Study Abroad Platform for International Students

5 Steps to Study Abroad Success

Step 1 Research

Types of Housing

Dormitory / Residence Hall

Dormitories are large housing facilities that are owned by schools and are specifically for student use. Most ESL schools located on university campuses as well as some of the larger private institutions make this type of housing available to students.
Dormitories, also called "dorms", are a popular housing option because they are comparatively inexpensive and are located very near the school, if not directly on campus. Students living in dormitories can either have a private room (called a "single") or a room shared with other students ("double" for two people, "triple" for three).
Usually there are common facilities such as laundry machines, television lounges, and internet accessible computers located in dormitories that can be used by all students who reside there. There are also dormitories that have cafeterias where students can eat together. Other dormitories provide kitchen areas that students can use to cook and prepare meals.
Some schools have more than one dormitory available where each one has slightly different characteristics. For this reason it would be better to inquire about the specifics of each available dormitory before making the decision of in which one to live.

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