
Lewis & Clark


Academic English Studies (AES) [Portland, Oregon]


  • 授業への参加、カンバセーションパートナー、チューター制度、授業外の課外活動を通して現地学生との交流を深められる!
  • 内容重視のコースを通してアカデミック、英語力、そしてクリティカルシンキングを高められる
  • オレゴン州の美しい自然を満喫できる登山、ラフティング、スキー、シーカヤックといったアウトドアプログラムへの参加


  • 基本情報
    • 大学付属英語コースについて
    • 学校データ
    • 運営 : 私立
      設立 : 1972
      加盟教育団体/認定団体 : UCIEP, EnglishUSA
      学生数 : 30 - 50
      1クラスの平均人数 : 8 - 14
      空港出迎えサービス : 有り
      学費レベル : 普通
      立地環境 : 郊外
      主な公共交通機関 : バス、シャトル
    • 学校からのメッセージ
    • Welcome to Academic English Studies in beautiful Portland, Oregon. AES just might be the most challenging English learning experience that you will ever love! We take our responsibility very seriously to prepare you for future studies and careers which require you to be proficient in English. We also, of course, believe that your experience outside of the class is just as important as what you learn in the class. That is why we encourage students to join campus activities, clubs, and seminars. We also provide opportunities to work with Lewis & Clark students in your classrooms, match you with tutors and conversation partners, and connect you with Portlanders through our Community Friends Program. Our student workers plan lunchtime conversation hours and other activities, so you get to know Lewis & Clark students and create long-lasting friendships.

      AES students have full access to all campus facilities and services, including the 24-hour library, the sports facilities, cafeterias, and on-campus living if you choose. Our free shuttle takes you downtown in 20 minutes, where you can connect to public transportation anywhere in the Portland metro area. Join us at AES, for what many of our students say is the best intensive English program they have been a part of. We look forward to meeting you here in Portland!
      Laura Shier
      Director, Academic English Studies
    • お問合せ先
    • Lewis & Clark
      Academic English Studies, MSC 125

      615 S. Palatine Hill Road
      Portland, Oregon  97219-7899  U.S.A.
      TEL: +1 (503) 768-7310 (PST)
      FAX: N/A
  • 学校詳細
    • 滞在施設
    • 学校周辺の環境
    • 大学について
    • 条件付入学/TOEFLなしの進学/単位取得について
  • 提供コース
  • ロケーション
    • アメリカ合衆国 オレゴン州ポートランド (Portland, Oregon)
    • 所在地
      Lewis & Clark
      Academic English Studies, MSC 125

      615 S. Palatine Hill Road Portland, Oregon  97219-7899  U.S.A.
    • 学校への行き方
    • ポートランド国際空港からの場合:
  • 卒業生レビュー
    • 授業・教師陣の質: 4.8
      学校環境: 5.0
      教師陣・学校スタッフのサポート: 4.8
      授業外の特別活動(週末等): 3.8
      滞在施設: 4.8


    • 5 件のレビューがあります

    • tanana
      [ 北海道, 日本, 20才, 女性 ]
      Lewis & Clark
      このレビューは参考になりましたか? はい いいえ

    • 以下は他の言語によるレビューです

    • 學生
      [ 台北, 台灣 ]

      Milim Jeong
      [ Busan, USA, 23才, 女性 ]
      Highly Recommend
      Portland itself is very beautiful and the people are friendly to foreigners. There was no stress at all when it came to life in Portland even though it took some time to adjust to a new place. The classes are small enough so that we have plenty of chances to participate in class. The teachers are eager to get students involved in class and they are very nice. In particular, the AES office is there for you when you need help with anything. The school bulidings are clean and modern. and the surroundings are beautiful. I had hoped that the school might offer some more outdoor activities, but the school did arrange a series of activities for international students, although the participation rate was quite low since there were some students who already lived in Portland or in the USA before. However, overall, I loved it and I would highly recommend other students to study English at Lewis & Clark College.

      Gina Hsu
      [ Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 22才, 女性 ]
      It’s good to study here!
      I really like to study at Lewis & Clark College; it’s really a good school to learn English. In the beginning, I decided to study here for one semester, but at the end of the semester, I changed my mind to stay here for one more semester. The professors here help us a lot. They help us to solve every problem we have. They want us to learn more and learn something useful. Although the tuition is a little bit expensive, it is worth it. Besides, people here are really kind and friendly. They greet you even though they don’t know who you are. In addition, we have lots of outdoor activities. It’s good to study here.
      L&C is located in a mountain. It is 30 minutes from downtown. However, we have a shuttle bus to go downtown every day, and it’s free. Also, we have Max and street cars downtown. Anyway, it’s really convenient to study here!

      [ Kimhae, South Korea, 22才, 男性 ]



