스스로의 힘으로 준비하는 어학연수! 학교 검색・신청 사이트

University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder)

콜로라도 볼더 대학

International English Center (IEC) [Boulder, Colorado]

추천 포인트

  • 최첨단 교수 실습과 체험 학습을 통합 한 고품질 영어 교육
  • ESL 아카데믹 브릿지 프로그램 : University of Colorado Boulder의 조건부 입학 학생
  • 편안한 기후 : 사계절마다 특별한 활동이있는 일 년에 300 일의 햇빛. 로키 산맥 기슭의 아름답고 안전한 자연 환경
  • 기본정보
    • ESL프로그램에 대하여
    • 주요정보
    • 학교의 종류 : 공립
      설립년도 : 1975
      회원/인가(소속)기관 : UCIEP, EnglishUSA / CEA
      정원(재학생수) : 100 - 150
      수업당 평균 학생수 : 13
      공항마중 : 제공하지 않음
      학비 : 보통 편임
      위치 : 외곽 도시
      교통편 : 버스
    • 학교로부터의 메시지
    • Welcome to the University of Colorado Boulder! The International English Center (IEC) provides high-quality English language instruction for international students preparing for academic study in the U.S., and professionals seeking to enhance their career opportunities. We are recognized as one of the best English language university programs with proven results. We offer a variety of programs that can help you achieve your academic or professional goals.

      In addition to English instruction, the IEC offers extracurricular activities and events that allow students to explore U.S. culture in a friendly and safe learning environment. Our students regularly engage with members of the University of Colorado Boulder, a top-ranking school both in the U.S. and globally.

      We take pride in helping our students reach their potential. We look forward to meeting you!

      Ruth Moore, Director
      International English Center (IEC)
    • 연락처
    • University of Colorado Boulder
      International English Center
      Division of Continuing Education

      1030 13th Street
      Boulder, Colorado  80309-0063  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (303) 492-5547
      FAX: +1 (303) 492-5515
  • 세부정보
    • 숙박
    • 주변환경
    • 전문대학 또는 대학에 대하여
    • 조건부입학제도/TOEFL점수가 필요없는 진학 및 학점인정과목
  • 프로그램 내용
    • 집중 영어 연수 프로그램 (Intensive English, Pathway to CU, Legal English Program)

    • 프로그램 설명
    • 프로그램 정보
    • 수업규모: 12 - 15 명
      수업수준: 8 단계
      수업기간: 4,8,16,24,32,40 주
      최소한 나이: 18 세
      자격 조건: 없음
      비자정보: I-20 발급
      숙박: 기숙사 또는 교내 아파트
      교외 기숙사
    • 일정
    • 2024
      8 주간:
      10/17 - 12/19

      8 주간:
      1/8 - 3/53/6 - 5/8

    • 비용
    • 지원서 비용
      US$ 125
      학비 (2024 - 2025)
      4 주간 US$ 2,024
      8 주간 US$ 3,780
      16 주간 US$ 7,560
      24 주간 US$ 11,340
      32 주간 US$ 15,120
      40 주간 US$ 18,900
      US$ 300 (On-Campus Apartments)
      기간 홈스테이 기숙사 / 교내 아파트 교외 기숙사
      4 주간 N/A US$ 1,850 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      8 주간 N/A US$ 3,700 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      16 주간 N/A US$ 7,400 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      24 주간 N/A US$ 11,100 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      32 주간 N/A US$ 14,800 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      40 주간 N/A US$ 18,500 US$ 1500-2100 Per Month
      Student Arranged - Contact School for Options
    • 참고
  • 위치
    • 미국 콜로라도주 볼더시(Boulder, Colorado)
    • 주소
      University of Colorado Boulder
      International English Center
      Division of Continuing Education

      1030 13th Street Boulder, Colorado  80309-0063  U.S.A.
    • 찾아가는 방법
    • Denver 국제공항:
      공항에서 학교까지의 교통편은 학생이 책임져야 합니다. 택시를 이용하면 공항에서 학교까지 약 1시간이 소요되며, 비용은 대략 US$100 있니다. 또한 정해진 시간표에 따라 운행되는 버스를 이용할 수 있습니다.
  • 학교평가
    • 수업의 질: 4.6
      학교 환경, 분위기: 4.4
      학교 스태프의 친절함: 4.5
      야외활동: 4.3
      숙박시설: 4.2


    • 19 건의 학교평가가 있습니다.
    • 아래는 다른 언어의 학교평가 입니다.

