말 정비적인 것이나 잘되어 있습니다.

      학교 주변에는PENN SECURITY들이 항시순찰을 하고 있기는 하지만 치안 문제상 너무 밤늦게 혼자 돌아다니지 않는 것이 좋습니다.

      선생님들은 전체적으로 열정적이고, 수업에 열정적으로 참여한다면 많은 성과를 얻을 거라 생각됩니다.

      단, 한국인이 생각보다 많았습니다. 하지만 요즘 미국엔 정말 시골에 가지 않는 이상 어디든지 한국인은 많기 때문에 본인의 노력여하에 따라 많이 달라질 거라고 생각됩니다.

      [ 부산, 한국, 24歳, 男 ]
      수업환경, 주거 및 생활 환경
      필라델피아 다운타운과 스컬킬리버를 사이에 두고 위치하고 있으며 지리적인 위치는 매우 유리한 편입니다. 워싱턴과 뉴욕이 버스로 3시간 내외의 위치에 있으며 학교 내의 셔틀버스, 지하철, 트롤리 등의 시설이 잘 되어있는 편입니다.
      학교의 수업환경도 아이비리그 답게 다인종, 다국적 학생들로 구성이 되어있으며 수요일, 토요일에 시행하는 교외 활동도 활발한 편입니다.

      [ Seoul, Republic of Korea, 28歳, 男 ]
      ELP at UPenn
      영어 연수 경험은 이번이 처음이었습니다. 그랬던만큼 신중을 기했고 여타 기관이나 유학원을 통한 것이 아닌 인터넷등에서 수집한 정보를 기반으로 골랐던 곳이 University of Pennsylvania 입니다.
      어학연수 프로그램의 다양성과 수준은 미국을 포함한 다른 어느곳보다 나았다고 봅니다. 물론 비싼 학비와 잘 알려진 아이비리그 학교를 끼고 있으니 가능하다고 봅니다. 방학등 브레이크 기간중 임시 교사들이 강의할 때 빼고 정규 교사분들은 모두 훌륭했습니다. 각 수업의 커리큘럼도 잘 짜여져 있었구요.
      아쉬운 점이라면 짧다면 짧고 길다면 긴 그기간동안 수업이외 기타활동이 정규과정에 비해 부족해서 아쉬웠지만, 자신이 부지런히 찾고 노력한다면 충분히 그 안에서 즐길수 있으리라 봅니다.

      Huh Seohyeon
      [ Seoul, Korea, 22歳, 女 ]
      ELP 진짜 추천해요 ;)
      필라델피아에서 머물렀던 짧은 시간동안
      ELP는 정말 최고의 프로그램이었습니다.
      우선 선생님 한분 한분 따뜻하고 친절하게 대해주셨고
      너무나 실력있으신 분들이고, 배운것도 많았어요.
      게다가 직접적으로 미국 생활에 있어 어려운 점들도 도와주셨고
      아플때나 혹은 제 관심사에 대해서도 더 많이 미국을 체험하게끔
      도와주셨습니다. 수업 이외에도 많은 부분을 도와주셔서 생활하기에
      너무나 편안했고 잊지 못할 것 같아요.

      [ Seoul, Korea, 29歳, 女 ]
      수업의 질
      명성높은 UPENN의 어학연수 프로그램.
      실력있는 교수진들.
      학교에서 제공되는 다양한 문화체험 기회.
      세계 여러 나라에서 온 어학연수생들과 유학생들.
      이 모든 것들 덕분에 영어회화능력을 물론, 대학원공부에 필요한 수준높은 언어능력을 기르는데 밑거름이 되었다. 우수한 성적으로 석사를 마치고 박사과정까지 UPENN에서의 어학연수를 결정하기 정말 잘했다고 생각한 순간이 많이 있었다. 그리고..당시에 만났던 여러나라의 친구들과 아직까지 연락하고 좋은관계를 유지하고있다는 점이 UPENN을 잊지못하게 만드는 이유 중에 하나이다.

