구비 서류
(지원서를 직접 여기에 첨부 하거나 학교로 직접 보낼 수 있습니다.)
여권 복사본
Enclose a photocopy of your (and your dependent) passport identification page
고등학교/대학교 졸업장
Enclose a photocopy of your original high school diploma or college transcript with a certified English translation
은행 거래 내역서
Attach a bank letter or bank statement that shows you, or your family, has sufficient funds. Document should be in English, or include a certified English translation. Should include full name of account holder, be dated within the last 6 months, be on official bank letterhead or provide a statement that includes bank logo/stamp/address.
재정 지원 보증서
If someone other than the student will pay for the course, please download and complete the Sponsor Commitment Form which can be found by clicking the link and following the instructions. http://z.umn.edu/fundingproof
장학금 레터
If the student's home country government or employer will pay, please upload a copy of the scholarship letter.
ApplyESL은 사용자의 편의를 위해 부분적으로 이용되는 Google 기계 번역의 오류나 품질한에서는 어떠한 책임도 없습니다.