    • 學生
      [ Taipei, Taiwan, 19살, 여성 ]

      [ 神奈川県, 日本, 39살, 남성 ]
      9명중8분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.

      [ 静岡県, 日本, 33살, 남성 ]
      8명중7분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.

      [ Mexico City, Mexico, 21살, 남성 ]
      Muy buena disfrute y aprendí mucho los maestros son muy amigables el sistema de trabajo es bueno

      [ Kuwait City, Kuwait, 18살, 남성 ]
      5명중5분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      Caring Teachers Made Me Happy
      What really amazed me about the IEC is how willing the teachers are to help. They would do whatever it takes just so that you can understand a certain topic. I think the reason why I like that is because I am from a country where teachers don't really care much about the students. So having caring teachers made me happy. Studying at the IEC didn't feel like studying at all! It was just fun. With all the activities that helped me a lot with my learning experience, and all the trips we would do. Basically, the IEC gave the opportunity to live a real learning experience, which is something that would have been impossible if I just stayed in Kuwait, so..thank you :).

      Lei Yixiao
      [ Shanghai, China, 여성 ]
      2명중2분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      I spent one year at this school before I went to college. In the academic aspect, it taught me useful skills that I can use in college. I have a deeper understanding of English and America. I improved my pronunciation and grammar dramatically here. I like the diversity environment most; staff was willing to help me whenever I had any problems. It is a diverse and inclusive place which means there are so many international students.

      Kwevitoukoui Hounkpati
      [ Togo, West Africa, 남성 ]
      Responsibility to learn
      I really appreciate the IEC and the...attendance policy. This makes students take the responsibility to learn. The teachers and students are very friendly regardless of culture differences. The IEC is a good place for international students to improve their English proficiency.

      Hai Dao
      [ Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 남성 ]
      1명중1분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      I attended a 4-week intensive English course at the IEC. All my classes have been outstanding, and were very helpful for me in terms of academic preparation. In addition, the IEC provided me with excellent opportunities to learn American culture through class activities, as well as to make friends with international students from many countries around the world. There is a lot of information and knowledge with regards to this course, but the instructors did an excellent job of pinpointing my weak areas and encouraging me to overcome them. Boulder and the CU campus were a great place to live. I really enjoyed my hike to Audubon peak and my camping trip in West Magnolia.

      May Alhazzani
      [ Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 남성 ]
      1명중1분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      Very Comfortable Here
      Since I am a graduate student, I am seeking to strengthen my academic language in order to succeed in graduate school afterwards. I found the IEC is the place to accomplish my goal. The IEC is a great place and I am glad I chose this center from among many other options.The International English Center is an excellent environment to have a great experience and develop strong academic language skills. I am very comfortable here with all these great people; students, teachers and staff. The teachers are highly qualified. I have made a lot of friends here from all over the world and that has helped me to practice my English most of the time. Life here in Boulder is very nice. The public transportation system, beautiful nature, a wide variety of activities and very nice people are all factors that make me love living here in Boulder.

      Asuka Ito
      [ Tokyo, Japan ]
      1명중1분이 이 평가가 도움이 되었다고 투표 하였습니다.
      Be Relaxed and Improve your English!
      Something that you have never experienced before happens every day. Surrounded by nature in pure air, you will discover new things here. You can participate in exciting events. For example, you can hike up to the Rocky Mountain, go skiing in winter, and go camping in summer. I would recommend this school if you love to be relaxed and improve your English.

      [ Santiago, Chile ]

      Ana Maria Buitrago
      [ Bogota, Colombia, 17살, 여성 ]

      [ Nagano, Japan ]

      [ Albaha, Saudi, 33살, 여성 ]

      [ Vitoria Espírito Santo, Brasil, 47살, 여성 ]

      [ Vitoria, Brazil, 47살, 남성 ]

      [ Luanda, Angola, 19살, 여성 ]

      [ saihat, Saudi Arabia ]

      A Former Student
      [ Beijing, China ]
  • 동영상

이 학교를 검색한 사람들이 검색한 학교들

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