      [ 서울, 대한민국, 27歳, 男 ]
      학교의 수업의 질
      유펜의 학교의 시설과 물론 수업의 질이 매우 좋습니다. 선생님들마다 조금씩 차이는 있지만 모든 선생님들이 열정이 있으 십니다. 다른 학교에 비해서 아이비리그 ELP라서 자부심도 있구요. 그리고 오는 학생들도 어느정도 수준이 있고 열심히 하는 학생입니다. 수업도 쉽지만은 않지만 열심히 하는 사람은 따라가게 되고 나중에 미국서 공부하게 되면 정말 도움이 됩니다. 특히 롸이팅은 어느 학교 보다도 낫습니다. 정말 좋습니다. 그리고 매년 두번있는 학교 학생들과 communication partner 시스템은 학교 학생도 사귈수 있고 학교에 따라 더알수 있어서 매우 좋습니다. 제가 1년 동안 이학교를 다니면서 저의 영어 실력이 매우 발전한것 같습니다. 그리고 환경도 매우 좋습니다. 간혹 필라델피아라서 흑인에 대해 위험성을 느끼지만 생각보다 괜찮습니다. 특히 UNIVERSITY CITY는 경찰들이 항시 대기하기 때문에 걱정안하셔도 됩니다. 그리고 숙소도 나쁘지는 않습니다. 주저리주저리 많은 얘기를 했네요...
      하지만 이것만은, 동부의 어학코스를 가서 공부좀 해보겠다고 하면 유펜으로 가세요..하지만 유의사항은 방학때는 좀 조심하라는 거예요. 한국 타이완 일본애들이 좀 많다는 거예요..그때만 빼면 정말 좋아요..주위에 모든 사람들이 만족했습니다. 그러나 숙제를 열심히 해야 합니다. 알겠습니까.........이상..서울에 사는 한학생이..ㅋ

      [ 서울, 한국, 30歳, 女 ]
      랭귀지 스쿨 평가
      입학전 실시한 사전 테스트를 통해 본인의 영어수준을 갈음할 수 있고 이에 따라 수강과목들이 정해져 대학수업 듣듯이 랭귀지 수업 시간표를 스스로 짤 수 있음. 클래식한 문법과 에세이 수업부터 활동적인 연극수업까지 일상 표현부터 학교진학을 위한 고급과정까지 다양하게 개설 되어있어 좋았음.
      비교적 학교 직원들도 친절하고 워낙 외국학생을 많이 봐서 그런지 영어가 서툴러도 짜증내지 않고 정말 소통이 안되면 직원중에 한국인을 불러 통역해주기도 했었음.
      아이비리그의 학교 답게 공부하는 분위기를 만끽할 수 있으며 건물사이의 조그마한 숲과 공원이 휴식과 위안을 받을 수 있음.
      학교를 벗어나서는 안전을 보장할 수 없고 전철역에서도 쉽게 강도를 만날 수 있는 우범지역이지만 캠퍼스 내에서는 정말 안전한 편임. 부대시설도 잘되어 있음. 바로옆에 미국 1-2위 급의 병원과 MBA로 유명한 와튼스쿨이 있어서 그들의 분위기를 경험할 수 있는 장점도 있음. 부대시설도 잘 되어 있어서 특히 랭귀지 수업이 주로 이루어지는 건물에는 도서실과 조그만 카페테리아도 있고.. 시설도 수준급이었음.
      요즘은 환율이 무지 비싸서.. 어떨지 모르겠지만 주머니 사정이 넉넉하지 않은 유학경험상 건물밖에 중식을 비롯한 싸고 다양한 먹거리를 파는 푸드트럭을 이용하는 재미도 쏠쏠함.

      [ 静岡県, 日本, 47歳, 女 ]
      授業外の必須のアクティビティーも、Steve Forbesの講演(タイミングがよく)、ワシントンへの1 day Trip、学外の人との交流のディナー、Wharton Schoolの先生のゲストスピーチ、メジャーリーグ観戦・・・等々どれも通常では体験できない貴重な機会となりました。
      滞在施設はELPで契約しているSheratonでしたが、値段が安いため、House Keeping等が一切なく、オプションでもつけられないということで、備品、洗濯等ちょっと不便でした。ただ、Sheratonは大学に通うのに立地条件はとてもよく、社会人向けのコースのためか、同じコースのメンバーが他に2人同じフロアに滞在していたので、よかったのかなと思います。

      [ 東京都, 日本, 19歳, 女 ]
      私は3013/8/28~10/18までUniversity of PennsylvaniaのEnglish Language Program(ELP)に参加してきました。クラスは1~8まであり、初日のレベル分けテストで決定されます。私はlevel 5に入りました。先生はとても熱心に授業をしてくださり、英語を楽しく学ばせてくれました。こんなに英語を楽しく、真剣に学べたのは私の人生の中で初めてかも知れません。ELPのスタッフの人もとても優しく、困った事があればすぐに助けてくれました。また、Activityが多く企画されているので、勉強の息抜きに最適でした。学校の環境は「最高」としか言えません。UPennのキャンパスにある施設は全て利用可能です。私は毎日UPennの学生でいっぱいの図書館で勉強していました!周りが真剣に勉強しているので私も集中して勉強することができました。また、Down townやNY, DC,NJにも近いため週末に多くの場所に出かけました。私はこのプログラムに出会えてとても良かったと思っています。

      [ 東京都, 日本, 27歳, 女 ]
      私はIntensive Program、Business Intensive Program,International Business Communication Programを受講しました。
      Intensive Programはテスト結果に基づき8つのレベルに分かれて受講します。Level7まではCoreのclassが週5コマありますが、その他2Classは豊富なプログラムの中から各人が自由に選択して週4コマずつ受講することになります。選択科目が豊富なため、自分の興味に合わせて勉強ができるのが魅力的であり、クラスメイトもクラスによって異なるため多くの人に出会えるのが魅力です。

      [ 千葉県, 日本, 女 ]

      [ 神奈川, 日本, 29歳, 女 ]

      [ 福岡県, 日本, 28歳, 男 ]

      [ 大阪府, 日本, 30歳, 男 ]

      [ 静岡県, 日本, 22歳, 男 ]

      Manuel Jose
      [ Santiago, Chile, 24歳, 男 ]
      University of Pennsylania - ELP
      Una experiencia recomendable. En terminos academicos, las clases no son de gran complejidad, lo que podria mejorar para un mejor aprendizaje del alumno. La explicacion de cada electivo no es muy detallada en un principio (debiesen poner una descripcion mayor de cada electivo). La gente es muy amable, te hacen sentir como en casa, con personas de todas partes del mundo que comparten su experiencia de vida.
      En terminos del alojamiento, debiesen tener una descripcion mayor de los lugares y tener toda la oferta de lugares para alojar.
      En general una gran experiencia, donde siempre pueden haber cosas mejores, pero que se la recomiendo a todos.

      M Cecilia Zanolli
      [ Santiago, Chile, 23歳, 女 ]
      Mas allá de sólo estudiar
      Estudiar en el extrnjero es increible. Mas allá de los conocimientos y de lo académico, que es del mejor nivel, la experiencia completa es una de las mejores que he vivido. La infraestructura y la tecnología de la Universidad es buenisima; los profesores están capacitados para enseñar y lo mejor de todo es el haber podido compartir y conocer personas, hoy mis amigos, de distintos paises y culturas.
      Recomendable 100%!

      Mario Diaz
      [ Cali, Colombia, 30歳, 男 ]
      Una gran experiencia!
      Una de las mejores universidades de los Estados Unidos y uno de los mejores programas de Inglés. Las instalaciones son modernas y cómodas, muy bien equipadas. El profesorado de excelente calidad, profesionales y amigables. El ambiente de estudio es exigente pero muy agradable y con muchas actividades extracurriculares. Recomendada 100%

      Diego Alfaro Bermúdez
      [ Bogotá, Colombia, 46歳, 男 ]
      Excelente, Me Parecio Muy Buena Mi Estadia en la U, aunque solo hice los niveles 7 y 8
      En mi concepto es buena, la calidad de los profesores es extraordinaria, relativamente es cerca de la ciudad y me quedaba cerca de donde vivia, aprox. 45 minutos. Me hospede en casa de un hermano.

      [ BOGOTA, COLOMBIA, 42歳, 男 ]

      Joao Victor
      [ Florianopolis, Brazil, 18歳, 男 ]
      Excellent Option
      The PENN ELP is an awesome place to learn English. The staff and teachers are really receptive. The environment is also great. The students are from a great variety of places. At ELP you don´t learn just English. You learn about global culture, you make new friends, and discover more about Philly.

      [ Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 女 ]
      A Place I Called Home
      The English Language Program in Philadelphia was a place I called home. It was a place where I met and created friendships with many students from all parts of the world: Saudi Arabia, China, Kuwait, Siberia, Turkey, and many more. Despite all our differences in color, language, and background, one thing gathered us all; the excitement for the new experience we all knew will be unforgettable, and the willingness to learn from everyone and everything around us. Throughout the program, and with all the help and support I was getting from all the instructors and students, my excitement to learn and explore grew bigger. The English language program has given me this chance through its many trips, activities, and diverse classes. I found myself part of a dynamic community that gathered tons of students who shared my interests and guided me step by step to build my mind, my personality, and myself.
      What made the program more special was the city it was in the heart of. Philadelphia was a unique and a welcoming place for an international student like myself. I loved the place so much to the point where I walked all its streets. I loved how every block represented a part of Philadelphia’s personality and was different from the next one. When gathered all together, they created a story that forever will be told. From that time, I believed that Philadelphia is a place where a foreign student can call home.

      [ Ankara, Turkey, 男 ]
      You can tailor your program by yourself
      Before attending a language school in the USA, I had many questions on my mind because I am not that kind of person who is easily persuaded. Some of my questions are like the following: Does an English language program in the US help me to improve my language skills? Can I survive the place I am going to live? Can I make friends there? What kind of unique opportunities can I have there? And so on. My answer is pretty simple: Yes, English Language Program (ELP) at University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) is the right place for me. So, why?
      As an international student, my primary purpose is to improve my English language skills in all dimensions. As an Ivy League program, ELP has provided it more than I imagined before. There are many classes, ranging from beginner to advanced levels, for someone who has the different area of interests. It is the best side of ELP that you can tailor your program by yourself. While some of my engineer friends were taking English for Engineering classes, I preferred to take some business English classes. Therefore, all of us were happy to involve what classes we wanted. My transformation was phenomenal. Before ELP, I was a man who was afraid of saying “Hello” to people; after it, I can speak confidently, sociably, and strongly thanks to ELP’s unique curriculum, helpful lecturers, who are specialists in their field, and gentle encouragement.

      [ Paris, France, 女 ]
      Beyond all my expectations
      I was eighteen years old when I first arrived in Philadelphia. My experience in the ELP was beyond all my expectations: the program gave me the opportunity to meet people from around the world and to learn about their cultures, history, and traditions. My participation in the program exposed me to new adventures and helped me discover that I can always find at least one thing in common with every person I get to meet. This skill would not have been developed without encountering people from all nationalities and learning to open my mind and experience the diversity which encompasses this world.

      [ Tokyo, Japan, 男 ]
      Classmates came from all around the world
      Every class was pretty exciting and interesting. I learned a lot of things, not only English skills. In each class, we were required to participate in many difficult discussions. For example, one of the classes was a business case study. We thought up some new business or products and researched the market thoroughly, making a questionnaire and actually asking people in the college or the city. On the basis of the research, we made a presentation and discussed the feasibility. My classmates came from all around the world and the diversity made variety of opinions or ideas. These cultural differences gave me a lot of learning.

      Pierre-Adrien V.
      [ Paris, France, 男 ]
      Not Scared of English Anymore
      I attended ELP because I needed to improve my English for college. I especially needed to practice my reading and listening. I was looking for English language classes in the US, and ELP fit exactly with my needs. Furthermore, I found out that ELP helps students to apply to American universities. Now I am not scared of books in English and movies in English. Moreover I learned how to communicate with people from other cultures. At ELP I got used to talking with people from everywhere, so now when I meet a tourist in France I go to talk to him/her, in order to keep practicing my English, and because I am used to it and I love it.

      Mario D.
      [ Bogota, Colombia, 男 ]
      What I Liked About ELP!
      Everybody at ELP is always kind and willing to help you, not only with the language, but also with the city, academics and culture issues. Instructors are so professional and I could feel the passion they have for teaching. Campus is also one of the most interesting aspects, including the old and historical buildings, modern facilities for the community, not just for students -- this last part was one of the best things I took from Penn.

      Patcharanon (Gib) B.
      [ Bangkok, Thailand, 女 ]
      Small Class Sizes
      I have learned a lot of things I cannot learn in my home country. It was a great opportunity to meet friends from every corner of the world and learn about their cultures. I liked the small class-sizes where I could communicate with teachers easily. I liked when teachers asked students one by one to participate in class activities. I also liked taking ELP trips to many places, such as, a Phillies game and shopping centers.

      Renata C.
      [ Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 女 ]
      Helped Me Achieve My Goals
      I chose to come to the ELP to have the opportunity to study with people from around the world. I thought it would be great to increase my network and also to be close to all the resources available at Penn, like the library. I feel like I'm actually studying at UPenn. I feel like a student here. I can study with people from other cultures and languages. The ELP has helped me achieve my goals because I need international experience and English language proficiency for my career. I feel like the ELP helps me every single day.

      Hamdan A.
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 男 ]
      No Better Place to Learn English
      There is no better place to learn English language than ELP, whether you want to learn English for academic purposes or for daily life. I encourage all students who want to improve their language to come to ELP. I liked the ELP faculty members. Also, I liked the workshops that are designed to pave the way for student who are planning to apply to graduate or undergraduate studies.

      [ Taoyuan, Taiwan, 20歳, 女 ]
      About My Days at U. Penn (ELP)
      I had a very nice experience. You can meet people from many countries at the school and make lots of friends there. Philadelphia is a great city. I enjoyed living at the International House. Most of the friends I made lived there. I heard the ELP House at the Sheraton is also a good housing option. I really loved studying at U. Penn (ELP)!

      [ Seoul, Korea, 25歳, 男 ]
      Improved my English Skills
      I feel that I improved my English skills, especially in writing and the instructor told me that, too.
      Improving English is not easy, but one day you will find out that you are better than before.

      [ Seoul, South Korea, 27歳, 男 ]
      Ideal for students to study English
      The University of Pennsylvania English Language Courses are good for accumulating communication skills and experiences to keep in touch with other countries' people. If someone want to make a good experience in life, I'm sure it's a good deal. Just do it and let your life be more adventurous.

      Tian He
      [ Beijing, P.R. China, 21歳, 男 ]
      Very Satisfied with the teaching services

      [ Seoul, Korea, 25歳, 女 ]
      University of Pennsylvania
      It was a good experience in University of Pennsylvania, one of the Ivy League schools. It is located downtown so it gave me lots of opportunities to enjoy Philadelphia's culture. Also all teachers were a graduates of the University of Pennsylvania. They had a lot of experience about teaching. Especially, University of Pennsylvania's class is more focused on academic style. It could be good for students who are preparing for college in USA.

      [ Changhua, Taiwan, 20歳, 男 ]
      Don't Forget The First Week Orientation
      Although the course is seven weeks long, the first week is basically includes introductions and a campus orientation. The orientation allows students to get used to the school and discover all there is to do at ELP. Excellent school and highly recommended!

      [ 台南市, 中華民國台灣, 20歳, 男 ]
      I recommend this school to those who want to attend an English learning program in the USA. It is a nice place to learn and practice English. Most things are good. The worst for me is there were too many Chinese (Taiwan and China) students. It made me want to speak Chinese. But the benefit was it was easy to communicate with others. Overall, UPenn is a good school and Philly is a good city, too.

      Una Huang
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 28歳, 女 ]
      U Penn
      Great school, great teachers! Best ESL I've ever had!

      [ 서울, 한국, 27歳, 男 ]

      Kim Yuna
      [ Seoul, South Korea, 22歳, 女 ]

      [ beijing, china ]

      [ seoul, korea, 21歳, 女 ]

      [ SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, 26歳, 女 ]

      [ 서울, 한국 ]

      [ 서울, 대한민국 ]

      [ 東京都, 日本, 19歳, 男 ]

      Estudiante Anterior
      [ Tegucigalpa, Honduras ]

      [ Valencia, Venezuela ]

      A Former Student
      [ Ankara, Turkey ]
  • 影音/視頻



